Others - Completed - Village Rhapsody [v1.7.0 Final] [YooGame]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    It's like Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon but with porn and no story.

    -Nice animations
    -Nice graphics
    -Nice gameplay, I think, I'm not a particular fan of SV but I can see the charm in its mechanics.
    -Some guy made a cheat program for the game so you can skip the grind a little bit.

    -Long unskippable scenes (like when some character guides you through the village).
    -Very few animations and diversity of sexual positions. it's compensated by the fact that each one is unique, but then again, you have like 2 poses for each girl and half of them are doggystyle.
    There are cutscenes the first time you have sex with them and it adds some variety but that's about it.
    -Grindy: it helps to achieve the slow pace of the games its based on, but it's a drag. I played with cheats and even then it took me some days to finish it all.
    -Bad translation: it's a direct translation so possibly google translated. For example you have stuff like "Thanks! It is reliable" instead of "Thanks, I know I can count/rely on you" or "He/she is reliable". In Spanish we have similar stuff with the omition or integration of pronouns, so I can understand the error.
    -No story: well, there's a story but it's very basic stuff. Same goes with the girls, they are as deep as my ass, and I'm not gay (despite the implications). Don't get me wrong, I hate long monologues and all that, but here most of the girls are like "oh hey, I need 30 potatoes. Oh, you gave me 30 potatoes, let's fuck!!!". Ironically the best written character imo is the old hag of the village. A woman so old she can trip on her own saggy tits, dear gods. Why the most heinous character is the best written?
    -On the same note, girls are too easy: they require 3 basic stuff (basic that could get very bothersome with all the grindy stuff) and then you can fuck them, even if they barely know you! I wish things were so simple irl, I'd get a ton of STDs but it would be funnier.
    -Weird Japanese humour: ok, I don't wanna sound racist (or rather, xenophobic) but it has some of those weird japanese quirks, like cucking a ghost, cucking someone (the Chief) who treats you with respect and friendship, 90 years old "milfs", loli like characters, hipersexualization/idealization of foreigners/westerners, bestiality stuff/anime animal girls, etc.
    -Bestiality stuff: I love monster girls and all that, but here the presence of these girls is justified in a very weird way. They are normal animals that change into beautiful girls whenever you smoke some DMT laced blunts that a guy (who fucks a donkey) gave you.
    So, logically the only rational explanation is that you are tripping balls fucking actual donkeys, cows, snakes, foxes and even a dog (your dog btw). What the hell dude
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is that of farming like in Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley, albeit extremily more simplified and basic. But that's not a bad thing, it's decent for a porn game. In about 3 hours of gameplay I had already managed to advance and unlock more than 70% of the game. There is only a little grind to cut wood, gather stone, that kind of thing.

    The adult content is quite okay, not great but not bad either. The artstyle is draw well and is appealing, there are animations in 2 styles: CG cutscenes and smaller sprite animations in the map.

    The thing is that there are various women for you to court, but they only have 2 positions or scenes for them, so the small amount of variation would be the main negative part here.

    But all in all, the gameplay is simple but fun enough that it was quite an enjoyable time waster, at least way above the usual low bar that most low effort games have, so this one gets more stars for the effort.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Allow me to paint you a picture: You wake up and plant your potatoes, sell your flowers, fuck the nerdy girl next to her dead boyfriend's grave with the implication of him watching from the after-life, chop some wood, do a little fishing, then go to bed... wait something here seems off. I don't understand the reasoning for adding such dark, random situations to an otherwise lighthearted game. I'm not going to go over every instance like this (for note the one I mentioned is the most egregious), but they're prevalent enough to merit mentioning.

    Anyways, here's a rundown of my review if you don't feel like reading it all: the porn is good but limited, the story sucks, the characters suck (except Catherine), and the gameplay is bland. The devs put a lot of effort into the game's structure but not enough effort into the actual game.

    This is very much a Netori game, as 8 of the 15 women/animals (lore-wise you're fucking female animals, not beast-girls, after blazing up on some funky pepper-laced weed), are already devoted to a man in one way or another. Don't get up in arms, I'm not saying this is a bad thing. It's just something to note. I also want to mention that the recollection room doesn't feature all available h-scenes, which is kind of silly.

