Ren'Py - Completed - Unveiling the Unknown [v1.1.0] [TwistedScarlett]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Always loved this artists stuff on r34 and then i discovered there's a game full of his stuff. Has a pleasant story, nice h-scenes and a bit of optional grinding if your into that. Has an in game guid e to help find all the content. Ophelia best girl
    Likes: DuniX
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 7245305

    Thinking for yourself, is such a hassle these days, don't you agree? Sometimes I wish someone would do it for me. The first time I heard about the idea of an utopic society, where humans don't make decisions, and are released from the burden of free will, my reaction was: "My days, that sounds positively awful". Yeah... I may have been hasty! As I get older, the idea gets more and more appealing. Mind you, I'm not one of "dem fellas" who thinks they can do better than the others, and never puts in the work, but a real life skip button (it's that Adam Sandler movie, and he probably copied someone) just sounds so tempting.

    So, lets' fight that alluring, yet venomous notion, and conjure up some flair: *PI, MA, LO ,FA FA, DUSH*, and have a proper review (pfft... no, we're not! ) like your chosen deity intended to. It will be a one night stand of "wham bam shang-a-lang" (or a lot of reading) sugar lips!

    Disclaimer: I have played MG1K, and had a great time with it (I need to buy it, but my conscience and my funds, are in eternal conflict. Most deepest, "heartfeltest" apologies, I WILL distribute divine retribution on my own wicked ways... in time). The other 2 (ponies, college?) were a quick uninstall. How's this relevant, and why I'm wasting your time with this: SUBJECTIVITY "homey", and perspective lad. That's what's missing in a number of the reviews present here. Why did I like MG1K? Cause it has monster girls, and I love that tag. (Monster girls are facing a "critical world ending crisis of extinction" in this website, let me tell you... Breaks my heart, please send money to the folowing account, is for a good cause).


    The point? Who knows? Logical Continuity? What's that? Shut up! Drop your pants, and prepare your behind for the "Choo choo train of neutrality"(and "pseudo-intellectuality") that's coming your way.

    NTR is up first, cause everyone here has a PHD on the matter, and I graduated "some cum Laura", so regard me as a self proclaimed divine authority, on the subject. It's ok to rise now.

    There are only 2 types of "good NTR": The one that turns you on (obviously), and the one that gives homicidal tendencies (makes you feel something). "Voyeurism" and anger at ugly fat bastards/or sex crazed-addicted women, can fit this classification. Thing is, they are also the quickest, laziest and most profitable side of NTR, and the place where quality doesn't seem to reach more, often than not. What is great NTR then? Great NTR is the build-up to a loving realtionship with your wife, and a very nice friendship with your best buddy. Both of them really love you, no lie, but they are effing each other on the side, and you the reader know it's coming, (because it's NTR, and a good writer gives subtle hints), while your chair is really crossed with you, and can't take any more "fidgeting", or "huffing". That's great NTR at it's core (because it mimics something tangible). The feelings and the self-insertion peak at the thought of such a scenario.

    (Yep... gonna start talking about the game 7 paragraphs in. I'm a daredevil!) What we get here doesn't work as "Netori", because the target (your brother) is presented as a "wanker" (in all senses of the word) and nobody gives a flying eff about him. Let's say that the guy was a traditional hero of prophecy, a regular virgin, Mr. nice guy, someone who's capable, treats the maids like friends, and is actually close to defeat the "demonlord". Notions of stealing the girls, harming someone good, or interfering with the world being saved (peace), would make good "Netori". Right now, we have the poor bastard being the target of an unending roast, for some reason. If this was supposed to be a strong theme here, then "private Ryan" was not saved, and his decaying skeleton is not pleased, at all, with this predicament. Perhaps the dev wasn't going for that, and the criticism is out of place. It's still a missed opportunity, and with this premise you could have propelled this to the clouds ("NTRwise"), specially if you had the maids feeling bad about cheating, and the MC being friends with the hero.

