I agree with you with all of the above. Just didn't get my point across as I was writing from within Meta Quest 3
I think there's a missed opportunity here, because the dev process is not focused the way it could be.
The product has great potential, the product is great, the market is there and they're willing to pay.
One big problem is 3 platforms: PC, PCVR, Standalone. Why cater to all 3 when standalone will cover all?
- The game in itself VR passthrough by nature.
- Standalone is a groving market
- MQ3 (with colour passthrough) is a better fit, has a more mature audience than before and they are willing to pay.
About user generated content: Sorry butt 99% of hottie-cards are utter s***te! Can I do better? You bet! (maybe I'll do an update).
By user generated content, I'm thinking: skins, makeup, clothes, tattoo/liquid layer, and (attachable) props.
There can even be a separate market for this.
Last I'd like to say to the devs: The eyes in the last version is absolutely beautiful!
I agree on the standalone, but I guess there are some bariers and obstacles for the standalone as the hardware in the MQ3 is not like 14th gen Intel i9 and 4090 and etc. The really good games are more often than not powered from a PC and the versions that have both options to be standalone or through PCVR usually have better graphics when launched through the PC in PCVR. I am only guessing here, but seeing how cranking up the settings hits my 2000$/EU PC is highly concerning when you take into consideration whats the hardware like inside MQ3. I think thats the problem and why they are more focused on PCVR, but ofc I can be wrong.
If you really have checked all 500 hottiecards already shared in the discord and if you think all of them are sh!t then you have a very specific taste that I probably don't understand, but I would bet what you want can't be created yet with whats possible in the game, because I believe in general everyone else can find at least around 50 that are really good by their own taste. The game still has its limitations but with every next patch those limitations are pushed further and further and I am happy where this is going, for example the eyes you mentioned and many other things, last 6 months this game really came to a new level imo.
The user generated content I understand your idea and honestly I like it, but the game is not even finished yet and what you are suggesting sounds to me like VR Hot 2.0 not 0.9.something. But for what its worth I 100% support your idea.