    Anyways, this game is incredibly hollow and one-dimensional under the guise of a complex game. Here's a list of some, but not all negatives.
    • The characters are completely one-dimensional. Nobody has any personality outside of his/her respective trope. There's not enough dialogue for you to care about any character (except maybe Catherine) and once you finish each girl's excuse for a story she drops off the face of the Earth. No dialogue or anything after you max your relationship with her, she just becomes an empty shell standing in town waiting for you to fuck her again.
    • The gameplay is linear. Do mission A to get mission B which leads to mission C... you honestly should be able to do whatever mission you want for whatever girl in any order because almost every girl's story is self-contained. The few that are not are simple Boolean checks to see if you did the story for girl A and B up to a certain point (which they are capable of doing since this happens for the hot spring scenes). What's the point of a town full of self-contained stories whenever you have no choice in which story you do?
    • The story is irrelevant. Things happen and the game ends. They try to make some things seem important, but the story gives no reason for you to treat them as such (except maybe for Catherine but that's a stretch). What's worst of all is that when you beat the game it acts as though you did make genuine connections with the townsfolk. It has more story and development in the last 5 minutes of the game during the credits scene than through the entirety of the rest of the game.
    • There is no proper sex escalation or logic. You essentially speak to a girl (who most likely already has or recently had a man) for the first time ever and then the next day you're fucking her brains out. Listen, we're all here for the porn, but if we wanted to have instant gratification with no rhyme or reason we wouldn't be playing a h-game.
    • There's no time restriction on anything, which feels off for a farming game.
    • You never get the feeling to or are given a reason to build a proper farm.
    • Goals all feel superficial.
    The only real positives are that the porn is great in all ways except for their relevant stories and a few of the story situations are straight out of a Dave Chappelle skit, but as you should know: a h-game can't rely solely on the porn and a few one-off jokes to be considered good.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game! Lots of various girls to unlock multiple scenes alone and together with other girls. Multiple skills to gather ressources like harvest moon.

    Art style is really good, has animations and voices.

    Only down side is that it's a bit grindy, mostly at the end. But if you're efficient and buy the auto 7x7 waterers and skip days, you'll be good with money!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game lets you free roam in a small village, meeting its girls and fuck them.
    The artstyle is nice and the animations are fluid, but it doesn't worth the grind to reach them.
    The english is broken and incoherent, so you won't getting any story out of it while you grind your way to the goal.
    I wouldn't say the game worth the play.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    A h-game harvest moon. Sounds like a not-bad idea. However, the execution just didn't cut it.

    Story 3/10

    You're a city boy gone to the country. End of your story.

    The country has mine collapse that occurred that took some lives. Affects like 20 lines of dialogue.

    Each girl has some story "involved" and I use the word involved loosely. There's not much story involved at all. Multiple husbands/fiances/boyfriends died in the mine collapse and you swoop in. However the story's very shallow and each girl has like 50 lines of dialogue in total. Nothing worth mentioning.

    Gameplay 3/10

    So it's harvest moon and you gotta grow crops. But there's no incentive to not just sleep until your crops are completely grown so you plant and sleep for a week, then harvest, and repeat.

    Each of the story girls have 3 hearts you need to h'em. Sometimes they require 10 of a specific crop, so off you grow. Other times you need to come back the next day, so off to bed. And... I think that's it. Grow something, buy something, sleep, and that's all the requirement needs to h all the girls.

    It just wasn't that fun. I've played 4-5 harvest moon clones and this one just doesn't do it that good. Then the story/woo'ing of the girls just wasn't involved at all so it wasn't that fun either.

    Art 5/10

    The art's kind of rough and basic but they're done well enough. There's also not a lot of art per girl, which is further disappointing.

    Each girl has a costume you can purchase but even that's not great because it's just an option you choose during the singular sex scene there is.

    Overall 3/10

    Just a not great grindy experience. I knew the game would be kind of vanilla but even then, there's not a lot of h and a lot of grinding. And not the fun kind of grinding.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. I play this game almost non stop. My dick has gone sore.

    • Nice art. The coloring is neat although the proportion and perspective are not perfect.
    • Movement is fluid.
    • Grind is not too hard. Except at the very end where it requires A LOT of money.
    • Chinese voice acting.
    • Some demented ideas involving dead people.
    • The dialogues are too short. Unimmersive, which makes the girls less exciting.
    • Too fast progress. But I don't really mind.
    • Little variety in sex position. But it compensated with costumes and locations.
    • The translation is hit or miss.
    • There is a Memories book for the girls but there is not list of events.
    • The NTR stuff is not heavy enough.
    • There are two particular scenes involving everyone, but I wish the scenes are longer or more interactive.
    • No threesome scenes with the housewives.
    • There's not much conflict and interactions between characters.
    • The monk is not involved in the dirty stuff.
    • The outdoor sex scenes should make use of the environment.
    Recommended? YES!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is okay. I don't think its that bad but apart from the H scenes its pretty generic.