    Speaking of premise, that's coming up next, cause I "googled" the notion of logical continuity (while you were reading this), and like a 2d girl, I'm nothing if not adaptable, and "bendy". Also throwing in setting, and worldbuilding to the cocktail, cause they all go hand-in hand, and make good pals. Now... Have you heard of YouTube? What about 20 mins videos on a subject, where they have the gall of using the word LECTURE, and genuinely believe they know what they are talking about? Friends, Friends...Friends, I will refer you to one of those videos to (probably not) find out what is wrong with the premise, setting and worldbuilding, of Unveiling the Unknown.

    Let me be "piss yellow clear": Two factions, in a contained world, fighting a war for hundreds of years, makes zero sense, and does NOT make good fiction. You just wrote yourself into a trap that never allows you to say goodbye to mediocrity. The world does not seem to be in any danger; Humanity and the monsters(demons) should just kiss and make up; And any sense of gravitas wasn't even evicted, it never lived there. But, but, but.. what about stuff like "triangle strategy", they have the details, and intricacies, and the politics, and the motivations, and it's also a contained world, and many people like it. NON, NON, NON!!! What they have is the collection of addled brains (some exceptions, like in all things), that makes up the world of steam reviews, and "Square Enix", can pull rank thanks to past exploits (and ooh boy! that rank, is starting to show some wear and tear, let me tell you). That crap is mind numbingly boring, and I'm a huge fan of reading convoluted shenanigans.

    I'm getting worked up, and that's not good for my health, so let's take a couple of deep breaths, before we address the greatest flaw of this game (I'm now anaesthetized, and functionally impartial)

    The goddess being a real and accepted entity is downright preposterous. How do you think faith works? Everything that is weaved in this title regarding religion fell apart at the premise. God can only exist (to us) through eternal doubt, and anthropomorphic lenses. The existence of a deity is not your personal playground to spread ideology. When you make a piece of entertainment, a product that is meant to sell, you are no longer just venting your own opinion, like I'm doing right now.

    Here, mental exercise:

    Imagine that tomorrow God appears and says this to everyone on earth: I'M GOD, I'M HERE. I'M REAL. Even if you are asleep, or in the middle of the ocean, or watching porn with headphones. Everyone knows God is real from now on. Work from this absurd notion to realize where you went wrong. It's impossible to say that what's presented here is wrong, but "cringey", bathed in the most simplistic of common senses, and infused with trendy modern sensibilities, while also wearing an appalling disguise of seriousness? That much I can state with certainty. Stay away from religion, stop being preachy! If you absolutely must out such notions, do it through subtext, symbolism, allegory, or what have you. Not like this. Hopefully that's constructive criticism, and if someone took the time to create a world, while putting some thought and effort to it, then it is my righteous quest to tell them what's wrong with it. I'm always right 60% of the time, so listen to me young "padawan".

    There... it's all unicorns and rainbows from now on.

    Regarding "padawans.".. just kidding, stunts come in sets of 1, ideally. 1 trick ponies are the real deal. Regarding characters: The dev skipped "leg day"; Basics were skimmed over; Foreplay was thrown aside like a ragged doll; The moon landing was hoax; The hell do I mean? "Look Joe I've been whoring in this exact same corner for 50 years" so I know my Visual Novels, and character progression arcs, trust me (Never trust someone who says trust me, btw). First you introduce the archetype of your choosing; Then you go against it, at least once to escape the one-dimensional slur; Then come the everyday experiences designed for normalization, and empathy growth, and finally you disclose the big bad inner conflict or plot twist (both), and all its contrivances, that make fangirls squeal.

    This visionary, this rebel, this reformer of the old ways, decided to say: Eff the mother effing conventions, I'm the effing law here. Result: "Undisclosed" went to war and got "headshotted", hence private Ryan's ghost still wanders the land, as you might expect. You are not allowed to just eat the meat buddy, you need the vegetables. So the pervert nun, and the shy girl, and the one who wants to end the war, and the competitive one in love... they just starting talking about their deep darkest secrets and desires. "What's your favorite color girl? I just don't know, but here are all my insecurities laid bare"... This "interview" style of presenting complex traits/aspirations on characters failed staggeringly, stupendously, and scandalously because you don't start with the complex. No one is asking for realism, but people don't talk or think this analytically, right out of the bat. How, why, who? Hubris is that you again? Stop talking crazy and go make me some soup, woman. It's back to the drawing board mate, but I WILL help you (take notes or drawings, I guess).


