VN - Ren'Py - University of Problems [v1.6.0 Extended] [DreamNow]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I haven't play for that long and stop playing pretty early so I might change the score later or not go back to play it at all.

    8/10 Story wise. The dialogue is not good. Normal human being wont talk like that in real life. You will be force to take part in something you don't want to. Like with the professor at the start. MC finds her pretty so he enroll in her course (like wtf). You are force to think that every girls you talk to are pretty (like literally stare at them one by one and thinking that she has pretty face, nice tits and all that)

    9/10 Graphic. I would like to lower the graphic score if I compare it to other nowaday games but I guess it got it charm. The girls model is what I love the most. No big fake boobs. They all look like normal human being.

    9/10 Love interest. As I mentioned haven't play that far into the game but from what I've seen from 7 of them some are good and some make no sense. Roxy basically jump mc the first time they met (I can't even stop her for some reason). Miss Cooper the professor that you are force to be interest in and took her class (like wtf). Carol is good I think just alot of weird dialogue.
    All in all the score may go lower in the future.

    9/10 MC. I hate him already. Another horndog who eyed every single girls he meet (not just eyed but stare at them from head to toe like wtf). His joking skill is lame as hell.
    The only reason he still got a 9 is because am not that far into the story cuz if I do I will find more reasons to deduct the point.

    10+0.5 Gameplay. Every AVN start with a 10 and get additional point based on its addition gameplay added to the game. Which in this case the mc smart phone. You can text, look at gallary, etc. The highest game that got bonus points is Being a Dik which is additional 2 points.

    I basically stop playing any VN game when its story got to score of 8 but I think if I ignore all the force story, weird dialogue and creepy MC. I may find it more enjoyable later on but still a visual novel game should focus on story and dialogue. If its not fun to read and enjoy the story. It basically the end of said VN.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A fantastically polished example of the standard college harem genre we all know and love. Nothing surprising, just well-executed with impressively detailed DAZ models and quite a bit of content. Nice animations to boot. Four out of Five recommended staple game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is like 3/5 in almost all areas.

    So why am i giving it 5 stars ?
    Bcs it has some of the best animations/renders you will ever see. I think that area is way more important than "writing" or "gameplay".
    Most of the girls are good but 2 of them stick really out.
    I let you determine who those girls are.

    If you are someone that demands the whole product be high quality in most areas then maybe this isnt for you.
    Everyone else, go ahead.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game, but I want more from it. The visual quality remains the same, but I just feel like we’ve reached a point in the story where things have gotten a little stale, and it’s turning into a series of sex scenes with little to link them.

    I really feel we’re at a major crossroads for this game, and the next couple of updates will determine its fate. I feel it’s currently at a good place for a bit of a refresh, for a “phase two” or “chapter two” or however it would be titled, because the game itself is University of Problems, and at the moment, in my playthrough, there aren’t a lot of problems left.

    I love the initial setup here, and those titular problems do cause a good amount of potential branching into different LI pathways. There’s a good phone and notebook setup to allow extra communication through social media (really good for bumping up relationship points with the girls!), viewing photos (i.e., special renders), and checking out the character bios, game history, and of course, lewd scene replays (including extra and extended scenes as bonuses).

    The LIs are mostly very good looking, despite many of them famously being designed off the same base model, meaning there’s a visual similarity to a number of them. I don’t personally find this a problem, and there’s no issue at all in telling them apart.

    The sex scenes are frequent and offer a decent amount of variation. If you like buttstuff, there are several LIs who cater to that, from beginner to expert level. If you like footstuff... this is definitely a good shout for you, because there is quite a lot of it (I think all of it is optional though).

    I do like how the personalities shine through for some characters, although others are perhaps a little one-dimensional. In terms of looks, Roxy would usually be at the bottom of my list for a couple of reasons (namely the short hair, tattoos, piercings, and perma-scowl), but she is an absolute delight. She is badass and adorable at the same time, and there’s little I like in this game more than pounding her ass then making her blush as her sensitive side comes out.

