VN - Ren'Py - Whoremonger NTE [Act 3 - Part 1 - Beta] [Turning Tricks]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the variations in the models and the renders are overall good. The story is pretty standard, but it gets the job done.

    My main issue is how the sex scenes are handled. The animations are pretty bad, tho they to get better. The real issue is that the scenes always end so abruptly. After you cum, it usually just skips to the next day, with little dialogue among the characters.

    I was also disappointed with the length of Acts 2 and 3 (I know Act 3 is only in part 1). There was a lot of setup in Act 1, but little "rewards" in 2 and 3.

    I would still recommend it even with my complaints, and I'm looking forward to future updates.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is well made and it has a believable story, so I give credit to the Dev for that. There are even some touching moments when the Daughter enters the story later on. The emailed letter was very nice touch.

    However, the first act is way too long and could probably be cut in half. There is no need to go to Jo's Cafe so many times. The story would be much better paced and would keep the readers attention better, if all these redundant scenes were removed.

    Also, the strip club scene and Jo's cafe are devoid of customers. This kills immersion and made me feel like I was in a Twilight Zone episode where we were the only survivors in a deserted City. Adding a few generic people in these scenes would have helped the mood greatly.

    The main characters look like real people, not Barbie Doll bimbos, and I have no problem with that. For the most part they are attractive enough. The renders and animations are also not earth shattering, but good enough. The real appeal of this game is the writing. This is where the game sinks or swims.

    Fortunately Act II and III are much shorter and for that, much better. The lewd scenes are also more frequent and quite perverted.

    A good game, if you can get past the tedious first act and don't mind characters that do not resemble 80s Porn Stars, or high priced hookers .
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Niels Holgersson

    Well, we waited long for the update, but it was well worth it. What I miss is info as to whether or not you have knocked the girls up, like pregnant or not pregnant. Great story, keep it up.
    I wonder when will see the MC's ex and her lover, and that bent cop too.
    The daughter will soon make her appearance, maybe she has the evidence to put all 3 behind bars. Looks like we are going to see a lot of steamy situations in future updates, just keep them cumming.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    There are some five-star reviews here, and and there are some 1-star reviews here and I don't think either are accurate.

    The good, lots of love interests, lots of content that is optional and avoidable to allow players to curate the experience to fit their interests, so you can pick and choose who the MC fucks.

    The bad, while you can choose who the MC is interested in or at least have sex with, he will still make comments that make you want to hurl. He is a Gary Stu master of all trades, so girls just throw themselves at him. The teenage girl subplots are gross when the MC is 50, personal preference, and while I try to avoid them, the MC will still say and do things that I heavily dislike. The plot also is "ex wife is bitch, me big strong man, i show woman my big cock, ooga booga", and there are tons of other games on here that do that.

    I like the effort the author put in, I like that he actually does give you choices in a visual novel, a lot of times you will get 3 choices and they all lead to the same spot in some of these games. I don't like how the MC acts even if you try to steer him away from certain paths. All in all, it's an a-okay game, you will get your rocks off if you want. I don't think it's nearly as good as the reviews say though.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I played through once all the way to the end and I did enjoy the game, I do find certain elements such as how everyone interacts with you to be one dimensional however, they all essentially like you and act towards you in a positive way.

    You're a middle aged ex-convict, with thinning grey hair on top, that's reasonably buff for a 50 year old, you aren't James Bond or Rico Suave.

    As of right now there isn't any incentive or opportunity to manipulate a situation as everything falls neatly into your lap. It would be nice if there was some nuance in their characters which would encourage you to act in certain ways.

    I would like for there to be distinct elements of sneakiness. Mothers seem oddly positive and agreeable to the idea of you boning their daughters, I want to use them or avoid them to get to the daughters. I'd also like for there to be some potential seen or unseen risks or costs towards pursuing certain women.

    There's enough variety of women to appease most players. You have a gilf, college aged girls, a selection of milfs, trashy strippers, high school aged girls. They're all have their certain charms but none of their characters is at all strongly defined.

    I like the premise, I like the story, I like the design of the characters, etc. It's a good game with bags of potential, but as of right now it feels just like playing an elongated demo which is an accurate conclusion to make.

