VN - Ren'Py - University of Problems [v1.6.0 Extended] [DreamNow]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    When I first started playing, it was just another game set in an academic world. It was lost in the multitude of VNs that I play. Then I realized that I was waiting more and more for each update.

    The story is entertaining and well written, the pacing is good, and the models are unique from other games. (They all look a bit alike, but that's okay.) Their proportions are realistic, no breasts or asses that are too big.

    On a more technical level, I appreciate the quality of the rendering and the attention to detail. The lightning is pretty good too.

    And, most importantly in AVN, the sex scenes are awesome!

    So despite its few flaws, it deserves a five star rating in my opinion. Good job dev, keep up the good work.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game so far, with some very hot girls like Roxxy...the red-head evil , scxhool theme is quite ok, and a bit of detective story too. and of course a beautiful teachers , raquel..this game deserve much more attention imho.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I'm not going to apologize for my English, I think everyone will be able to understand it

    I need to write these lines so that everyone knows. The attention to the small details in this VN is exceptional. The developer has taken care of many aspects in each render.
    The pass of time affects in how every room looks (sheets that have been moved, curtains in different positions, etc). Also time passes in a quite logical way.

    The lighting is ridiculously good. The reflections on the surfaces are incredible and the shadows are where they should be. The different textures of the skins, hairs, fabrics ... amazing job

    Maybe the story is a bit cliché and the MC is way too perfect, but at the end of the day what we want to see are sex scenes. And in this case quality is just excellent. You can also see that the animations have improved a lot from the beginning.

    Each of the female characters develops a completely different affection for the MC. And not everything ends in sex on the second day. I think he has managed to find a perfect balance on this point.

    I am very surprised that I have not heard about this VN before, but happy because I have so much content. It is without a doubt a TOP10 for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm quite picky, and yet, like quite a few other reviewers, I feel compelled to give the game a five star rating despite it's flaws.

    First of all, there's a really decent amount of content. The author also manages to tread the line between storytelling and TOO MUCH STORYTELLING many other games fail to tread, it's rare to face an avalanche of text tempting you to just skip over. Maybe not perfectly, but sufficiently. A game like this should use storytelling to increase the appeal of the meaty scenes, and that's what UoP does most of the time.
    Yes, the stoy is mostly same old cliche university stuff, but complaining about that is a bit like complaing about lasers or the force in a new Star Wars movie. It's what you have to expect - if you don't like that sort of stuff, maybe you shouldn't be playing a game with university right in the title.
    However, closely related to that is my biggest criticism of the game.

    If you've played some open world adult games, you are probably aware that they often run into the issue of having several plotlines you can engage in simultaneously, and these plots have themes that should influence each other, but they don't, because the sepearte plotlines don't have variables that take the other plot an it's developments in consideration. Sometimes, this can greatly diminish a players suspension of disbelief, if he cares about that sort of thing.
    And UoP manages to have this problem (no pun intended) despite not being an open world game.
    You are courting a number of girls at the same time, tell each of them you love them, even have inner monologues praising their virtues, but neither can either of these girls become aware of that fact, nor do the inner monologues ever touch the subject. It's as if you were playing multiple games at the same time, or maybe multiple playthroughs at the same time.
    Or like the MC has split personality, I guess.
    I know, some people have issues with having to replay a game to see different plot developments, but I think exclusivity only enriches a game.
    And, by contrast, the non-exclusivity of content takes away from UoP.
    I don't mind playing a dick (this time, pun intended) cheating his way through the world in a game, it's just a game, after all.
    But in this game, the MC appearently sees himself as mr nice guy, yet juggles love interests like a circus artist juggles balls.
    Like I said, the games most glaring weakness in my book.