    Behold the "tsundere" in her natural habitat - Major annoyance, not likable, but pays attention to you for some reason; Then she helps someone at school, (add 10 galloons of comedy preferably slapstick, in between) and she is not so bad all of the sudden; Then come similar tastes and/or a nice date; To screw things up, the premise comes into play, and drives a wedge between them; Finally, and ONLY then the big conflict emerges such as: justice and order, or love and chaos; Selfishness or moral correctness; the right choice or the right choice for me. Mix in a big sack of drama, and moving themes like bullying, to your discretion. Voilà. It's not freaking rocket science. Long story short, I just wanna hump those maids, cause their arses are perfection. If that's what you want great, if not reconsider. In "dum-dum" speech, these characters all feel "samey".

    (Late Editor's only note. RIP!) - Or you could just read: Routes exist and work in a VN for a reason. Sniffing glue wasn't a good thing 30 years ago, and today it's just sad... *gunshots and screaming echo in the distance*

    Violence DOES solve problems, Ghandi was wrong (or was it Buddha?). Let's move on to the RPG (mechanics, not story) side of things, and start with my own tragic, yet unrevealed backstory. I am "mathematically impaired", and it has been a burden on my existence ever since the first grade. To put in a way you cannot misunderstand, all those zeros just seem so shiny and dopey, they make me fall asleep. It's like the truth behind the universe, you can tell it's there, but it's just beyond your current intellect. An INT potion might help, taking an IQ test would just bring my ego down, so I'm thankful for calculators on cellphones. I looked up the name of the dev, and now address it as Scarlett-Sama, (instead of the usual you, it, they), because only superior lizard people in black trench coats, and hats can produce something so good.

    Let's cut the crap for a second here: This is "fight-loot-upgrade-fight harder-more loot- better upgrade" done with professional quality. I will admit that the whole thing echoed with me, probably because my mentality towards videogames is very traditional or even "oldschooled", but there's no denying that this system Just Works ™. You want proof? Once I understood it, the number of floors I could traverse per run, the gold I got, the heat stat (It's a scaling mechanism), and health modifiers, all increased exponentially (and I mean by U.S billions in some instances), which should illustrate that there is depth to it, but more importantly, it felt very satisfying to watch my own progression. Dare I say, I was looking forward to pushing the limits of the system, more than banging the 2d maids? Sort of, but I'm not identifying a crowd pleaser here, some folks may regard it as an "obstruction" or unwelcome diversion from their porn. Another thing, is that by day 16, I was done with the dungeon delving. The only remaining upgrades cost stupid amounts of crystals on the research tab (not sure if I broke it, or if it's supposed to be easy, but there was no need to go there again).

    Ok, there's a lot more to talk about, but my engine is running low.

    I will remind you that destruction is woven into the very fabric of humankind, and that you should not take what I wrote here as serious criticism (the religion bit is indeed upsetting, follow your own advice and leave God to do it's business). My vacation is about to end, and I took an hour or so of my time, to release some creativity, no more, no less. This is is supposed to reach you in amusing and/or satirical form. "Unveiling the Unknown" is a very good game, and don't ask me logistics, but I'm impressed with the whole thing on principle alone. "Allrighty", this is a 10/10, a very good time, and proof of concept for a number of things, at least for me. If you played this and have the means, please consider supporting the creator, and experience the sweet release of generosity through "cathartic based justice" (I don't even know if that means something, but I'm gonna act like it does).

    I will leave you with a quote from the game, that has marked and changed me profoundly:
    "Just because I'm strong, doesn't mean I have a magical vagina." Words to live by, if I ever heard any.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game, in general, feels unfinished. The entire RPG part is out of place and mostly exists to grind money for money. Erotic scenes are drawn in a completely different style that is much worse and feels unfinished.

    Then we get to sex scenes are secondary personages that are instantly ready to whore themselves out. Here are the giant cons.

    1. Sex scene art is bad and feels like an unpolished placeholder for real art. The art used to draw heroines in static poses on the main page is nowhere near the quality of sex scene art.

