
Jun 26, 2021
I mean I guess I'm doing things wrong then. because I only train during training period and actuallt talk and do stuff in socialzation period. so I never have that issue. but I suppose my stats are worse for it
No matter how much you train, you can't win 1v4 battle.
So it's much more viable to gather a team than becoming stronger yourself.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
Unrelated again, any chance for option to disable "virginities lost" screen in character's status menu? It irritates me that Val always takes every possible virginities of everyone except Claw and sometimes Ate, unless I fully abandon training and become Val2.0 and try to fuck everything that moves. But I don't want to toggle "only protag is futa" option, because it breaks my immersion severely.
Added to the to-do list, but at low priority.

I mean I guess I'm doing things wrong then. because I only train during training period and actuallt talk and do stuff in socialzation period. so I never have that issue. but I suppose my stats are worse for it
Getting everyone's virginities is worth investing the time, as long as you focus on it during socialization period. You get chunky relationship bonuses from it and you don't lose that much charisma/empathy experience. If you have to compete with Valtan for it, take Valtan to bed first. The more times a NPC has had sex in a day, the less likely they are to keep pursuing sex and even conversation.

...The previous paragraph taken out of context would sound really weird, wouldn't it? :p
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Jun 26, 2021
Thanks, fixed in the base files. My preferred channel for typos and bug reports is the appropriate channel on the game's Discord server.

Given how slutty Val is, how did she kept her virginities intact until she got into the temple? Is it gonna be explained in the story or otherwise?


Sep 7, 2018
also I have found if you are worried about Val slutting around. you can try and woo her yourself. I tend to focus on quickly building a relationship with her. if you spend a lot of time with her and have some sexy times with her it lowers her drive to run around with everyone else. since the ai puts les weight on seeking out sexy time if you are providing sexy time
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Sep 10, 2020
Lurker_555111 Valtan trying to get everyone to bed once she arrives at the Passion Temple doesn't mean she behaved the same way while she was in her tribe.
The story did seem that way just a bit, but I have a question based on a hillarious idea i had.
Can we get something like enchanted rings or some wearable item that provides bonus positive/negative drive growths? (Like the collars bonus submission)
I had a run where claw went on a rampage and enslaved everyone it was hillarious. I feel it would be hillarious to see one of the more passive characters do that due to increased domination drives. Such an item would also be useful in the completed version of the game in the event that each character would have a "highest drive" version of an ending or to influence the ending if the mc "isn't garunteed to win"


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
ShadowFireBFG The other Candidates taking wild turns on their drives and behavior is a feature of the game, even if it needs tweaking and more options to influence them. I'm not sold on the idea of using items that give passive growth of drives since it looks too disconnected from the emergent narrative (meaning: if a character grows addicted to sex because they're constantly enjoying it with one or several partners, this makes more narrative sense). If you want a passive character to grow more dominant, the best method at the moment is offering to have submissive sex with them of a daily basis.


Sep 10, 2020
ShadowFireBFG The other Candidates taking wild turns on their drives and behavior is a feature of the game, even if it needs tweaking and more options to influence them. I'm not sold on the idea of using items that give passive growth of drives since it looks too disconnected from the emergent narrative (meaning: if a character grows addicted to sex because they're constantly enjoying it with one or several partners, this makes more narrative sense). If you want a passive character to grow more dominant, the best method at the moment is offering to have submissive sex with them of a daily basis.
provided you can even talk to them 99% of the time, the current way the drives and/or talking works leads to the wierd ability to be unable to provide much influence at all under quite a lot of circumstances especially with how random conversations work, i had one run where no one wanted to talk at all, somehow even nash who i became friends with at the beginning had a -3 to -1 on talking always, i couldnt even join conversations, because no one was having them, and some characters lose the ability to win fights way too easily due to how fast the pleasure drive seems to overwrite all the other drives, with self improvement gains from losing not even helping, because pleasure raises itself nearly infinitely faster, due to this, a passive is almost necessary , since you, honestly dont know when or if the next opportunity to meaningfully influence will actually happen since the pleasure drive gain from sex is beyond overpowered currently, as no other drive grows anywhere near as easily, and eventually everything devolves into a fuckfest although sometimes much slower than others. this is why i used enchanted ring/ item as a suggestion as the collars already have a narrative reason to promote submissiveness via enchantment unless i read that wrong ,it makes sense to a degree even if a duration limit, then poof no more item was introduced.