    On to the visuals. They're excellent, for the most part. I feel lighting could sometimes be improved, also some of the girls have a weird looking skin shader, imo. Also, it's been mentioned in quite a few other reviews, they look kinda samey. There's some variety, but not a lot. Personally, I'm partly appeased since this base pattern is at the very least relatively realistic, not mrs huge ass and tits as you sometimes see in other titles.
    The renders are top notch, no grains or any of that stuff, and the game does a good job constantly keeping the visuals in sort of a flow, switching perspectives and stuff.
    Then there's the animations - I'm not that much of an animations fan, because they inevitabely have to be short. looping snippets that end up looking artificial, but I feel in this game, the animations are as good as they can get. There's attention to detail and skillful selection of that snippets boundaries. I'd say it's the best animations in any game I've seen on this site.

    Sound ... unfortunately, there hardly is any. It doesn't take away from the game massively, but is noticeable. The music is generally okay, no complaints there.

    Maybe finally the interface, it's a renpy game, so ... yeah. The additions here are the smartphone and the "diary". I feel the smartphone is superficial, I guess you can have some impact on the story by deciding who to message and who not to message sometimes, and there's a very small amount of decisions you can make iirc, but by and large, I think it only disturbs the flow of the game and prevents skip mode from working.
    The diary ... you don't really need it afaik, so ... yeah, it's there.

    In conclusion, it's a slightly flawed game, but with enough strong points to offset any of it's flaws. Definately worth trying unless you dislike university settings in my book. Great artistic direction, with attention to detail and code-wise well realized (I could repeatedly send some of the instant messages, I had one image missing error and the smartphone and diary can get into conflict in the UI, that's all the bugs I noticed).
    The one caveat is the storylines disregarding each other, but you can work around that by refusing all other girls, at least for most of them there is a way to do that. Excellent effort, I hope the game continues to a worthy conclusion and the author moves on to create more games in the future.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Originally I gave UoP 3(.5) stars, however, the more I play it, the more I want to lower my rating.

    The choices are hollow, and often the MC just does whatever the plot wants him to do anyway. The game forces you to answer texts, with one option for responses, which in turn, leads you into events you might not even give a fuck about.

    I don't care about Rachel, please stop forcing her onto me. Her character bio even says "the sexiest woman I've ever seen." Like, no. I, the player, have ignored her at every turn and I, the player, am also dating Carol. Is this a a choice-based game or a kinetic novel?

    The grammar just gets more broken and unnatural as the game goes on. I really implore the dev to have a native English speaker proofread things. It's jarring, frankly.

    And, just the small details, like everyone having the MCs number despite no scenes of him exchanging numbers with other characters.

    I had so much good to say after my first quick playthrough, but after sitting down with this one again, I cannot be so kind. Feels like a fan remake of like, College Kings with less freedom.

    2* for the aesthetic and smooth UI.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    review after v0.7

    While i give this game 5 stars it doesn't mean i don't find flaws. There are many things i dislike about this game like the lack of variety of girls (they all have the same generic face and only difference is the hair) or the lack of background characters and a very unoriginal storyline.

    But i appreciate the dev's efforts to keep constant and frequent updates with enough new gameplay to justify it, the quality of renders is really good and the writing isn't boring.

    All in all, this game is above average, but it lacks something to consider one of the greats.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4236841

    This game has simply the best quality of all games, in addition to the graphics being beautiful and realistic, it is also unique, the animations are the best, wonderful and totally well done, even more as the game progresses, it gets even better, the romance of this game, my friends, is spectacular, it's realistic, true, it's very good, you can really see the commitment, the love and affection, the will that DreamNow puts into this game, it's commendable, a romance worthy of a movie, seriously, it would make a very beautiful and exciting romance movie, congratulations to you DreamNow, you, as I've said before, are one of the few excellent developers ❤
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved it.
    Renders 5/5
    Models 5/5
    Story 4/5
    Animations 5/5
    Romance 5/5

    If anyone wanna play this for the first time, please go ahead and enjoy it, you'll not be disappointed.
    I love the characters and their personality traits are likeable too. Tried and tested college theme so i can relate here most of the time. Looking forward to playing more.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Average game. Worth giving a go? Maybe once complete. If you are obsessed with the high school shonen type genre then you may like this. But it is the same blah blah like all of the others in this genre barring like 2. Faces all look the same. Surprised more have not mentioned this.