    Some of this review sounds negative, but I genuinely do like the game and want it to succeed. It just needs to do a little work to keep at the same level, let alone move up to the next one.

    (A note on LIs, because I know this is important to some people: Although every LI is rejectable, there is one lewd scene that is unavoidable.)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is the definition of mid to me as far as AVNs are concerned. Too good to actually drop it, too bad to truly enjoy it.

    1) The girls' bodies are very well designed. They are both beautiful and realistic. Rachel and Carol have perfect figures.
    2) Tons of girls.
    3) Specific girl: Rachel. One of the, if not the, best teacher/student romances in AVNs. A not very popular guy who falls for the teacher at first sight, becomes her assistant, plays second fiddle in the relationship and later turns the tables… Yep, the perfect script for such a pairing. Teachers are usually secondary LIs in such games, but here Rachel is the best.
    4) Tons of sex. So much sex you'll get tired of it, I kid you not.
    5) Has a functional phone and some freeroams.

    1) Most of the girls share the same face model with little modification. They end up looking like the same person wearing different wigs. Such a great work with the bodies, only to come up short with the faces…
    2) Lighting is okay (good daylight style), but is used for most situations, as if the characters lived in a lab.
    3) The plot barely exists and consists of a set of missions meant to defeat corruption. It has next to no screentime; so far, 2/5 missions are available, and both require the MC to fuck a SG to succeed. I hope it gets changed later down the road, but as of right now a faithful MC can't "win the game".
    4) Writing problems. I'm slowly going mad from all the "tee-hee"s.

    So, right now this isn't a game I want to complete the available content for (at least until sexless missions are introduced, if ever), but it's nice to run and play from time to time for like 30 minutes to relax.
  6. 3.00 star(s)



    It showed up on the search results for me when I applied a rather restrictive bdsm filter. But all the tags that may peak your interest like bdsm, maledom, spanking and such are just only technically there.
    The only real bdsm you get if you let the MC get pegged. Even the girl that seems to be submissve literally kicks you in the balls if you go to hard or she becomes a vanilla love interest which only slightly more kinky. The whole game has rather strong femdom undertones.
    Which may be a plus for those who like it.
    For those who don't you will only get vanilla love scenes with anal as an option.

    Because the rest of the aspects of the game aren't totally bad I didn't gave the game a 1 star. The characters while all looking the same do have somewhat different personalities. The sum of the story is in the name of the game. You as the MC are basically there to solve problems of other people. You aren't very good at it. Especially if don't want to get pegged. I am not joking. This is literally a story debuff for you if you decide to not deal with the antics of the milf domina.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has some of the best models of any DAZ 3D visual novel I've seen. I was so surprised at how good the girls look in-game, they all look absolutely stunning. Everything looks great in general, actually.

    Sadly, this is where the good stuff ends. This game is borderline unplayable. The dev is lucky he makes good renders because the writing is catastrophically bad, making you angry at every sentence. This is yet another game written by someone who’s either a 12-year-old or someone who's never spoken a day of English, or both.

    The dialogue is awkward and really infuriating. The player keeps finding himself in unbelievably good positions but is never given the agency to do what you want him to do, and he never says what he should. He goes on tantrums, gets mad and offended for no reason, yaps way too much, and never stops apologizing, and I fucking hate that.

    I really want to like this game, but the MC makes it impossible. It's worth playing, though, because the renders are so good and it's quite a long game with a lot of scenes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Trump

    How to summarize UOP:
    A good college theme game with nice renders, smooth animations, pretty LIs and a decent story followed by a dev who has been consistent with updates for years.
    I have been playing this game for more than 3 years and rarely has it happened that I was disappointed with dev or the updates. Even back then when there were updates every month, he always delivered good amount of content even in short time gap.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    University of Problems is a game containing top level adult scenes which are unlocked by being a dishonest shitbird. The MC comes off as relatively likeable in most scenes except for the ones where one love interest is in danger of learning about a different love interest, at which point his inner monologue fills me with guilt and remorse as he tries to juggle numerous romances. To make matters worse, several of the love interests are damaged, with the MC healing their broken hearts and confessing his love… right before moving on to his next love interest and repeating the process. Despite all this, I still consider this a five-star game given the quality of everything involved. You simply have to be okay with either a dozen different playthroughs, or with unlocking everything while playing as the biggest douchebag to ever live.

