What DND races do you want to see as love interests in an AVN?


Active Member
Jan 19, 2023
another thought, if you were to choose a githzerai instead, you could have a banned-in-all-of-limbo kamasutra/lewd fanfiction version of the unbroken circle of zerthimon
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Ehlan, because a telepathic/psionic girl who can read your dirty mind is hot.

Also redheads.
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Jun 18, 2022
I'm not sure if anyone remembers this thread but I just wanna do a quick little update. Below are the LI's you'll expect to see in my dnd inspired dark sci-fi fantasy avn. The percentages below is more or less an indicator of how finished I am with their overall appearance and design.
  • Half-Orc (80%)
  • Elven Drow (90%)
  • Cheetah Tabaxi (70%)
  • Mountain Dwarf (80%)
  • Yuan-ti Halfblood (80%)
  • Githzerai (30%)
  • Variant Tiefling (5%)
  • *Unknown*

However, I'm still missing an 8th LI but currently I'm considering the following races:
  • Goblin
  • Fairy
  • Vedalken
  • Triton
  • Wechselkind
  • Reborn
  • Disembodied
  • Simic Hybrid

Let me know which ya'll think would be interesting to add as an LI.

Besides that, as much as I would love to add a Thri-kreen or Plasmoid, Honey Select 1 unfortunately does not have any mod support that includes that unique body type. However, I could always add them as one off encounters. Plus, I wanna be lore accurate as possible with their look (with some liberties to suit the story) and not reach for any half measures or compromises to their design.

Lastly, I also wanna mention that currently I'm only doing character designs and asset finding for Honey Select as well as writing/conceptualizing the story. I'll be moving on to learning Renpy (which may take a couple of weeks or a month given my inexperience to that engine) then coding as well as scene building.

So if ever, I don't wanna make promises but it will be long awhile since I have anything solid to show for. Plus, IRL i'm also looking for a job which is currently my main priority.

Anyway, once the characters are done, I'll preview it here or a new thread. Thanks for the suggestion so far random citizens.
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