You DID quote me, showing just how much of a reading problem you have! I said the MAIN reason, that means that there ARE other reasons too. I ALSO said " This last part is just my personal opinion but most players these days seem to want more loot for less effort and having better AI would go against that kind of thinking."
You implied I said ONLY leaving no room for other reasons. Then told me to give a link to back up me saying ONLY when I did not say that at all and the meanings are COMPLETELY different.
i.e. making stuff up.
I didn't see that since I was replying to what you responded to my first reply in this thread.
But if that's the case, why do you say the main reason is processing power? The developers, as you are saying here, purposely make the ai simple, which means the processing power won't even be a factor to begin with because the AI is, well, too simple. The AI isn't even a significant factor to begin with, but regardless you're contradicting yourself.
Are you just... arguing to argue here?
You don't think that using CODE relates to a portion of the discussion you opened by saying humans design and program npc's?
People also need their hearts to beat to pump their blood so they can stay alive and keep programming the game, yet that's not relevant either. Code is the tools used to build the NPC, and the point of what I was saying wasn't about the tools that are used. What the point is, is that no matter what tools you might have, you're still going to need figure out how to design what you're building. It can also be very time consuming to make, hence the mention of 'program'.
Something OBVIOUS to someone NOT applying common sense, logic or ANY knowledge of the topic will NOT be obvious to those who are applying common sense, logic and knowledge of the topic.
Let me get this straight. Something like:
" The actual toll on procressing power is how many tasks are being preformed of what intensity and how frequently, not inherently lines of code. "
is not: common sense, login, or [of] ANY knowledge of the topic".
It sounds like you just have no knowledge of the topic.
So to summarize, you mention the first and second game from my example, ignore the third, add a game of your own and your conclusion is ai is no better?
No, to summarize, you're cherry picking. You used exactly one game series that is not only one of the oldest game series out there, but one that spans over 36 years. There's very, very few games and game series that are similar in that regard.
What you're saying here is that better CPU (almost) directly correlates to better NPCs.
The game I showed you is also a long-running game series but the AI has seen practically zero changes, even though CPUs have advanced and the requirements for them have gone up over the games.
Wanna know another long-running game series?
Super Mario Bros, specifically the 2D platformer entries. The AI has seen basically no changes since it's first entry in 1985 up to 2023. That's a span of 38 years, 3 more than Wolfenstein (or at least the games you brought up).
There's more that I can bring up, but are there more game series like Wolfenstein YOU can bring up?
Ok that was my bad, my wording was abit off there. I gave 3 games as examples, and applied what you linked to those 3, then I was asking if you could apply what was said in what you linked from the last game to the first.
So basically even though "their behaviors are predetermined." can the last games AI code be added to and used by the first games AI and then run on a pc from that time.
Well, no, duh. They're different games with different game engines and different gameplay mechanics and even different amounts of dimensions. The reason it wouldn't run is that the NPCs were designed for things completely alien to the others. To actually make it not throw an error on startup, the code would have to be changed so drastically that it's effectively no longer the same thing.
Ok you seriously have to stop with the exaggerations. "show me a singular NPC that hogs up all the CPU" we not talking about a singular NPC, we're talking about npc's, unless you are now claiming that the majority of game only have a singular npc in them.
The point of the discussion is NPC intelligence, not if a bunch of NPCs cause lag. Having a large number of NPCs introduces other factors that can stress the CPU, such as poor optimization stacking up or the physics engine having to accomodate more objects.
Is "stockfish" representative of the majority of games out there? tailoring your reply to dodge the point is signs of a weak stance.
Stockfish is the best example you could be using here. It's in a game where there are effectively no other factors like a physics engine, and it's also very powerful. Yet, even a mobile device can run it, so it's pushing any limits here. And if it was pushing the limits of mobile CPUs, there'd be versions for computers with more processing power to work with.
Making stuff up again....
You were the one to introduce "infinite CPU"
I meant to type "begin with saying".
Again you said ONLY in your reply.... ONLY does NOT mean main, it does NOT mean significant, does NOT mean one of....
The definition / meaning of words is important and the fact that you CHANGE THE WORDS i use to fit your narrative is just plain dishonest.
I have from my first reply said the cpu limitations are the MAIN reason, NOT THE ONLY REASON which is what you keep claiming.....
Again, only considered the replies you replied to me with.
Your opinion vs fact, which has been a running theme though out our discussion.
According to what you consider fact, a article from a couple centuries ago talking about Miasma theory is "fact" just because it's an article? You're ignoring the article's lack of credibility due to it's age. Germ theory was discovered and disproved Miasma theory, and in modern times we have NPCs that are smart but don't require entirely seperate CPUs to perform calculations.
I would say "For the last time, read the fucking articles you link", but it won't be the 'last time' since I'll have to say it again when you fail again to read it.
You NOT understanding data does not automatically invalidate the data.
Ok, explain how in that article data isn't outdated. Start with that.
Stating something to dodge a / the point and to trying to use it justify the fact that you have NO corroborating material to back up your claims... well when you've dug your hole so deep and are grasping at straws I guess some people would sink to that level...
Based on how little you read and how blindly you trust articles, I could write up one about why "Design is the most limiting factor in NPC intelligence" and you'd believe it even if it had zero words in it. Even if it was written in 1940.
No it doesn't
Never said it did
"I will point out what the discussion's topic is about as many times as I need to."
That is not me saying you said something.
Translation: "nuh uh"
Again the meaning / definition of words is important to convey their meaning...
A human DOES NOT use a cpu to design and program an NPC period!
A human DOES use a program / application / software etc.
You could even say a human uses a computer to design and program a NPC but they do NOT use a CPU to design or program.
They use the computer which uses the CPU. What is so hard for you to understand about that?
Of course you don't drink the gas of a car to make it run, but if there's no fuel it can't even run at all.
Back to the topic at hand, anyone who wants to know the facts can fact check both of us as ALL the information is FREELY available online.
What's more, anyone reading this has likely played enough video games to know that modern game doesn't equal smart NPCs.