conversations killed the run where i was going to use a high social skill build and drain to mess around because that was the on where people hated talking and either just didnt or found a secluded area to do it and i only managed to befriend nash, and even nash wouldn't talk to me, after i did a little training the first 3 days

also valtan is a dick, you spend time talking a character up enough to have sex, valtan joins and initiate sex just before you can, sometimes instantly and stealing effort, this gets old quick

also a wearable that can help you locate a person who trusts/ has high favorability of you would be nice especially with how elusive some of them tend to be if you dont straight up stalk them/they stalk you mir can quickly become a stalker and so can valtan, but damn some characters are elusive especially the one whose text is purple i forgot her name but it begins with a M and is long

in conversations you dont get the options you want that much especially praise x options early enough to matter / and dominant submissive options the game loves giving he wrong one since i cant set personality enough/ or it isnt explained that i can well enough the numbers on that also are oddly small compared to other numbers

edit these gripes are supposed to be at least somewhat constructive in nature. that being said i almost burnt myself out trying to get a few scenarios and starting over every time i failed so i got a few really really odd runs

TLDR : dominance/submission is detrimentally too interconnected with pleasure, and the pleasure drive is pretty crippling because it builds way too quickly and some characters are too hard to find sometimes
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Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
Sorry for the late responses, I've been going through some issues lately. Thanks to ShadowFireBFG for the large feedback

i had one run where no one wanted to talk at all, somehow even nash who i became friends with at the beginning had a -3 to -1 on talking always
This is quite rare. Was this happening during socialization periods? During training periods it's expected of the NPCs to not to want to talk since they should be prioritizing training.

and some characters lose the ability to win fights way too easily due to how fast the pleasure drive seems to overwrite all the other drives, with self improvement gains from losing not even helping, because pleasure raises itself nearly infinitely faster, due to this, a passive is almost necessary , since you, honestly dont know when or if the next opportunity to meaningfully influence will actually happen since the pleasure drive gain from sex is beyond overpowered currently, as no other drive grows anywhere near as easily, and eventually everything devolves into a fuckfest although sometimes much slower than others
Drives are definitely not well balanced at the moment, and self-improvement specially needs more ways to be improved. A re-balance between the growth of love and pleasure drives from sex has been in my plans for quite a while, but I'm always ending up giving priority to make sure that there's enough new content for the adventure during the last few updates.

but damn some characters are elusive especially the one whose text is purple i forgot her name but it begins with a M and is long
Well, what did you expect? She's quite clearly a banshee, you can't simply choose when you decide you see her /s

in conversations you dont get the options you want that much especially praise x options early enough to matter / and dominant submissive options the game loves giving he wrong one since i cant set personality enough/ or it isnt explained that i can well enough the numbers on that also are oddly small compared to other numbers
This is meant to represent that it is hard to make sure conversations always go the way you want them to - other participants also have their own goals and desires. If a conversation is absolutely going off the rails you wanted it to (someone creates a bad mood overall, your mood gets too submissive, etc.) and you find yourself unable to get it back on track, I advise to try again later. The "personality" bonuses have to be small at the moment, since they'll grow a lot as the game progresses and characters get higher stats. Do also keep in mind that other NPCs don't get to choose this bonus for themselves, so think of it as a little extra advantage.

all futa basicly
This isn't correct. In the latest versions, you have plenty of choices: all protagonists become futa, only the PC becomes futa, all protagonists but the PC become futa, etc.

I hope you don't mind me quoting your review, frankensteiner316

Its a great game, no doubts about it. Great concept, gameplay is engaging tho a bit repetitive at times. Art looks great as well, the multitude of options there are to try is really something. In fact its good enough to convinve me to subscribe to the patreon because i want to see more of this game. Its a 5 star easily. However, a 0.3 in a year of development doesnt sound great tbh. I hope its not a patreon scam, the creating the game for as long as we can to get as much money as we can type of deal, because im about to sign up for this.
First of all, I'm glad that you're enjoying the game. Regarding the speed of development, I think it's best for me to be transparent to help you understand why the development of the game seems to be slow - it's legitimate to be interested about the work of developers, especially when there are examples of Patreon projects that get frozen in time for months. Some reasons are structural, and there are a couple of short term obstacles as well.