    Where University of Problems really shines is in the adult content. Few other games have truly nailed all of the stages of a romance, with a diverse array of dialogue, animations, and renders through the beginning, middle, and end of the adult encounters. You’ll never see a scene begin with a blow job. You may not realize how important the “intro and outro” portions are until you find the missing in other games. A blow job is sexy, but the moment a woman slowly positions herself between your legs and begins to tug at your shorts can be even sexier still, as can the post-sex cuddling. So many games miss these vital moments, but UoP does not.

    UoP contains an excellent soundtrack that changes depending on the scene. The tunes are memorable and quite catchy.

    The story is well-written and believable, for the most part. You’re attending college and… well, romancing everyone you meet. In the latest version (1.4.5) you have several threesome paths that are nearing fruition and more than half a dozen relationships going on, assuming you’re like most players and are trying to unlock the most content possible in one playthrough. However, as I illustrated in the opening, this is a double-edged sword where, if you’re like me, you’ll end up feeling guiltier and guiltier as the story progresses as the various love interests get closer and closer to finding out what a piece of shit the MC is. I suspect the author either never intended for this to be a harem game or is struggling to make it work believably.

    However, this could simply be a “me” issue. I have a couple other gripes, such as a recent domination scene that I couldn’t opt out of (previous instances gave you the option to avoid them), but overall, the game is quite entertaining, with a diversity of scintillating, well rendered and well animated adult content that has been working quite well for two or more years that I’ve been following this title.

    I recommend the game to any fans of the college shenanigans line of Adult Visual Novel. Just be prepared for the possibility that the author will make you feel like a piece of shit if you attempt to unlock everything in one playthrough. Some hopefully useful criticism for the author: Add, either in future content or to previous content, a way to end relationships peacefully if a harem is not in the making, and to clearly outline the choices that will lead to unpleasantly breaking one of these sweet girl’s hearts so they can be easily avoided. I am quite worried about both Sara and Roxy should they find out about each other without some setup making it okay. Even if it makes no sense, for me it’s preferable over seeing them cry. Perhaps a big neon sign saying, “Your previous choices are about to break so-and-so’s heart! Turn back now and fix it, or feel the wrath!”
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Visually, the game is well-crafted, with detailed graphics that bring the university campus to life. The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing players to focus on the strategic aspects of gameplay without feeling overwhelmed.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a disaster. The writing is abysmal, trying desperately to make you care about characters who are shallow and uninteresting. Instead of focusing on their looks, it forces you to endure their insipid personalities. The so-called "open world" segments are a joke, barely offering any variety and certainly no depth.

    As for the script, it's a mess of melodrama and contrived mysteries, trying too hard to be serious and failing miserably. And don't even get me started on the secondary characters – they're forgettable at best, and cringeworthy at worst.

    I dread to think how the game will handle multiple romance paths and harems. The thought of it being remotely realistic is laughable. It would be absurd to think characters like Sara or Rachel would ever entertain the idea, while the whole concept might marginally suit characters like Ashley or Natalie. But honestly, who cares? This game is a train wreck from start to finish.

    HOWEVER... if you love MILF content, this is a 3*. i feel i am being very generous by giving this a 2* especially with the tone of 5* reviews it already has!!!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    A good amount of content and solid but albeit average renders/scenes. All the tools for another good college focused AVN.

    What takes stars from this is the writing. The story is straightforward which is fine. The issue is that it has clearly either been translated or written by a non-native English speaker. Whilst it is much better than other similar cases I've seen it still has the problem of every character just seeming off. The main offenders are overly formal dialogue and things no person would ever actually say or think in the chosen wording.

