I just discovered your work yesterday, and I fucking love it!
BUT... IMHO, you are a too much talkative, please don't take it as an offence, but there are so many lines where you are describing MC thought and narrator addition that makes me clicks like a maniac just because they are so obvious...
In My Honest Opinion (again)... There is no need to explain everything to the player/reader because the reader already imagines and takes magical mental journeys, and specifying everything... "breaks" this fantastic trip that you've been able to let us start.
But that, I love the characters, everyone, they are so beautiful, and everyone have a reason to be there and they all act for a believable reason. Reason why, I still want to compliment with you for this excellent work!
Just another thing, animations i really advice you to learn ease-in/ease-out (alias animation curve), it helps a lot your animations and also keeping the frame-key to different times...to looks more realistic and less "mechanic"

Because to insert somethin into a hole and getting it out requires different timing. (ad ease-in/out)