    The gameplay is a pretty generic farm sim, nothing interesting or with major issues. The biggest problem being that the stamina costs are really high so the early game is really slow, then after getting some potatoes, or other food, it becomes irrelevant. I wont comment too much on the writing as the English translation is not really good and sometimes not there at all. Story wise there isn't much again, you go to a small town and just kinda live there. There isn't any character interaction outside the sometimes 3 quests you get per girl.

    Now onto the good things. One, there area few moments that caught me off guard and I thought were actually pretty good. The H scenes in game are pretty good.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Catherine is best waifu the game is overall pretty good with no real drawbacks the whole farm thing is definetly on the back burner but the sex scenes make up for it the last bit can be annoying because you need to save up 300,000 to get all the scenes all the girls are good
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Poor version of Harvest Moon meets poor porn game.

    Now, this is an example of a idea that sounds good (Stardew Valley with porn) that does not know how to execute it.

    Grindy parts of the farming side are copied almost exactly like this would be pure farming game. However community/social/friendship/love -side of these type of games is almost not there. It fails to create illusion of smooth progress with the women and instead just feels like few (3) tasks you have to complete to fuck them. After you get to fuck a woman, well that is the end of progress with that individual.

    Above things make it just feel really hollow. Things are not helped by the farming side being quite restrictive and grindy feeling.

    There is no controller support that makes farming parts even more of an hassle.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Like harvest moon but lewd. Just 1 thing, why do we have fuckable grandma? and she doesn't even look young or attractive.
    Can be a bit grindy but if you're clever, there are a few ways to exploit the system like placing the sprinkler before night so it can water 96 plants per day.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wooooow! The best game since the beta, without a doubt I hadn't played a game as incredible as this in a long time, full of an incredible story. Without a doubt, when the full version is available, it will be one of the best games. The way to cheat sometimes was almost unnecessary, there were very good easter eggs that I had a hard time finding VHS. The art is quite beautiful and the game does not contain any errors, personally it is a 10/10 :love:
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    [ v1.4.501 Early Access]
    It's surprisingly good.

    And it's mostly from the farming part, the horny often absurd situations genuinely felt less rewarding than making your own farm part.
    It's like a dumbed down farming sim (with bonus activities like mining, fishing, tree-cutting, construction) and with a good graphic style.

    Still mad outside scenes clothing is only default. The only other complaint is how weirdly linear quest progress feels at times.
    And as mentioned Ero-scenes are okay, sometimes weird or funny, there's plenty of kind of weird and absurd humor in-game.
    Localization is imperfect at times.

    Also it's more than short, less than medium length game with an ending.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I got less and less impressed with this game as time went on. (This will contain spoilers)
    + This game does some very strange shit, and sometimes it's funny. A core game mechanic revolves around the main character blazing up joint laced szechwan peppers. This then causes them to trip balls so hard they hallucinate into seeing literal farm animals as hot monster girls.
    + The character art is high quality, animations are decent, and there's even voice acting for multiple characters.
    + There is a lot of variety in terms of body types when it comes to the gals you can hook up with. I am not ashamed to admit that nailing the silver haired grandmother was hot as fuck.
    + As far as stardew clones go this one isn't that bad. If you like that kind of game you'll find most of the usual farmy type game play present here.

    - The writing is fucking awful. There is no plot. Things just happen over and over until the game ends. This is a self insert power fantasy where you play a total Gary-stew. They will probably add more "story" points to it in later versions of the game but in light of what they've written thus far I can only imagine that'll make the game worse.
    Also while the game is sometimes funny unintentionally, most of it's deliberate efforts at humor are juvenile. At the same time many of the "romances" in this have extremely dark undercurrents- which contradict from the otherwise lighthearted atmosphere. The MC literally fucks a woman beside her dead boyfriends grave. In the conclusion of a the game a random woman shows up, and tries to steal some land in the village, land the MC learned they're going to inherit. The villagers defend him- because they just love him, and show proof. Problem solved right? Sure- but they still take the opportunity to have the MC hit this lady in the face, and storm out, only to have a fox spirit show up soon after and cast a spell on all the villagers present to make them gang rape her. There was no indication that any of that was going to happen at any point. The woman in this scene doesn't even have a name- and was never in the game before this scene. zero build up, zero warning. Then everyone in town agrees to elect the MC to be the village chief because he's just such an awesome talented perfect guy.
    Fucking cringe.
    Secondly recall how the mc fucks animals? Would you believe there is a subplot of this that revolves a man raping a donkey, but it becomes your waifu because you help it escape him? The game then goes on to reveal, this same man goes on to form what is essentially a donkey brothel where he pimps out donkeys for tourists- and this is presented as like a silly happy ending for this guy.

