Mar 3, 2020
If you spectate a battle where the results involve one NPC demanding sex of another, selecting 'Continue' loops you endlessly between the 'Scene' and 'Scene Results' passages.

I think I've fixed this locally by altering a line in processGenericMapBattleEffects:
var returnPassage = (loser == "chPlayerCharacter") ? selectedBattleDemand.getPassageLink() : "Map";


Nov 14, 2019
i feel the A.I engine really is unique, items going forward looks really good, and you could do with some addtional random events in the morning after day 13,

I think the game would take off alot more with some images, i dont think you need commisioned artwork, even simple snippit gifs of blindfolds being put on someone, or the sexual attacks would put some visual stimulus into the game.

I do think the best part of the game is the engine though so im just thinking quick plug in visuals, OC art can come alot later imo. Engine and Scenes first always :)

really good game


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
If you spectate a battle where the results involve one NPC demanding sex of another, selecting 'Continue' loops you endlessly between the 'Scene' and 'Scene Results' passages.
Thanks for mentioning it and sorry for the trouble. That bug was caught and solved a few days before version 0.2.6, so it will be fixed in the next free version.

i feel the A.I engine really is unique, items going forward looks really good, and you could do with some addtional random events in the morning after day 13,

I think the game would take off alot more with some images, i dont think you need commisioned artwork, even simple snippit gifs of blindfolds being put on someone, or the sexual attacks would put some visual stimulus into the game.

I do think the best part of the game is the engine though so im just thinking quick plug in visuals, OC art can come alot later imo. Engine and Scenes first always :)

really good game
Thanks for your comment! Version 0.2.6 already has icons for rooms, as well as a small map for the whole Temple. The last Patreon reward involves dedicating a monthly portion of the game's income to animated sprites for the sex scenes. Smaller icons such as those for blindfolds may be added much earlier.

Many story events in the future will be chosen randomly if their requirements are met, but I'm focusing my work in finishing and polishing some core features at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Claw's combat AI seems to struggle really hard if she runs out of energy, she seems to only spam taunts and cold guts and not use any of the basic attacks that do lust damage.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Tried the game and it's quite nice, albeit perhaps it missed an auto-resolve for battles because they tend to get repetitive.

Something that actually surprised me is that the "stealing submissives" option starts off, to be fair 3 days is quite a short time to actually mean anything, unless the time expanded and perhaps it does at high levels of submissive, didn't grind too much (however it feels like the point of the game is kind of like that, have all the girls madly in love with you, be part of a harem and stuff like that), but I guess it is done out of the "NTRish" feeling it can give, kind of feel that the option will probably expand itself in the future when more relationship types are added...

Following that line... if there is something I missed are relationships that can last for a long time or even be permanent, to be fair the companionship would be the one that felt it could easily expand itself unless one of the parts decided to drop it out of any reason (be it that your rivalry increased too much or that they have a preference for other character).

But if I had to ask for something would be related to the currency in game and being able to donate it to get blessings (or rather, give an use for the vereens) and getting traits at certain attributes thresholds, just to give an example:

-Empathy gets to 20 you obtain Mood feeling (thanks to your high empathy you can now understand the relationships that other characters have with each other) which would let you see in your room more information about your rivals, mainly how do they feel about the rest of the characters.

At 40 it could be improved again with something like "Know it all" (thanks to your incredibly high empathy you fully understand the insides of each person and understand their motivations),`which would let you see the stats related to cooperation, domination and stuff like that, basically understanding their goals.

Lastly I kind of feel that we need ways to "influence" characters, such as talking bad to her about x or try to manipulate others in some way, I believe it's obvious thanks to which character I comment it, but in case gonna say it's Val the character that was interesting on that sense, be it her way to convince Mir to be hydratated or how she tried to make you two have a fight. I have to say I truly liked how she is.

P.D: It would be nice that scrolls xp got buffed, you only read them once and the lore ones give too little XP, at least I think so.