    2. Sex scenes are pretty much CG viewer scenes that you have to grind for by taking to them (you are free to skim all dialogues completely. They don’t bring anything to the table), and it takes a while to get to them even with everything maxed.

    3. Most girls look the same and have the same reactions. You basically have 5 variations of the same girl with linear scenes you can choose from when you unlock them.

    Now, let's go to the thing that annoyed me the most. This game has save protection. It checks if your save was edited.
    If you played this game, you know why this was added. So, people can't skip the grindfest the dungeon is and find out the entire erotic content is terrible and not worth hours upon hours of time spent.

    I have a simple guide for you on how to avoid it.
    1. Go into the RenPy save folder location, which is in appdata.
    2. Find the file called tokens.
    3. Open the text file inside and remove all those gibberish, leaving only the signing and verifying keys without any text.
    4. Save it and make the file read-only with file proprieties.
    Enjoy, now you can cheat whatever you want and not waste much time on this.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Well for me this game was 3.5 rounded up to 4.

    Good art, even though I don't like hentai style that much.
    Fluid animations
    Decent setting
    Seamless dungeon gameplay

    Dungeon grind doesn't achieve that much? All those upgrades for what?
    Much more texty than needed for a porn game
    It is kinda vanilla for this much lewd focus
    Even though setting is good plot is kinda quirky
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is some good shit right here. The characters and scenes are enjoyable, and the optional dungeon gameplay is actually entertaining for a smut game. Only addition I'd like to see made is pregnancy content with more of the characters.

    Excited for what they come out with next!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I've personally always been pretty passive about futa games, but this one is excellent.

    The art is great, the sex art while a different style than the pose art is in my opinion hotter. The actual sex poses they use are amazing.

    The story is good, not great but honestly I have nothing to complain about beyond preference. Some dialogue is pretty funny. Making the Hero character as unlikable as they did really made the netori feel great.

    Gameplay was engaging and there is a built in cheat function for those not interested in grind.

    To me, this is about as good as renpy games tend to get, while I wouldn't replay it soon I do think for about half a gigabyte of space it's worth trying and downloading.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I love it. The only complaints are the somewhat jarring difference in art style between the sex scenes and the rest of the game and the grind. Don't be an idiot like me and accept the new dungeon plus.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Ballistic 9029

    Nice, though I've been playing it since way earlier in development, it's nice to see the full game finished.

    Personally, I got burnt out on the game, but that's just because I replayed it multiple times to help with bug testing and stuff for the community.

    Good characters, good story, good art, solid all around, I have no complaints.

    My only critique would be the ending could've had a tighter epilogue/ending rather than splitting things into small pieces of post-game content for certain characters, while other characters don't really get the same post-game treatment.

    I would also be interested in a possible sequel of some sort, seeing as how while the ending seems fitting, it does sort of end on a new beginning that I feel could've had a lot more to it, without getting into spoilers. Though, I suppose it also depends on which ending you may get based on your choices? Aside from that though, I wouldn't have replayed the game so much if I didn't thoroughly enjoy it.

    4.5/5 (rounded up)

    Edit: Earlier review was made on version 1.0.0. I was not expecting a "But wait, THERE'S MORE!" at the time of posting this, but I'll update this review when the FINAL final updates come out.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game. Gameplay is dungeon crawling runs with upgrades/story development/sex in hub locations between runs. Upgrade trees are extensive, interesting and well balanced, with exponential growth of required resources. Combat, on the other hand, was meh - it is very much attack focused. You kill everything with first attack, until you can't, and everything else kills you with first attack. Not much going on with different enemy types or strategies. There is too much grind for my taste to upgrade everything, but player can mostly avoid it, because it does not affect story (to my knowledge).

    Erotic scenes are cool and numerous, with good hand-drawn art. Most of portraits are also hand-made, but in different style, with some AI cg. If you like fetishes listed - I recommend this game.
    Likes: DuniX
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    i downloaded this game from a months ago, decided to play it, and instantly love it, the art style, the voice, story, characters
    for me, overall, it's a great game, the sad thing about it, that it's completed, well i understand making game like these is hard (no puns) but i wish we have more games like these
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Saw this on Steam, noticed this utilized mdf-an's art and came here to check if it was used with permission. It was. Awesome.