    Worth the time if you're out of college games as it will keep you occupied. If you aren't specifcally looking for that then I'd probably not recommend strongly.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A very promising game with good looking characters and interesting personalities. The story is where it misses a little bit for me personally as it can go from being somewhat interesting to mildly boring in the span of a few minutes. It's not a bad story by any means but its definitely not the main hook of this game for me.

    The sheer amount of scenes and content that the developer provides for this game should not be overlooked. Like I said it is very promising and already has a bunch of content out for anyone into the "school-setting" genre and its definitely worth checking out.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderfully rendered, wonderfully written, LI's all have different and interesting personalities, and the animation is Superb!! Did I mention butt play? In spades, I love it. Only small quibble I'd have is that several of the women seem strangely related, in that the facial resemblances are a bit too close. But all in all, one of the best , IMHO. Thank you, dev!
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Typical college setting with soyboy beta male MC. Same types of choices and same events and character quirks as every other VN in this style. This would normally make the game pretty generic and averaged, but here it does some stuff that makes it lose points and it becomes kinda bad. First off, I HATE games that have you dick around in a phone and this one is no exception. Having to constantly keep up on a bunch of text messages for like 12 different people is a pain in the ass, not to mention the phone UI is clunky. Another thing that really sucks are the "roam" sections. Having to navigate around clicking on people and fishing for events going up and down stairs and checking doors is just annoying, pointless busy work. It serves absolutely zero purpose except to waste your god damn time. Finally, the last but probably biggest nail in this games coffin is how it treats routes. If you don't have a walkthrough good luck. Points are all over the place, routes open and close and extend and shorten, it's a complete and total mess. Some choices let you get back on to certain routes, other choices just destroy a route completely. Some choices have no affect on other choices later, some have major choices in dialogue, it's honestly a disaster. It also has the typical fraternity drama with the rapey preying on naive girls drama trope. This means that not only are you fighting with the choices and dialogue system, but you also have to contend with making sure that your choices don't end up screwing over one of the girls you're after. Again, it serves no other purpose than to waste your time and screw you over. Overall, I think the game is really poor, bad even. The only reason it gets a 2 and not a 1 is because the girls look ok and the renders are fine.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Wide range of L.I.s in this game which makes up for an interesting game so far. Interested in seeing where it goes from here. The only thing that I am worried about is the ending. With this many ladies and no harem tag how is the dev going wrap a bow on this?
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Its very vanilla and i found it a bit boring really, MC starts in school meets alot of girls and flirts with everyone, its not a fuckfest game so thats a plus but it is very very kinetic, like the teacher at the start of the game, your forced to sign up for her class since MC wants to fuck her and your forced to give her a foot massage no matter if you got 0 points with her and MCs thoughts are so cringy to read when you as the player couldent care less about her, same thing for every single girl in game, it just makes for a really stupid story when MC thinks "hope i get another chance with her" and then you pick the choice "hey i wont be seeing you anymore" 2 seconds later, which is why that kind of thought process shouldent be there at all.

    And even though MC is a huge pervert, when a girl wants to do stuff he either backs out??? or ask 50 times if shes sure she wants to to something....its a total fail for MCs character, either make him a pervert or dont, anything else is just to stupid.

    The laughing in this game is so bad, its Hee-Hee or Hee-Hee-Hee? looks more like someone stuttering the word He then a laugh and its there constantly, never been annoyed by laughing in a game but guess theres a first for that to, Mod can change it to Tee-Hee which is a little better but when MC uses that it makes him look/sound like a girl so i dunno, everyone seems to be high on drugs 24/7 since they laugh constantly....

    And as for the plot its barely a plot and very boring, get some boss dude trown out of college, not much to it and it just meh.

    The phone text system is a bit annoying you send a msg to someone then you have to exit phone to click once to then get a reply where you again have to open phone click msg read and exit phone again, that could have been made alot better.

    Also wasent really a fan of how the progress with girls are, if you dont go with Carol it will be a slowburn with no fun and if you do you might end up cheating on her once you finaly get to know other girls, theres just to big a leap between starting and learning something with LIs and not being a harem game makes it even worse when you have to blindly pick a girl or dump her before even meeting other LIs or learning anything about her.