Just my 2 cents, the game is fairly unique and funny to play, perhaps the fights would need a few improvements to be more fun but that's about it.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
DawnCry Thanks for you suggestions (y) If some stats, such as empathy and perception, turn out to be too weak, I'll introduce extra mechanics for them. I'll keep them noted down for now. At the moment there are other ways in which you can know about the other characters' drives, such as asking them in a generic conversation or having a special relationship with them, then checking their page in the personal room menu.

Money is usable in version 0.2.6 with the introduction of items, but it will have more uses in the future.

The duration of special relationships and equipped items will change as the story advances. As the late game gets closer, it'll be possible to make them semi-permanent. The current duration is short to make sure that having advantage during the early game doesn't snowballs too hard.

Social interactions and the social AI will get updated soon, I may try to introduce the actions to influence the opinion of third characters there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Is it possible to initiate a sex scene with multiple "leading" characters? There is a scene that works like that in a possible outcome of a story scene with Val and Mir, but I haven't figured out a way to do it in generic scenes.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
Is it possible to initiate a sex scene with multiple "leading" characters? There is a scene that works like that in a possible outcome of a story scene with Val and Mir, but I haven't figured out a way to do it in generic scenes.
It isn't possible. If it was possible to do that, the leading characters may select actions that obstruct each other in the same turn, which would make gameplay clunky. In the custom scene where there are two leading characters, positions are locked so that such obstruction doesn't take place, and their leading role only allows them to change continued actions.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
Is there a way to migrate saves between versions or are they unavoidably incompatible?
They're incompatible. I've explained why a few times, but the short version is that making patches that updated all possible different inconsistencies woud skyrocket the development time. I'm only making an exception for hotfixes made to solve game-breaking bugs.


Aug 4, 2018
Figured it'd be something like that, thanks for the answer! Loving everything in the game so far!


Sep 24, 2017
How does one know they have reached the end of content? I'm at a point where I haven't seen a morning event in a few days... but that doesn't necessarily mean there aren't any more. But before I grind out 30 days of the game and drive my self up the wall trying to find out... I thought I might just try asking...


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
I'm at a point where I haven't seen a morning event in a few days...
Then you have reached the end of all current story events. In a future update, I'll start adding story events that aren't fixated to take place in a given day, but will require specific conditions (such as two characters sharing a special relationship or a character's pleasure or domination drives having grown) and may happen later. When those are in the game, there will also be ways to know about them, so don't worry about having to find them blind.
Nov 21, 2020
Just wanted to say that this game has a very promising concept and I'm really looking forwards to see how it develops. What I really like is how in depth the submissive content is, not a lot of games that cater to that fetish (usually there's more focus on domination). The way your relationship dynamic builds gradually with the other characters and is reflected in scenes and in the way the AI interacts with you is really refreshing! The other thing I really like is the AI system, how the other characters have meaningful interactions with each other without your presence/input, and seing how they develop over time. I gotta admit when first starting out, because there was a lot of text with few choices I was expecting the game to be pretty linear but I was pleasantly suprised how procedural everything was once i got past the intro.

If I had to leave some criticism, I'd say currently combat is currently in a bit of an unfortunate state. The way lust acts as both arousal and stamina/health doesn't feel quite intuitive as a game mechanic (a lot of offensive moves lower the lust stat and running out is usually how most fights end). Also like others have pointed out, combat can last very long if both participants have full stats. The other thing is that orgasms aren't described in detail in scenes. Although I'm guessing both of these will be addressed in future updates. Honestly most criticism i can think of has to do with the game being in an early state, which of course is a good thing.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
looseylucy Thanks for bringing this up! I'm currently doing an in-depth rework of the map and socialization AIs, which will hopefully make the behavior of NPCs more in line with their personality and goals, and it'll be ready for version 0.2.8. I also plan on adding a generic comments system for version 0.2.9, which will be linked to these changes to the AI, and would provide hints to the player about what are the NPCs' intentions behind their behavior in any given time.