    EDIT: i rated this game 3 years ago and it is even worse now, the story has gotten worse!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best game around here, gorgeous renders, animation and design, story is pretty cool too, love the 2 red head sisters, if you like femdom or domination you are at the right place, great game
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    You gotta be kidding me. Loved this dev, good job. I really liked the erotic scenes, very alluring, i don't know how i controlled myself but bravo. Story and all are good but end of the day romance and intimacy is what matters and you guys are aced in every department. That Roxy girl is way too good even with her peculiar pseudo character personality. I'm really looking forward to the next update. Great work.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall one of the best VNs on this site

    Graphically it's great, models are gorgeous and the environment and scenery is beautiful as well, animation is fantastic with a lot of detail to the lower regions, really evolved from the early game which had no real animations, characters constantly shift and change expressions as well during conversations, it takes a buttload of work to do that so kudos to you devs
    What's up with all those huge transparent windowed buildings though? doesn't make sense especially when it comes to abby(?)

    Characters are great, a bit similar in body types and face but their personalities vary, each one advances their relationship with the MC at a different pace depending on their history and personality but there's plenty of erotic content in the game for it not to be frustrating.

    Story wise it's pretty good when it comes to the relationship part between the MC and the love interest, plenty of sweet moments of affection and love outside of erotic content, that also doesn't feel like it repeats itself. it also feels like a real relationship is being built and not some sort of a level progression thing where you "unlock" the next level of love(even though there are stats)
    The overall story is not quite as good, because there's some issues regarding interactions between the different love interests that kills suspension of disbelief for me, you have a relationship with 10 different women who live in close proximity to each other and none of them are aware that they are seeing the same guy. this also doesn't work out(imo) because the MC seems like a pretty decent guy overall, I really hope that the Harem thing works but there needs to be some acknowledgment from the characters that they are aware of that, the chances of one of them not bumping up to each other while the MC fucks the other are pretty low in that environment.

    The larger story is building up right now, so it's still to early to judge it but it seems to be decent so far.

    Absurd amount of content for one year of development, the developers are extremely productive and hardworking in my opinion AND they are also improving in the graphics department , kind of wish those "Extra animations" would be a part of the game.

    Fetishes are great, there's nothing too extreme and there's something for everyone. more scenes with Sasha please ;) I'd love if she ends up becoming some sort of a love interest, would love to see how the MC worms his way to her heart

    As I said overall it's one of the best at this genre and you should give it a shot! don't forget to leave a review or a like once you finished playing! or better yet throw some money at the devs.

    Also, a request to the Devs, could you please tell the spirit of Michael Jackson to stop possessing the characters during dialogue? thanks
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know if I can say enough good things about this game. It has an interesting main plot as well as really nice relationship building with MC and all the girls. You can really tell all the girls care for MC and he cares for them.

    Character models are top tier, even if a couple are pretty similar, but they're beautiful so it's all good. Dev has said there will be a harem ending (if you want it) so if you're like me and completely unable to choose or turn any of them down, then you're in luck!

    Animations for the lewd scenes are very well done and get better with every release. There's a good amount of them every update as well (the amount depends on which girls you're in a relationship with)

    After just passing it's 1 year anniversary, it's looking like the game's sophomore year will elevate it even further.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 507366

    A good solid game that is fun and interesting. The renders and visual are good overall. Some of the characters look a bit too much alike but I've seen worse.

    I didn't have any issues completing the game and didn't use a walkthrough. The game made sense and the game mechanics were good overall.

    I read reviews saying the story and writing were bad and I disagree. It isn't the best written visual novel out there but it well written overall. I enjoyed the story and the various character personalities in the game. They are all unique and aren't all the same with just different character models.

    The game doesn't have a harem tag yet the game allows the player to romance every female character in the game with zero consequences. Not once did I have to choose between various characters in the game. I'm not sure where the author is going with this as a result. I will sometimes have sex with two different girls in the same day and none of the girls find out about each other.