    And when you are on a LIs path you cant turn her down after you picked to go for her, not even after you learn the LI is a lesbian who has no interrest in MC but wants a relationship with another girl, MC will just keep going for her without having a choice to dump her, atleast give the player an option when you learn something new, this is an awfull way to run paths for LIs when you have to go for them before learning anything about them and then when you do you never get the chance to dump them.

    And MC is an idiot constantly thinking how to win a lesbian girl over so he can fuck her.....he acts like he has no clue why shes not into him while knowing shes a lesbian i mean hes brainless..its annoying.

    Im a one playthrough kind of player and this game makes it impossible to do it that way when you have so few choices.

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    MC is as so many games the standard horney pevert with the mindset of a 12 year old, constantly thinking how hot ANY girl he meets is, it gets really annoying reading about it if you as the player dont find the LI hot in any way, it also has the side effect that you cant truely enjoy the game if your the type that likes to put yourself in the shoes of MC when playing.
    MC also acts like hes never seen a girl before so when he sees one or one talks to him he goes of to lala land unable to focus or yes brainless, and it goes without saying he gets boners from close to nothing.

    I really wish devs would stop this idiotic thought process and let the players them selfs think what they want when they see a LI since peoples tastes are diffrent where one sees hot another sees ugly.

    Girls 2/5
    They look ok, i dideent really find them all that hot but that comes down to personal taste, theres an ok diversity in builds, no smols though and i dident really like that most feel like whores or dumb bimbos due to lack of info given to the player.

    Animations 4/5
    Well it starts out with pure shit where its just picture to picture stuff, but it will have some very nice animations later in game, proberly some of the best ive seen with movements and quality.

    Music 3/5
    Decent background music.

    Choices 2/5
    I like that you can pick who to be with, but as for the story its mostly if not all kinetic and LIs paths are poorly made so you have to accept them or dump them before learning who they are.

    I tried playing it for the story which is most importen for me, im more into that then the porn side, not that i dont enjoy that as well, but the main story in this one is barely even there so nothing to come for really.

    Cant give this more then 2 stars, to me it was just to boing, bad path system for LIs almost forcing you to restart once you learn stuff and i dont like that at all, LIs was a bit meh same for their stories and the laughing drove me nuts as well so yeah it just wasent for me.
    Also there still LIs like Ashley you still cant have sex with, i mean almost 4½ year old game thats a bit to much of a slow burn, all you get is a shitty anal scene with her and thats it 4½ years and 0

    And on a side note, it forces Anal on you as well and with one girl you can say your not into anal but it shows like this "not into Anal (Lier)" thing is i hate anal so no im not a lier.....who in their right mind would pick anal over pussy unless your gay, it makes no sense....and who on earth does anal first before losing their virginity.....its idiotic.....
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    2.5 star game

    The plot is ridiculous. A couple of characters are well written, all of the rest have no personality or purpose other than wanting to fuck the MC every time they are in a scene. The game is not that polished and there is a lack of direction for where its going, for instance the age of one of the characters is mentioned a couple of times and it changes each time. There is a good amount of content relative to how long its been in development which is why I am rounding up to 3 stars instead of 2.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    miles bennet dyson

    love this games love every girl the renders animations story and music are all top notch this is the finest quality game I've played to be honest I've never been bored playing this most of these games you just skip the dialog because its just a sea of text to get the good bit the way mc interacts with these girls and the relationship dynamics is really well done and interesting unlike a lot of games on here which just get everything wrong that's the thing about UOP its gets everything right it gets the player invested into the story and relationships he has with these lovely ladies i think this is a near perfect game
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    College slice of life kind of game. The sex/animations are one of the best. Some are kinkier, others are wholesome.

    The story is hit or miss. it's not mind blowing, but it's not garbage. The LIs are cute and realistically proportioned, which is a plus for me.

    If the story bores you, it's worth unlocking the gallery just for the sex scene. Specially Roxy's.