Oct 22, 2019
First I'd like to say that there is a really solid foundation for a game here. I've been poking around in the source, and it's also the best structured code I've seen in a twine game of this size. A lot of games start to collapse under their own complexity after a while, but this one seems like it still has a lot of room to grow. I did have a few misc notes though:

While trying to get girls to accept being a servant, the interface was fairly cryptic about explaining what needed to be improved, and how to improve it. Submission was obvious, but I had to read the source to understand the rest. For everyone else, these are the main formulas involved in them accepting servitude in 2.6:
Relations: 5(submission) + 2(romance) + 2(sexualTension) - 20(rivalry) - 20(enmity) - 10(domination) 
Mood: 0.2(submissive) + 0.2(aroused) + 0.1(intimate) - 0.6(dominant) - 0.5(angry) - 0.2(bored)
Drives: - 4(Domination) - 4(Ambition)

IF (sexualTension + romance) > (5(enmity) + 5(rivalry) + 3) THEN 
    Drives: 4(Pleasure) + 4(Love)
So to get a girl to agree to submission, its best to max her submission, romance, and sexual tension relations (by domming them), then chat her up maxing her submissive, aroused, and intimate moods. I think putting a collar on her also helps. Having a single point of enmity or rivalry makes having her accept almost impossible, regardless of the other factors. I've gotten one to accept who had a single point of domination relation, but it was very difficult. In light of this and some other poking around, I'm going to suggest:

- Provide a means to actively reduce all relation values. Right now there doesn't seem to be a good way to reduce Domination/Rivalry outside of events and waiting (and waiting takes quite a while). I did find that you can reduce Enmity by choosing "Do nothing" when winning a challenge, but the game could use a tooltip to advertise that it does this.

As an example, currently using Hypnotic Glance in social interaction increases submissive and reduces dominant in the affected. During sex, it will only increase Submission, but it would make sense to also reduce Domination (by a lesser amount, as with the social interaction). Possibly losing willpower/energy while at 0 could lose Domination in addition to gaining Submission, as it indicates a complete abdication of control. Accepting a girl's offer for sex on equal terms should probably reduce Enmity (you're giving her what she wants). Not sure what would reduce Rivalry. Maybe rejecting challenges? Some other challenge-win option?

- It seems like there should be some kind of inverse relationship between submission/domination and friendship/enmity. Maybe also with romance/rivalry. I know you want these to be separate to allow for complicated relationships, but if one is 2+ levels above the other, it seems like it should have a greater effect on daily ST reduction.

- Unrelated to the above, but I did manage to deflower all of the girls in a single run. It would be fun if there was an event for the girls realizing this (especially if you've managed to keep your own virginity). Also I'm kind of surprised that Val has a virginity to take.
Last edited:


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
Thanks for you input!

So to get a girl to agree to submission, its best to max her submission, romance, and sexual tension relations (by domming them), then chat her up maxing her submissive, aroused, and intimate moods. I think putting a collar on her also helps. Having a single point of enmity or rivalry makes having her accept almost impossible, regardless of the other factors. I've gotten one to accept who had a single point of domination relation, but it was very difficult.
Getting someone to agree to become your servant is severely overpowered, since (if successful) it provokes no infamy, implies no risk and it gets easier to sustain over time: it is only intended as something you could do during mid to late game if you've focused on raising the submission of any particular Candidate. Using bondage (especially collars) is an intended strategy. I should however tweak the numbers for both the "become a servant" offer and the bondage items relationship changes. I will probably reduce the difficulty for the time being and raise it again in future versions.

Provide a means to actively reduce all relation values
Options to reduce specific relationship stats are fine, but they must be expensive or difficult to take - otherwise it would be possible for relationships to stagnate if both characters are actively trying to reduce their own submission while raising their partner's. I don't remember if it's in v0.2.6 or v0.2.7, but there are also conditions that allow you to reduce enmity during generic sex scenes.

if one is 2+ levels above the other, it seems like it should have a greater effect on daily ST reduction
Interesting idea, noting it down.

Unrelated to the above, but I did manage to deflower all of the girls in a single run. It would be fun if there was an event for the girls realizing this (especially if you've managed to keep your own virginity).
I have something planned for this, but right now I'm focusing on adding and finishing features to get the "core" of the game finished, rather than adding events and the story.
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