    - Characters.
    While most of the characters look interesting they are all 1 dimensional. There is only 1 gal in this whole game who's entire character isn't defined by her relationship to a man. The MC fuck X character's wife, or X character's daughters, or a young widow, or an old widow. I could look past this if they had any kind of personality- but most of them aren't developed beyond the look/trope they're based upon.

    There are no choices in this game. The structure is completely linear. One mission leads to another opening up. There is no other way to open up missions or advance a relationship with a character besides completing the jobs as they appear for you. I know this is only a beta version of the game but I don't think that's going to change.

    you can expect a good bit of grind in games like this. That isn't always a bad thing if you're deliberately looking to kill time, like I was- but I'm pretty sure this game is still mission features and I'm certain all those missing features would do is add more grind into the game. At present all the characters have 3 heart bars over their heads. When you get to the 3rd heart you unlock a sex scene. However most of the interactions, or at least half, in the present build unlock all three hearts with a single mission. Meaning there will be even more legwork between sex scenes in the final build.
    Likewise many of the features usually found in other stardew clones aren't present yet. For example you can grow and gather ingredients, but you have no way of turning them into food. There are only 2 crafting menus at the moment, one that stems from mining and another from carpentry, and fishing which are lumped together for some reason. You can only craft 7 things total in the present build, and 2 are essentially useless 1 off gimmicks you need for a quest. You can craft items that are designed to save time and effort, like sprinklers, but in the present build it requires a so much work get the individual components for these items that you'd be better of not building them in the first place.

    The scenery of the game doesn't really add much. While the landscape artwork, and the icons, look alright they have a very "stock game asset" vibe to them. I don't know if that was a deliberate choice on the part of the artist or if they are in fact stock assets. Likewise the blandness of the setting detracts from the story. There is a mission where you participate in an autumn festival- but there is no visual or written indication that it's autumn up until they mention that. I don't know if they're planning on adding a season changing system later on, but at the moment there isn't even a calendar so I don't know.

    So in summary this game, in it's present build is pretty mediocre. Sometimes it made me laugh, albeit rarely on purpose, and most of the sex scenes were alright. Overall though there is just so much that detracts from this being enjoyable that I'm not even sure it's worth the effort of it takes to complete. They might add more features, but if they do it'll probably only further pad out the already grindy gameplay.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Lewd/NSFW version of Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon, but even if you're not fans of games like those, you'll still enjoy this game.

    Also I think the tag should include Netori. Anyway, you can fuck beast girls like snake, dog, donkey (oh trust me, the donkey girl is hot), cow, fox, etc. and I'm sure the dev will add more.

    It's strangely addicting, and a much improved version of Workplace Rhapsody (dev's other work) since you have more freedom and it's "open world". The resources gathering can be a bit grindy but luckily the gameplay made the process fun. Just go play it and you won't regret it :BootyTime:
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is the most promising adult game I've seen this early 2023. The art looks great, there's a little bit voice acting, it's optimize even for my old laptop. I hope the dev keep up their great work. Looking good so far.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    that is a nice game includng all stuffs. it takes time to get some result but i like it 5/5.
    The image is nice animations nice dialogues short but meaningful it gives a taste at the same time farming is fun :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorites. The story is hilarious characters are hot and the situations are outrageous. I had no idea when i first downloaded Village Rhapsody i would soon be fucking my dog and my neighbors' cow. I felt the game was paced perfectly. I finished it in around 5 hours and enjoyed every minute. I didnt feel like the farming was too much or that it was pushed to the side. This felt like playing stardew valley but better.
    An interesting character idea would a bat that flys around the cave. It could attack you or simply scare you out of the cave unless you smoke before entering.
    Good job devs i'm looking forward to more content from you.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! If you're a fan of Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley, this is the NSFW version.

    - Lots of different girls and content already
    - Decent farm simulator
    - Great artwork / animation style

    - Quests / gamep[lay is very linear, e.g. one quest per girl in order, no option to go out of order.
    - The pace of the game has room for balance/improvement
    - QoL isnt there
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One my favorite genre farming x hentai, I do love if the developers can do much more in the game like Stardew valley, since when I played the game the still can be developed more amazing, this base game was great it would be more great if developers can improve the mechanic and other stuff