    This is a really fun game with good story and great characters, if you're a fan of futa protags this is a must try!

    The GOOD:
    -The dialog is good.
    -The story is decent
    -The ART. More subjective, but I love mdf-an's art style and TwistedScarletts art is also very good.

    The MID:
    -The grammar, while mostly good, does have errors every now and then.
    -The dungeon combat shows promise with resource management and combos, but with the way enemies attack damage outscales your own health pools growth incredibly fast it all boils down to alpha-striking every encounter or dying.
    -The ART. Unfortunately, mdf-an's art pieces weren't made specifically for this game but vice versa. This leads to some scenes reusing art and some art not perfectly capturing what happens in the narration.
    A personal pet peeve are some of the nun scenes and all but one of Emis scenes not actually featuring the protagonist but a nameless more tanned stand-in. A problem that stems from it all being pre-existing instead of commissioned.

    The MEH:
    -While the story has replayability via different 'routes' the sex scenes do not. The game keeps statistics on the amount of sex you have with individual characters, but the scenes themselves are repeats with two or three changed lines at the beginning. The scenes being exact replicas makes sense when you view it through the daily 'hangout' which you used to unlock it, but when you're going straight for the 'sex' option and the scene plays out like it's the first time it just doesn't work.

    All in all a very fun game, but repeating scenes should've been done via a gallery since they are pretty much word-for-word repeats of the first time.
    Had the scene repeats had unique dialog this would've been a 5/5 for me.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6956320

    Note: This review has made playing the 0.9.2 version of the game.

    How do you manage to create a deep and complex history with a bunch of futanari images with original characters and having zero context about them? Sadly, I don't have the answer to that question, but the developer of this game did it somehow.

    Unveiling The Unknown is an ambicious game that doesn't want to simply be another excuse to excercise your right hand in another lone night in front of your PC screen; it wants to give you more. With that said, this is not a game to simply jack off. While the developer makes that task easier offering you cheat codes, and the option to jump the text exists, I honestly suggest you to pay attention to the history and their characters. Everyone has development, everyone has their histories, everyone has doubts, strengths, weaknesses, and that includes the villains and the heroes of this history. Superficially it may look like another fantasy game with the generic war between demons and humans, but the concept is extraordinarily well-excecuted, and it attempts to offer you the less quantity of cliches possible, having some interesting plot-twists and unexpected surprises.
    Putting aside the history, the sexual scenes are well done and they are interesting, combined with detailed descriptions, dirty talking, multiple fetishes, and the game respects the personality of the characters, recreating properly how they act on the bed without sacrificing their personalities during the sex. Doing that is hard, because a common mistake among writers in erotic games is breaking the characters' personalities in order of making them hotter but without any real justification beyond Oh my God, your cock is so huge... While here, the history takes its time to develop the interactions between the different characters, and we can say there's a real justification of why and how they start to act more and more flirty with the protagonist.
    Speaking about another aspects, this game has turn based combat, skill trees, farming, and other gameplay features. If you have experience playing games, you'll probably adapt quickly to the challenge of collecting resources to upgrade your characters and fight in the dungeons. It might sound tedious, especially considering farming mechanics are flooding more and more the modern videogames. You may think, Another videogame with farming and upgrades? Oh God, please no! However, in my own experience, I can say farming this game is strangely enjoyable; I say is strange because I personally dislike farming mechanics, yet I had fun farming in this game. And considering this is an indie release developed in a record time, one may think the developer fell on the mistake of making a tedious farming system to artificially extend the game, but fortunately, I can say that wasn't the case. Once again, this is my personal experience, the experience of someone who prefers playing a single-player campaing over and over again than farming daily.
    Now, about the defects of the game... I'll be honest with you, I had trouble thinking in the defects of this game, and I only found one. Remember: This game is set on a fantasy victorian era, and while it takes a lot of creative freedom, I don't understand why the developer thought it would be a good idea to include Internet slangs or references to some modern memes. Phrases such as Skill issue, Seggs?, among others feels really out of place considering, once again the era the game is set on. I think that would fit better in a game on a modern, or even a futurstic era.

