VN - Others - Completed - Walkure Romanze ~Shoujo Kishi Monogatari~ [v1.1] [Ricotta]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    (Walkure Romanze shares more than just a few similarities with Aokana, and this is a pretty good recommendation, if you are a fan of the latter.)

    Walkure Romanze is a VN where the main appeal, can come from different sources: The "medieval aesthetics", or finding jousting interesting; A sweet and (extra) romanticized depiction of young love; Overcoming trials and hardships through talent, but also emphasizing hard work, firm convictions (meaning some inspirational value); Or just a plethora of details that tend to break conventions, and show a different mindset; Even the 18+ is not too shabby. If the expression above average, ever made sense when qualifying a VN that still follows a traditional structure and tropes, then this is it.

    - Jousting and tournaments - You don't need to know anything about jousting, to find the prospect of a setting revolving around it, attractive. There's tactics, "power levels", drama, love, counters, double counters, reading your opponent, cute girls in plate armor, mid joust dialogue (somehow), moves that defy physics, a scoring system, and lots more. It's very entertaining, in a "Japanese embellishment fashion".
    - Good mix of romance and drama - In the sense of providing enough of both, while also delivering enough quality, and the necessary feelings. Protagonist and heroines, have more than enough time together, and even if you fail to empathise with whatever emotional conflict is ailing them, the jousting sections cover for the shortcomings. Better than usual, is the takeaway.
    - Heroines - In a stunning turn of events they manage to impress: The main heroine has really short hair (how often does that happen?), and works like a sort of "female Ulrich von Liechtenstein"; The blonde was miscast, and should be in a Nukige with less "tame" tags; The loli is an unlikable brat, with no redeeming quality other than her looks; And then there's the cutiepie Noel, who strikes a good balance of shy and teasing, and has an adorable little sister. "Sub" heroines are a win too.

    - This VN is several amends away from top tier, but you should consider that even mentioning a traditional VN, in the same sentence as top tier, already speaks volumes of how impressive this is. With that out of the way: Many girls don't get a route; Lots of repetition across routes; 1 of the routes is inferior (outright bad) to the others; Setting looks, but doesn't feel European at all; Characters keep guessing correctly, each other's intentions, removing possible detail, and reader subjectiveness; Everyone is a talent, or a genius or a prodigy, which makes no one feel special; and more nitpicking, that's stopping this from getting a higher score.

    Score: Walkure Romanze is an 8/10 and a great VN. Drama, action, romance, 18+, traditional elements, but also a desire to go beyond, all come together to provide a superior experience, and a very welcome surprise. Highly recommended, if you have the 30 hours to spare. If you are a fan of Aokana, make this a priority on your list.

    (H-scenes are standard if we exclude the odd tag, but there's a good number of them, and the first one in each route, focus on "passionate deep kissing". They are not half bad, but lack any originality, and there's no intent to present diversity, in this department.)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Walkure Romanze was released in 2011.
    The English translation is released today, so my dear Walkure fans the answer is still the same... Ricotta is still sleeping underground.
    By the way this VN is good stuff really.
    For harem lovers who like a good story and sexy girls this is the game for you.