I have to admit, I've spent waaay too much time on this than I should have (I usually dislike sandboxes and anime art style), so might as well spend some more time on feedback.
Here are some of my thoughts/impressions/issues in no particular order, hopefully useful to the dev (or someone who considers trying the game):
- I didn't really get the idea of choosing your gender at the start, since the game seems to progress just the same regardless. Oh well, maybe there's some significant impact in the future. Also, even if you pick female, you somehow still have a bulge before you're cursed

- I find it funny how strict and clear the game is about "penis on vagina only", which is strange for a game where you play as a dickgirl.
- Music is beautiful, dunno if it's royalty free stuff or even AI generated, either way it's amazing.
- SD AI Art is everywhere, but it's not terrible half-assed garbage like most of the games tagged with 'ai cg' tag on this site. Sure, if you focus on details, you will immediately spot the lack thereof, but it does its job at creating the atmosphere for immersion. I would prefer normal art, but it's not bad, and clearly some post-processing work has been done by the dev/artist. Perhaps you should consider using ControlNet if you aren't already, might help you get the finer details right.
- Some grammar issues here and there, nothing bad, too lazy to record where exactly.
- Platinum-based defensive maid upgrade costs are broken and take much more platinum than listed going below zero (for example "Reactive Penetration")
- It's too easy to get ore compared to how much you're actually converting to ingots, rendering upgrades that prevent ore consumption or consume flat amount - useless.
- Actually the resource management overall is confusing and unbalanced, but that's probably my anti-sandbox bias speaking.
- "Health potions" upgrade is kinda overpowered, especially if you cheat on the wells, allowing you to descend 100+ floors at once. By the way, the well rollback scene is hilarious

- Hey hey, people

- Combat balance is just all over the place. It's kinda there for first couple levels but quickly devolves into madness as you start getting % multiplicative upgrades or "per level" upgrades.
- I suppose the upgrade system is what kept me playing for so long, just to see how ridiculous the numbers can get, but in the end I just hated it.
- Status effects/buffs are not clearly visible. Like, do I still have a shield or guaranteed crit?..
- There are some serious performance issues once you start getting past 300+ floors as the save file starts accumulating to 4+ megabytes. Every step of the game seems to be recorded somewhere, which causes severe leakage.
I can see people enjoying this game, but it's just not my cup of tea, being a sandbox. Regardless, I wish the devs good luck.