    Conclusions? I 100% recommend this game. But as I said before, this game is not for everyone, as it requires your attention to understand perfectly the history, the characters, its universe, and, how the title of the game suggest: Unveiling an unknown truth buried beneath the cracking ice under the characters' feet. If you came expecting something simple, to just kill some time, then I'm sorry to say it: You will not find it here. But if you have the patience and the time, then don't be shy and press that download button! You won't regret it at all, I promise.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good game.
    Characters are interesting and cute, not just a dolls to mess up with.
    Mains story is rather short and simple, but entertaining, especially at the end choices.
    Fighting mechanics and skills are prety immersive. But I didn't see how it's connected to the characters relationships and the story itself. That is probably the only minus, I've found.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Game just as we expected from TwistedScarlett60. Plot is nice (for porn game: even absolutely great), I like music, characters are love-able, art style is just Scarlet Level... I'm not fan of NTR, but even this part is awesome! Game is far better than eg. My Tutition Academia, and - those who played MG1 - will catch refferences, not only obvious one as
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    but You can eg. Buy Dante's Shield etc. But it's better than MG1? Imo: nope. Still deserves 5 stars, but sex scenes with maids are not as good (with few exceptions) and plot isn't as shockingly awesome. Also, fighting etc isn't rewarding at all. Ok, fine, it's optional, I've got it... But at end of the game I felt thtat my 400th lvl of Dungeon and almost maxed out mansion didn't made any difference. It's still great game and I would say it's difference 9.5/10 vs 10/10.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The developer stated that they were going for quality over quantity with this release, and it really shows. The game feels polished and focused, and the plot manages to be satisfying while also not getting in the way of the sex too much. I didn't engage very much with the dungeon mechanics, but I didn't feel like I was missing too much by skipping out on them, which is nice.

    Anyway, highly recommended, 5 stars, etc etc.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, I'd rather give it a 4.5 than a 5, but it's not a 4, so 5 it is. The story is so wonderfully wholesome and cute, it touches on dark themes but navigates them in a way where you're left smiling and happy. There's not a lot of dramatic tension, the end is all but a foregone conclusion, but the journey is wonderful.

    The art... I know the selling/unique point of this game was the maid art it was built around, but frankly, I don't like it as much as the original art in the games style, part of that is style and preference, but a lot of it is it not *quite* matching the writing, for example, a lot of the art seems to have the MC being very submissive and overwhelmed, even when they're on top, and just by the way TS writes the mc (who I adore) she's more than a little in control in most of her sexcapades, and the art doesn't reflect that, and I would have preferred original art.

    The gameplay is... mid? It's kinda interesting at first but it devolves into almost a mobile game esque 'make number bigger' sort of thing, but you quickly realize it doesn't actually matter, going to the dungeon is entirely unconnected to the story, and something you only need to do if you want to. Like, it's fine, and I rarely found it worth skipping, but it's not the selling point for sure.

    All in all, the story is great and fun, the characters are amazing, the writing is incredible, the original art is fantastic and the music in great, fantastic.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    TwistedScarlett games are always a nice treat, but unfortunately as his games go this was probably my least favorite. Which by no means makes this a bad game, but there were several design oddities that I hope are not repeated in his future games.

    - Firstly, I like the shift back from RPGMaker to RenPy, and it's praiseworthy that the actual RPG presentation did not shift backwards that much from MG1K. However, the RPG mechanic is just... not that fun in this game. Having to manage a million perks and tech trees and resource types is an even less fun kind of grind than having to deal with the usual bullshit minigames that normally pad out AVGs. I suspect that the author just really likes complicated RPG systems, but at least with MG1K you could just hit an "optimize" button for character builds and then let the game play itself. No such look here.

    - The dungeon dives are kinda neat in theory, but in practice they are mindless and get repetitive quickly. There is not enough worthwhile content here (ie. the monster girls) to keep things fun.