Compared to other genres such as visual novels, a game based around emergent gameplay is always going to deliver scripted content at a much slower pace. While a pure visual novel only has to deal with the script, the art, and perhaps some switchs and counters depending on the player's decision and take them to different routes or endings, emergent gameplay games require building systems of code that grow in complexity exponentially, so I've had to dedicate the vast majority of my time to coding. There are players who enjoy the replayability of these types of games enough to make a playthrough every few weeks, while others will feel that they've had enough with a few playthroughs, or even decide that they only want to make one, and so decide to wait until the game is finished. All of these preferences are legitimate, just like there are players who prefer completely text-based projects with no replayability that deliver more text in the same amount of time, and players who are fine with supporting a 3D comic that progresses extremely slowly because there's a lot of work put into the renders.

If you want to quantify my work, making a quick copy-paste of all the original source code tells me that I currently have 47866 lines of code (will be a little smaller in the version you'll find in GitHub or even your html file, since I'm working on version 0.3.4). Using Twine's functionality to turn all passages into a text file returns me 16891 lines, which includes titles of passages and lines of in-passage scripts that you won't read while you're playing.

Regarding the short term obstacles: I'm currently going through health difficulties that difficult my work. At two occasions, I've been unable to work for weeks at a time - in both cases I've explained the situation on Patreon and suspended subscription payments, even if the time during which I couldn't work didn't reach the four weeks. While I'm not comfortable discussing about it in public forums, I think proper explanations were owed to people who are financially supporting my work.

The other reason why development is currently going slow is because I'm in the process of recruiting someone who will work on creating animations for the game (hopefully) long term. This includes learning about legal, administrative and tax procedures (already done), getting a lawyer who will write a proper contract with all relevant clauses regarding remote work (currently on it, this requires a lawyer because regulations regarding remote work on my country are kind of a work in progress with the start of the lockdowns), the recruitment process itself, teaching the artist everything relevant to their work and whatever coding required to properly fit the animations in the sex/battle scenes. This doesn't completely stop my work on the game, but it delays it.

I hope you appreciate the transparency.


Sep 10, 2020
Sorry for the late responses, I've been going through some issues lately. Thanks to ShadowFireBFG for the large feedback

This is quite rare. Was this happening during socialization periods? During training periods it's expected of the NPCs to not to want to talk since they should be prioritizing training.

This is meant to represent that it is hard to make sure conversations always go the way you want them to - other participants also have their own goals and desires. If a conversation is absolutely going off the rails you wanted it to (someone creates a bad mood overall, your mood gets too submissive, etc.) and you find yourself unable to get it back on track, I advise to try again later. The "personality" bonuses have to be small at the moment, since they'll grow a lot as the game progresses and characters get higher stats. Do also keep in mind that other NPCs don't get to choose this bonus for themselves, so think of it as a little extra advantage.

I hope you appreciate the transparency.

Well the talking was during both periods training had bigger negative numbers but the best I got that run was a negative 1 on Nash during socialization period, and that run I never witnessed a conversation, I haven't played since bc I played too much at once, also I was playing on normal and don't know if it mattered everyone had big negative modifiers to the other category, whatever other is

Rosen King

Engaged Member
May 29, 2019
Well, I certainly hope your health issues get better. On an unrelated note, I'm reminded that there was something I wanted to post a while back but kept getting distracted.

After finally going back to the game and (partially) playing through the newest version, I actually partially retract what I said earlier about wanting more mind control content probably being "too many changes to core mechanics for something that isn't the main focus of the game." I certainly don't retract the part about not wanting to be too whiny and make unnecessary demands of the dev, but I do retract the part about it not being what the game is about. After a certain point (which was the end of the content last time I played), you're presented with a choice between three powers: magical bondage, hypnosis, and draining. I don't know what draining is about, and whether it's a fetish on its own or just a gameplay option for people who aren't too interested in the other two fetishes, but this particular choice seems to be the game's very namesake, so one would think the choices would be the game's core fetishes. Except... there's BUTTLOADS of bondage content, including forming the basis of some of the core mechanics, while there's pretty much no hypnosis/mind control mechanics beyond that one skill. At this point I think it's not unfair to say that the game actually does have less mind control mechanics than it should, since the eponymous(?) decision of the game basically asks whether you prefer bondage or mind control (or whatever the heck draining is), and then pretty much says, "Haha, just kidding, we're doing bondage. So much bondage."

