It's not about belief in a 100% chance of pregnancy, it's about risk. Would you feel safe drinking a cup of water contaminated with ebola just because infection isn't guaranteed?
The only problem with this comparison is how it doesn't accurately reflect the horror of pregnancy.
That's part of the point, in a game there is actually zero risk unless the dev plans there to be pregnancy, so why undercut player agency to at least pretend and have the illusion of their choice mattering?
Not to start an argument, so feel free to not click this,
but the "horrors," of pregnancy are not a thing. Swollen ankles, mild back pain, and a few weeks of morning sickness (on average as some women never have it) aren't any worse than getting the flu a couple of times in a row. Anti-natalism makes women think getting pregnant will destroy their life, but for all of human history is was seen a good thing. A few weeks of pretty bad, and a few months of mild discomfort, were worth the joy of having a baby. So while I don't want to get bogged down in a IRL discussion, because in a game none of those horrors would be a thing anyway, the same way in 99% of games no one poops. After all one persons horror like scat could be someone else's kink,
Well, that's easier to answer. Implementing a pregnancy system in a game, or a route in a vm is a huge amount of extra work, you gotta have artwork of the girl pregnant, artwork of sex with the girl pregnant,artwork of the child, and so on.
It's non-trivial to add, which is why nobody adds it unless they planned for it from day 1.
But in the example you gave it's possible the creator plans to add it, but it's an incomplete early version game and since it's not in yet he doesn't give you the option to go that route yet.
Adding impregnation is a big deal, it's more work than just about any other fetish in a lot of cases. In some cases (like say 3d games, or 2d games that use sprites like say monster black market) it can be a bit easier, if still non-trivial (mind you monster black market's gameplay is about the impregnation in the first place).
It is a good question, there aren't many games with impregnation, at least talking about AVN. Maybe is because dealing with it's effects is difficult. What are you gonna do with an optional kid growing in a story about mafia? Something like that would change the story a lot so... In any case, more to playerbase for us.
I agree!
I don't think it's because devs don't like it as a possibility, but I think it's because it kind of becomes a sandbox kind of game at that point, unless it's something specific lay scripted into the game at some point.
It could wreck the story, double the art, complicate scenes that it shouldn't exist at, and then ultimately it has to end somewhere somehow.
I know in the games I've played with pregnancy the birth is generally an all inclusive nursery where the babies are taken away, if such a thing exists.
I think the reality is pregnancy is probably the end of your female character. Once they have the baby that life of adventure would probably end and the father would have to pony up or deadbeat it.
The amount of mechanics for it to be done right is very tough. Half assing it is even tough. Handling it with real or cartoon senses is complex. Not only art wise but code wise and story wise.
I'd love to see it more but I think the reality is it's not something your average dev wants to mess with due to the impossibly deep and complicated nature of the whole thing and the tremendous work to get it even kind of right.
Unless, again, it's just part of the story and forced at a very specific time that can't be avoided, then it shouldn't be as a big deal because it's a set scene and all other scenes after it aren't dynamic. You just got to do the art to fit the scenes you made.
It still seems something is still being lost or missed. The point isn't not implementing full pregnancy, that I 100% understand. It's when devs undercut impregnation while still allowing it be possible to creampie and such. Especially in small scale games. Games where the whole story only last like a few months there is no reason to undercut impregnation or "avoid it" since it wouldn't even come up, a girl could feasible be pregnant for two months before even knowing she is pregnant if she isn't paying attention. A bit rare but it takes a month before she might even miss a period, and again that assumes she even gets knocked up at all, which isn't guaranteed. My issue isn't with devs not implementing pregnancy, but in them undercutting even the possibility of me having a head cannon that it could possible one day happen...
Still, interesting points of view on the topic of full pregnancy. I do wonder what all of your points of view are on dialogue and forced stuff that undercuts (in my mind anyway) player agency and is really unnecessary in the first place. Forced pullout, forced condoms, and talk about pills and such.
Because they are not into it? They don't want to deal with the implications of pregnancy and how it would affect the game progression if one of the girls gets pregnant. It's more time-efficient to assume the girls took the pills. The ramifications of a pregnancy can be severe if the MC intends to take care of the child. Only devs intending to go deeper into this kink are willing to do this.
Imagine having this talk with EVERY girl you come across into, I'm not even sure how much you guys get into that discussion in real life (don't ask me. I'm gay). And I'm not even getting into the subject of a female MC and pregnancy, which should be a game changer.
However, I'm planning to add a male pregnancy route in my next game. Advantages of using Sims 4 as base.
I'd agree that devs and players could just assume the girls are on the pill, but I have seen games where devs have this type of dialogue after nearly every sex scene, sometimes even with the same girl more than once,
If I had my way all possibilities of pregnancy would be removed and not even mentioned in games. I get that people have kinks, but I have five damn grandkids. I win. Go away.
Interestingly enough, you seem to be in agreement with me. It would be better if devs don't plan to have pregnancy then removing the talk about it would be a good. No need to undercut the creampies with talk of not having it and have it be assumed that there won't be any unless stated otherwise. Seems like it would be the better way to do it, no?