Mod Unity Ren'Py WaifuHub [Seasons 1, 2, 5, 6, 7] ErgoMod & Unofficial Ren'py Ports [ErgoVis]

The amount of text (dialogue & narration) in the original game is:

  • fine. Keep it that way.

    Votes: 102 44.3%
  • too little! I'll have you know I'm an avid reader!

    Votes: 31 13.5%
  • too much. Just get to the point.

    Votes: 56 24.3%
  • not relevant. I skip most/all anyway.

    Votes: 41 17.8%

  • Total voters


Jan 12, 2022
I've tried turning this one Mina's CGI from a cowgirl to a doggy with Mina being the one to move. The idea is that she's gonna be extending her elbows thus pushing her ass towards MC. It may not look like much, but I'm pretty sure this is the redraw that gave me the most trouble so far.

Anyway, I've been staring at it for way too long now and I can't decide if it looks fine or not. I'd appreciate some commentary.
Neat. Looks pretty good.

King Dong

Jun 19, 2017
I'm pretty dumb. So, I would really appreciate some clarity about what this is, and how to properly install it. I was about to play the original game (Unity S7) when I saw a link to this " ErgoMod & Unofficial Ren'py Port ". After reading a seems you've ported the game to Ren'Py, and then Modded some of the art. My question is ... How to I get everything you've done as a single playable game? And will it be S7+Mods+Ren'Py? OR is there something preventing it from being an "All in one" type of deal?

Anyways, thanks for your time if you happen to reply.


Jul 1, 2017
I'm pretty dumb. So, I would really appreciate some clarity about what this is, and how to properly install it. I was about to play the original game (Unity S7) when I saw a link to this " ErgoMod & Unofficial Ren'py Port ". After reading a seems you've ported the game to Ren'Py, and then Modded some of the art. My question is ... How to I get everything you've done as a single playable game? And will it be S7+Mods+Ren'Py? OR is there something preventing it from being an "All in one" type of deal?

Anyways, thanks for your time if you happen to reply.
The original game is split into seasons so it's essentially seven separate games, with every game containing interviews with 8 different waifus. You can essentially think about those games like a TV series seasons with each game containing 8 episodes.

Seasons 1 to 5 were originally made in Ren'py. Some of the episodes have been modded by me, but not ported. It's only for seasons 6 and 7 that the original dev decided to use a different game engine - Unity. I've tried my hand at porting s6 and s7 to Ren'py but due to lack of time they're only partial ports, at present containing only 3 out of 13 interviews.

Due to an extremely episodic nature of the game, I don't consider it to be a problem so I've made no attempts to merge seasons into a single game. Either way the only way to play all of WaifuHub is to download 7 separate games, whether they're modded versions or not. A lion's share of the downloads are CGI assets, so even if they were all put together into a single game you'd still have nearly the same amount of data to download.

King Dong

Jun 19, 2017
The original game is split into seasons so it's essentially seven separate games, with every game containing interviews with 8 different waifus. You can essentially think about those games like a TV series seasons with each game containing 8 episodes.

Seasons 1 to 5 were originally made in Ren'py. Some of the episodes have been modded by me, but not ported. It's only for seasons 6 and 7 that the original dev decided to use a different game engine - Unity. I've tried my hand at porting s6 and s7 to Ren'py but due to lack of time they're only partial ports, at present containing only 3 out of 13 interviews.

Due to an extremely episodic nature of the game, I don't consider it to be a problem so I've made no attempts to merge seasons into a single game. Either way the only way to play all of WaifuHub is to download 7 separate games, whether they're modded versions or not. A lion's share of the downloads are CGI assets, so even if they were all put together into a single game you'd still have nearly the same amount of data to download.
Thank you for taking the time to write such a thorough response. I will keep this information in mind when next I look at the game files. Seems to me my best bet is to have one folder called "WaifuHub" with sub folders for each "Season" (like I would with a TV show), and since it isn't "a game" but more a "series of games". Thanks for the clarity.

King Dong

Jun 19, 2017
The original game is split into seasons so it's essentially seven separate games, with every game containing interviews with 8 different waifus. You can essentially think about those games like a TV series seasons with each game containing 8 episodes.

Seasons 1 to 5 were originally made in Ren'py. Some of the episodes have been modded by me, but not ported. It's only for seasons 6 and 7 that the original dev decided to use a different game engine - Unity. I've tried my hand at porting s6 and s7 to Ren'py but due to lack of time they're only partial ports, at present containing only 3 out of 13 interviews.

Due to an extremely episodic nature of the game, I don't consider it to be a problem so I've made no attempts to merge seasons into a single game. Either way the only way to play all of WaifuHub is to download 7 separate games, whether they're modded versions or not. A lion's share of the downloads are CGI assets, so even if they were all put together into a single game you'd still have nearly the same amount of data to download.
OK, one more question. I downloaded everything (the official stuff and your stuff), but what is the correct method for combining the two? For example your Season 1 download says it only has one person (2b), and the official release has 8. What steps do I take to properly combine them into one playable "Season 1"? Or is that not possible, and the expectation is I play the official release, and then just use yours to replay the characters you modded (but as a separate game)?