    The animations are good in the last 80% of the game but are poorly done in the first 20% of the game.

    There are plenty of hot lewd scenes in the game and there is no disappointment here. At the beginning of the game there are some dream sex events which I wish authors wouldn't include. I can wait for relationships to develop and don't need cheap substitutes!

    Some story paths are only barely developed such as the MC and his varsity basketball career, Yuki, and others.

    Stats are used some in the beginning of the game but rarely used in later releases.

    There is a lot of content to play through which is refreshing.

    The persona of the MC is OK but it follows a common theme - big dick MC that is above average looking that gets beat up by everyone in the game and can't take a punch. Girls drop their panties every time they see him. I'm really tired of playing this type of character!

    I recommend the game and encourage others to give it a try!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this. There seem to be many different ways around the story. Renders are nice. Girls are hot. Some are easy to play others a little more complicated. Nicely written. And something at stake, which is also a plus, I think. Looking forward to further updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great so far. Excellent renders, realistic (as realistic as porn games get anyway) slow burn story, plenty of options, and no grind at all. Can't ask for much more than that. I will definitely be redownloading this on once it's complete.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fantastic game - great renders, scenes, and characters. I'd go for a 9/10 since I'm not a big fan of how the Extra Content is handled, but otherwise this is definitely one of the best 3DCG games ever.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    First of, why not 5 star?
    This game is really good! And, it`s definitely creeping in my top 10!
    Renders are amazing(most of the time), kind of unique, animations are somewhat few(compared to AAA titles) but really nice and hot!
    Story is complex, in terms of relationship. Many characters are really realistic, with feelings and personality. Lots of romance and story...
    Not all characters are pretty or attractive but very unique and cute in many ways ;)

    Downside is not an original story and execution... Developer is trying different things, like interactive walking, sometimes point and click etc...
    That`s the only reason for 4 star. There`s also lots of teasing and somewhat slow progress, but that`s fine...
    Lack of originality in story and confusing gameplay at some times...

    Overall, highly recommend to try and to support this developer. I think this game really deserves the hype!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Sometimes I think some characters are similar to each other, anyway I've already known from the very beginning this will be cool game, I like it, animations, choices, gameplay and renders are really look good, especially renders, they look differently than other games
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Gosh this game has so much potential. The UI, renders, scenes etc. are all very polished and beautiful. Animations are not that great--too choppy because of so few frames causing skips.

    The introduction has a great flow and doesn't have the problems other games have of long endless walls of exposition and inner monologue. The whole poor kid gets accepted into rich university backstory of the MC is pretty cliche but here I think it works pretty well. So far so good.

    Then it all just goes downhill.

    Where the game really suffers is the WRITING.

    The dialogue between is oftentimes awkward and unnatural, and many times just CRINGE. I read some lines and think to myself, sure it's grammatically correct English, but NOBODY talks like that. Breaks the immersion. Dialogue should be more casual and informal. This game could really use a rewrite of the character lines. Too many cringey "hee-hee" moments from Carol and other girls.

    So many unrealistic situations and scenarios. Especially the sex scenes. Zero build up. The MC literally walks around and finds himself in sexual situations with people he's just met.

    MC taking a shower in the gym? Horny girl walks by and jumps on his dick.

    The girl who is head of the main sorority on campus runs into the MC, a freshman, gives him a tour of campus and then later that day literally invites him to come meet all of her girlfriends to play a spin-the-bottle type game. All in the same day.

    Another example is when the MC takes his first history class, becomes the teacher's assistant, then gives her a foot massage after school--literally all in the same day.

    It all just happens too fast in the most unrealistic ways possible. No sexual tension, no buildup, no story. When the situations are so unrealistic, it completely breaks immersion in to the game.

    Another strange thing is when the MC meets a new girl, it seems like her number is automatically stored into his phone because suddenly they are texting buddies.

    Just really bad writing. This game is otherwise visually stunning.