To make something clearer - all of the mentioned apps have the option to see your Desktop including the Meta Quest(Oculus) built in app thats starting by default after you select Air link.Besides the airlink option...
There is also a Steam Link app on Oculus thats free and a $20 Oculus app called Virtual Desktop.
All have their pluses and minuses.
Airlink works fine for some, ran like crap for me. I bought VD after that and then Steamlink came out.
Both VD and Steam will give you the option to see your PC desktop, then you just run games as normal and it should hook right through SteamVR.
Air Link might run like crap if you don't adjust your network settings properly according to what connection you have. If you try to run NON Dynamic 100-200mbps then its laggy and it might disconnect you even, so if you have 50mbps connection you put slider to 50mbps and you also make it Dynamic so it can be lower when it recieves less than 50mbps, which is almost always the case on Wi-Fi, since getting 100% if your internet provider's speeds on Wi-Fi has never been a thing, you always have losses in the "air" with wireless connections.
This is something thats a big thing in VR since everything is twice more demanding in terms of internet connection and hardware and etc, meaning if you don't have the proper settings there is a huge chance something or everything will run like shit.
The OpenXR setting I mentioned in my earlier comment is necessary in order to start games/applications in VR instead of Desktop, but it can be only one application at a time, same way you can't have 3 default browsers, you can have one.