    If built upon significantly it could be a genuine 4 star game and not a game holding the provisional 4 star rating that I'm giving on the caveat of it's potential, here's hoping that the needed development comes to fruition.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    version: Act 2.01 Beta

    well im gonna rate it as a porn game. there were some interesting and unique premises with loli tag, i liked it, the eroticism was done alright, there are many scenes repeating with increasingly more sexual tension and progression, it's a VN tho so you don't have to click anything. im gonna be honest i was just trying to check the game out so it was one of the few instances when i didn't read story at all, i was just skipping to sex scenes so it won't waste my time if it's bad, but it was good, i read the parts around sex scenes and it was fine and erotic imo. i guess in the future there will be some mother+daughter action. (you are not related to them... so far)

    i will give this a preemptive 5/5 even though there are no real sex scenes with majority of characters but many scenes which are just teases are very hot and fappable imo.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    On of the best modern (3D) Ren´Py VN that exist!
    A good and multifaceted main character
    A lot of different Girls and Woman of all ages
    All with a nice storysline
    A lot of "Slap Stick szenes" which let me laugh out very loud

    This game can only have one Rating! Excelent! 10/10
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review of Act 2.01 beta)

    This is a game being developed concurrently with A Dark Horse Riding and they both share some characters as well as visual style. Just like ADHR it's strongly story driven, with limited sexual content (for now) though it does have its share of spicy situations and LIs are varied, from lolis to older, 60-something ladies. This would usually be a 3* because of the lack of sex, so-so animations and too much repetition of the daily routine (coffee shop...), but I'm adding a star for a believable story centered around down-to-Earth, everyday characters that never gets boring. And maybe because April reminds me so much my favourite girl in The Unit :D (y)
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Jaga Telesin

    Rating the game a 2.9 at this point.

    I decided to download and play Act 2.01 Beta, despite knowing the developer is splitting their time between two games (and so much slower updates happen). And basically encountered what I thought I would:

    ++ Enjoyable story - really made the MC a believable character who is likable
    + Decent renders visually, though re-use makes them stale over time (see below)
    + Some fun love interests (although some others are actually ugly)
    + Decent scenes, some of which are animated well (though short)
    + Good controls over LI names and ages, along with customizable nicknames

    -- The MC's daughter is a primary love interest in the game, and we haven't even met her through the end of 2.01 Beta
    --- The story is GLACIALLY slow with love interest progression. Don't expect much.
    -- Heavy (and I mean HEAVY) re-use of renders at certain locations, like the coffee shop, or a neighbor's apartment. It is done cleverly, but really wears thin after the 50th time displaying the same render.
    ---- Despite being ~8-9 hours long, the game has virtually no sex (penetration) scenes. I counted 2 with one LI (who is rather fat), and 1 with another LI. There is a decent BJ scene other than those three, but that's all the game has after 2 acts outside of rather boring handjobs sprinkled in with a couple of LIs.
    ---- As mentioned up top, development time is split between this and another AVN the dev works on, so future releases will be few and far between. Knowing the rate at which the game is progressing with the LIs through 2 Acts, that means it won't be finished for MANY years to come.
    --- I VERY much disliked that one of the female tenants in the apartment building took sexual advantage of the homeless girl the MC took off the streets through kind acts, BEFORE the MC had any chance with her. She was one of the LIs I had hoped to see a scene with, and felt deprived (and a bit betrayed by the dev) when I saw her getting together with a female tenant. I don't mind girl-on-girl, but the MC should have had FIRST dibs on her. Very poor choice there in my opinion.

    Overall, what was there felt good, if just far too slow to progress with the LIs. It was unsatisfying from the perspective of how few scenes we had with the LIs, and right now is more of a dating sim and hangout sim.

    If you're supporting this on one of the dev's subscription platforms, you can expect to be waiting years for it to culminate and be released, so be wary and don't expect it finished soon. I look forward to where it is going, but for now keeping eyes on it seems like a waste of time, and I'll simply bookmark and check back in a few years (my original plan).
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    [Act 2 review]

    Render Quality: good/ok
    Animation/Slideshow: average/ok
    Story: interesting so far. Some good plots and not all cliche
    Choices: mostly where it matters. Very few times the MC acted in a way I would have choose differently
    Music: it was fine
    Progression of H-content: a bit inconsistent, but overall good.


    I had a great time playing the game.
    There are a few points where I think it should/could improve, but I decided not to detract any star since the feeling I had when the update ended was definitely that I wanted more. I enjoy the time I spent

    Animations could be improved. It is not terrible/bad, but also not a point that would get people's attention. The rest of the experience makes this less of a problem.

    Render quality is good, but what kept me interested was how unique the characters looked. They don't exactly the most beautiful of them. Like, sometimes if feels like they have a little curve a bit off here, a slighty unproportioned face there... but not in away that make them uncanny, more like making them a bit more realistic. Just the right amount I'd say.

    Story or the overall plot is interesting and for a player that looks for immersion, it does deliver enough to keep me engaged. The prison/cheating setup is good, can't wait to see the daughter in the next act. The way the routine and the setup for the manager role (as in gameplay loop) was done felt decent enough. The daily chat added makes you understand a bit more of the routine, even if once or twice it got a bit boring (like didn't add much context).