Thanks again for your time.


Jul 1, 2017
Links are all dead... can you reupload? Thanks in advance
I'm away from home currently, I'll reupload when I'm back. Should be on Saturday. You can still use .
I really do need a better solution though.

Or is that not possible, and the expectation is I play the official release, and then just use yours to replay the characters you modded (but as a separate game)?
That is indeed the expectation. It's why I've decided to switch towards only including modded interviews in a build.
Feb 2, 2022
hi can you fix season 1 and 2 especially season 1 (2b) (maiko) (gaido) s1 character crash when save the game on renpy those 3 s1 characters i named crash alot please make full fix for S1 and 2 MAYBE in future fix all old Seasons and new seasons
Feb 2, 2022
Also can you make a hobby project of all season i mean in my opinion i want all characters from all seasons to have a creampie (cum in pussy) scene or and ending (ending is better) so please make it a hobby project so that you do not over work yourself


Jul 1, 2017
hi can you fix season 1 and 2 especially season 1 (2b) (maiko) (gaido) s1 character crash when save the game on renpy those 3 s1 characters i named crash alot please make full fix for S1 and 2 MAYBE in future fix all old Seasons and new seasons
Are there any technical issues with season 2?

As far as a fix for season 1 crash on save bug, here you go.


Jul 1, 2017
Some news since I've been kind of quite for a while.

A ton of IRL stuff (mostly work) got in the way, so I haven't been progressing quite as quickly as I would have liked. I also made a couple of bad choices or perhaps just overly ambitious ones. I really need to learn to limit the amount of redraws I do for a mod. Fun fact: for 2B's interview I've done more or less work on every single pose (to be fair for the very last one just for the sake of completion, but still). That's not sustainable.

On the bright side of things, Mina's modded interview is almost done, so I'm gonna go ahead and release it as soon as I can (2 more weeks at my current pace) and hopefully Yor's mod will follow soon-ish. Let us drink in the ever loving memory of the double release dream, it died too young.

For those curious, here's an example of an overly ambitious choice I've made. Hand's palm (even a simple one) is always kind of a pain to draw (probably why Bokuman usually keeps them out of frame). Mina's interview mentions spanking in three poses and in my infinite wisdom I've decided to keep all of them.

cgi_mina_pose_008_b_htt.jpg cgi_mina_pose_008_b_tt.jpg
Edit: Decided to change the hand in the above CGI. If you like the one above better, fear not, it will be used (once its finished) in a slightly different pose.

008b demo.jpg
Another example, Mina's final pose only includes variants with the MC already visible, but since I've decided to add sex in that pose as well I had to draw the missing part of Mina's body. It just feels stupid to have a pose in which the MC is jacking off and nothing else, doesn't it?

cgi_mina_pose_013_a.jpg cgi_mina_pose_017.jpg
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Jul 1, 2017

cgi_dextermom_poseg_001.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_002.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_003.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_004.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_005.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_006.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_007.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_008.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_009.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_010.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_011.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_012.jpg cgi_dextermom_poseg_013.jpg
Last chance to complain before I propagate those across their variants. I'm a big boy, I can handle criticism, I've neither need nor want for word mincing. Before you unleash your inner keyboard warrior though, let me direct your attention towards pose no. 006, I dare say none shall be able to find any faults with gloves in that one.
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Feb 13, 2017
Last chance to complain before I propagate those across their variants. I'm a big boy, I can handle criticism, I've neither need nor want for word mincing. Before you unleash your inner keyboard warrior though, let me direct your attention towards pose no. 006, I dare say none shall be able to find any faults with gloves in that one.
Great! I love 'em! The only thing I would say is that in nr. 2 and nr. 8, the gloves look a little bit too short. And in nr. 7 there are still nail near her finger tops, which you shouldn't be able to see in gloves.

Other than that, they're perfect! Great job!


Jul 1, 2017
when are you releasing dexter's mom?

Here's why I said next Sunday, despite the fact that all the artwork was done.

cgi_dextermom_pose_006.jpg cgi_dextermom_pose_006_g.jpg
Had to draw something for the pose 006. My OCD wouldn't allow me to get over having 12 out of 13 poses with gloves drawn, gotta go for the 13 out of 13.

Other than that, they're perfect! Great job!
The above image is still a work-in-progress, so I'd appreciate some commentary.
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Feb 13, 2017
View attachment 2970519 View attachment 2970506
The above image is still a work-in-progress, so I'd appreciate some commentary.
The only thing I can think of is that perhaps that little shine spot on her thumb shouldn't be there. Rubber gloves aren't that reflective (unless they're wet). Then again, neither are legs, and hers are pretty shiny. So perhaps it fits here. Either way, other than that, it looks good to me!