Definitely a well needed remake to a masterpiece on this forum, the fact that we have an in-game interactive mechanic is a very welcomed addition to the game (although i would suggest adding some kind of skills to facilitate it, like the capability to slow down the orbs)
I tried to make this review most neutrally possible, while it is hard to not compare it to the previous project I still believe this proof of concept (and only the proof of concept) deserves a well earned rating of 4/5.
Also the art is amazing, hugs and kisses (on the cheeks) to the artist. Also i forgot to mention adding L2d animations is definitely a huge improvement and main forte .
I tried to make this review most neutrally possible, while it is hard to not compare it to the previous project I still believe this proof of concept (and only the proof of concept) deserves a well earned rating of 4/5.
Also the art is amazing, hugs and kisses (on the cheeks) to the artist. Also i forgot to mention adding L2d animations is definitely a huge improvement and main forte .