    The characters have their traits and personalities, but overall they don't feel unique enough regarding personality, specially. I don't mean this like it is horrible, but more like that I can't differentiate much between them, their reactions to innuendos, their hobbies, etc... Like, there's a structure for that there...

    As the game progresses, I'd like to see a bit more of action. So far it was not lacking, but if the pace continues like this for too long, it may.

    All in all, even if I see some flaws that need to be improved to make the game skyrocket, my experience playing it makes me rate this 5 of 5 stars.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    well. i just felt obliged to rate this game because i enjoyed every minute of it. it is one of those games, that you actually read through and not just click through to see lewd content.
    i liked the story, loved all the models and their characters and wish to praise the dev for referring to one of my favorite games - lite of my life.
    wish all the best to the dev and hope to see this project through to the happy end (dude, don't you dare to abandone it :lol:)
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Lan Lan

    One of the slowest burns on this site, but interesting nonetheless. There is a realistic story to this game that keeps things moving. Although, with all the women at MC's disposal, you'd think he'd get laid more frequently. After all some of the women are pretty slutty.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this game because it had so many high ratings and I'm utterly baffled. It seemed like it was going to be rough but at least decent at the start of the game but everything after was just bland.

    It's basically exactly like a sandbox where you watch the exact same scenes over and over with slightly different dialogue, except it's a visual novel. The dev re-uses the same renders over, and over, and over. It feels like the entirety of Act 1 was made with 100 renders or less with how rare new renders are. MC goes to Coffee shop in the morning, has lunch, goes to sleep, and repeat. That's about as exciting as your average day is.

    I played through all of Act 1 expecting the plot to actually go somewhere and it just doesn't. It's a bland repeat of the same day with barely any variance from the next day.

    I feel deceived after downloading a game with nearly 5-stars and actually playing it. It's just nowhere near as good as all these reviews say. Not even close.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Gren Frog

    intriguing graphics, i like the way of coruption, maybe it's a little too fast, just a little ;-)
    Maybe U could take care about clothes, most of them are the same
    throughout the game (people not wear the same clothes everyday ;-) )
    great game
    I'm looking for new updates
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    So will give the game a 4/5.

    It is good, the story is nice but simple, the girls are great looking not because they are insanely hot but that they look like real people and that is something new.

    The problem to me is that this game has routs? no idea which one tho and would like to have a clear vision for this.

    Also was not a big fan how repetitive it got. Like doing the same thing every day. Going to the cafe, having dinner, getting a handjob and droping the girl of to school. Like it felt painfull after a while because nothing was changing or not enough to keep it intresting to me.

    Also a big lack of sex.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, not as much whore mongering as you'd think there'd be based on the title and cover. The main theme is incest, corruption, and mother daugher stuff. Very excited to see where this goes in the future.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, I'll admit it: the preview pics and title didn't grab me, and I downloaded and started this game just because I was between games and trying out some random options.
    And I'm very glad I did. It's true that the renders aren't the most sophisticated or realistic. But the characters are great: they come across as real people that the dev cares about, and you will too. And that means that the lewd bits are even more effective, because these are folks you want to get closer to.
    There's some truly funny writing as well, and some hilarious references to the F95 community. I honestly had *fun* playing this one.
    I can't wait for more, and I'm headed right now to check out the dev's other game. I am tossing them some money as well - it is work worth supporting.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Game with one of the best writing on F95. I would compare it with Acting Lessons quality wise. I absolutely love that characters are not bimbo attractive, but still attractive humans.

    I eagerly await the second chapter.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Woooaahhoooooo I love this game. (y)
    A very promising game from my point of view. Please DEV don't kick it to the curb one day, as has unfortunately happened with many good games. Keep up the GOOD work.
    Renders 5/5
    Writing (grammar, etc.) 5/5
    Story 4/5 ( 4/5 but only because a lot of characters came into play right at the start and that's not really clear for me yet).

    For the future I hope that there will only be a subtle sandboxing (I personally hate it when sandboxing degenerates into grinding).

    I have a wish/suggestion for the duo Marcela (sorry I can't remember the original name as I've renamed most of the characters) /Agnes.
    I could imagine Macela, who is dissatisfied with her marriage, as a willing slutty 3-hole GILF for MC. And Agnes as a submissive maid for MC.

    I could also imagine a submissive BDSM path for the tenant (artist) who is in arrears with her rent.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh damn - this is a freaking amazing game! The concept is straight forward, the pacing is fairly fast, the art is good (not like S-tier good but good)... But the characters.. This is one of those games where you get totally immersed in the unique characters. I don't know that it has replay value, you'll play the branch that feels right to you, but that one play through? You won't notice time passing. And you'll really feel attached to all these fun little kinky characters.

    It is more on the edge-side of games, not for everyone's tastes, which is fine. But for those its meant for, it is brilliant, and I can't wait for more!!