    - Because of the two prior points, plus the fact that you can only experience one scene per in-game day, the "gameplay" loop pretty quickly devolves into the following:

    - Start day
    - Go chat with all the girls for free affection points (1 minute)
    - Watch a scene (5 minutes if you actually read the text maybe, 1 minute otherwise)
    - Go to town and explore for a new town-building scene plus get any guild rewards from your last dungeon run (2 minutes)
    - Spend your resources on a billion tech tree upgrades (3 minutes)
    - Do a repetitive dungeon run until the heat gets so high that everything will one-shot you so you will eventually "die" and the run will end (5 minutes)
    - Repeat until you realize that dungeons are stupid and you should just watch all the maid scenes and then touch grass.

    - The core problem of course is that this means we've spent 10-15 minutes to enjoy a 1-5 minute scene (and ngl I skipped through most of the text.) In retrospect I guess I should've skipped it all. Yes, you will miss some minor scenes with side girls but as far as I can tell that's it. The dungeon runs never end, and once you've gotten the swing of things you can just faceroll through them mindlessly and then realize how much time you've wasted later.

    - However, if you remove the dungeon mechanics the game is just.. a rather bland sandbox VN with an okay plot and girls who are unnecessarily boring. Restricting all the main girls to be maids (plus one nun I guess) in the same household makes the progression always feel the same, even if they have somewhat-different personalities. My main complaint about MG1K is that it was extremely bloated in some ways, but at least you had a very diverse cast and the whole "harem recruitment" thing is fun. Instead in this game the harem is basically already there and all you do as the MC is steal a bunch of horny virgin girls from your jerk brother. Maybe this is just meant to be a smaller / more-focused game than MG1K, idk.

    - The artwork. While most of the VN content relies on AI-enhanced CGs, the maid scenes themselves have a handsketched style which is sorta neat but comes off as lazy/unfinished at times. I suspect that it's not just a style choice, but that the dev just had a bunch of early-stage art commissioned and for whatever reason chose not to finish it. [Edit] Actually I realize now that this entire game was premised around this pre-existing artwork, so a lot of things make sense now. The artwork is not unfinished, although I think having to work off of using it as source material may have limited the game a bit - but this is very speculative on my part. [/Edit] Also I don't understand why some of the side characters were made into black silhouettes. It sorta gave the vibe that the dev just wanted to wrap things up and move on.

    - For all the negativity, I don't think this is a bad game and I'm going to give it four stars. I just think the world was more boring than previous TwistedScarlett games and I'm kinda sad that there's no trippy postgame content from what I can tell (I was thinking that maybe 100% journal completion would unlock something but then I realized that getting all the manor upgrades would require a lot more dungeon runs.) The main thing that is 100% a mistake is the complexity of the RPG stat system. It did not add depth/fun to the game and just wasted time, and I really hope that this is avoided in the dev's next project. Go deeper with the RPG mechanics, hell make some sort of cool new roguelike VN AVG, great. Maybe a sexy version of Fear and Hunger? Cool. But managing a bunch of stats / equipment all the time? Please cut down on this.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, beautiful scenes, gameplay is there but not excessively forced in your face, and the dev works really hard and updates regularly - the polish:dev time ratio is really high. Futa MC is really hot, and the corruption mechanics are implemented very well.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games made;
    fun - the dungeon is a functional game in itself,
    hot - a good corruption story,
    good writing - a well written story that accentuates the scenes,
    amazing art - I don't know they make them this fast to be honest.
    What else could you want?
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    the game is not bad but it doesn't have any real good points:
    - girls are beautiful, but 2 art styles coexist, and it would be much better than only one was used. The 2 styles are lacking consistency.
    - the plot is basically "fuck them all"; not a big problem.... but it never deviates from it, and is not enough used for it if we consider just the pure sex aspect of it.
    - the nature of the game is repetitive and "scene"-based, which becomes tiresome, and lack narration. You choose the girl for which you want a scene, go fight in dungeon (unless you did like me a did big sessions of it because it was not very interesting and be done with it once and for all), sleep, repeat.
    Each girl has from 3-9 scenes, and that's it.

    All in all, I really wanted to love it more than I did and am sad to have not enjoyed more.