For me that kind of doormat MC isn't fun to either play as or witness as a third person. A common retort on these kinds of threads is 'just stop self inserting bro!' - I don't want to read a story from the third person about a sad sack and his sad life - that's no slight on you or anyone who would enjoy such a story; one could prefer the proverbial classic comedy or classic tragedy.
Agree with you 100%! But then again, our taste is similar so little wonder.

One of my pet peeves is that so many games get ruined by Devs caving to the NTR crowd and insert "Tension", doormat characters, bullies you should shoot on sight and cheater assholes, which should be kicked out at first opportunity.
If I want "tension" and reading about the sad fate of far too many people, I take the newspaper! I want my eroges to have emotional hard-ons and soaking wet pussies, with the characters having fun doing it. Fun romance, sharing and swinging!