Again, though, I don't want to ask too much of the dev, and this is an addendum to an earlier post I wanted to make a month ago, not something I wanted to post as a response to the dev talking about having so much on their plate. But I do feel I'm more justified now in calling this an area where the game is lacking, rather than just something I'd like.

Of course, there's also the question of how much brainwashing-focused mechanics would affect the balance in a game with mechanics tied to characters' own personal motivations and drives, but... Honestly, that's what would make it so fun. I mean, most games with mind control content just use it as flavoring for the sexual content, but this is a rare opportunity to use it to *actually* tinker with a someone's personal thoughts, feelings, and motivations. You'd get a thrill out of every time a character tries to seduce whoever they're talking to because you know that you're the one who gave them that drive, or have a character follow you around like a puppy and periodically beg you to collar them because you've drilled a desire to submit to you inside their head. (Edit: This would also appeal a lot to people who have a fetish for cuckolding. Just imagine if two candidates develop a close relationship, but then you stop one of them from loving the other and make her want to be yours instead. I mean, that sounds awful and I'm deflating just thinking about it, but that's because I'm not a cuckolder. There's definitely a big "evil hypnotist steals somebody's girl" fanbase out there.) It may be overpowered and even kind of "cheating" in a game where these things are supposed to evolve naturally, but not only is that one of the main appeals of the fetish, but it could also be a way to let the player sort of "fix" the things that end up going too far off the rails. Some of the problems people have been complaining about could just become a motivation for the player to make it their next project to worm their way inside a candidate's head and, say, stop Val from slutting it up with everyone she meets.

And now I'm getting off track again...
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Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
the best I got that run was a negative 1 on Nash during socialization period
Will give a look to the function that determines this then. Now that I think of it, I think battles now make characters a little bit angry - without any other positive modifiers that could explain them getting very small negative modifiers, thus rejecting conversations all the time.

I don't know what draining is about, and whether it's a fetish on its own or just a gameplay option for people who aren't too interested in the other two fetishes, but this particular choice seems to be the game's very namesake, so one would think the choices would be the game's core fetishes. Except... there's BUTTLOADS of bondage content, including forming the basis of some of the core mechanics, while there's pretty much no hypnosis/mind control mechanics beyond that one skill
There will be more focus on other fetishes. I'll explain why bondage received more focus first, but I'll have to get into spoiler territory - mainly stuff that you could figure out if you played through versions 0.3.2 and 0.3.3 and gave it some thought:

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I understand that it's tiring to see that the content you're interested in takes a while to get implemented, but I want to make sure that the story follows its planned course.

Draining is actually another kink, yes. Think of succubus and other demons using sex to drain their victims of their power and a form of domination, that's its general appeal.

Honestly, that's what would make it so fun. I mean, most games with mind control content just use it as flavoring for the sexual content, but this is a rare opportunity to use it to *actually* tinker with a someone's personal thoughts, feelings, and motivations.
Definitely fitting for the game and very hot indeed, but it's overpowered for them to be available right at the start of the game. Do also keep in mind that, when those kind of options get added, they will require high resource cost and constant usage in order to prevent them from being overpowered.
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Aug 23, 2018
Sorry for the late responses, I've been going through some issues lately. Thanks to ShadowFireBFG for the large feedback

This is quite rare. Was this happening during socialization periods? During training periods it's expected of the NPCs to not to want to talk since they should be prioritizing training.

Drives are definitely not well balanced at the moment, and self-improvement specially needs more ways to be improved. A re-balance between the growth of love and pleasure drives from sex has been in my plans for quite a while, but I'm always ending up giving priority to make sure that there's enough new content for the adventure during the last few updates.

Well, what did you expect? She's quite clearly a banshee, you can't simply choose when you decide you see her /s

This is meant to represent that it is hard to make sure conversations always go the way you want them to - other participants also have their own goals and desires. If a conversation is absolutely going off the rails you wanted it to (someone creates a bad mood overall, your mood gets too submissive, etc.) and you find yourself unable to get it back on track, I advise to try again later. The "personality" bonuses have to be small at the moment, since they'll grow a lot as the game progresses and characters get higher stats. Do also keep in mind that other NPCs don't get to choose this bonus for themselves, so think of it as a little extra advantage.

This isn't correct. In the latest versions, you have plenty of choices: all protagonists become futa, only the PC becomes futa, all protagonists but the PC become futa, etc.

I hope you don't mind me quoting your review, frankensteiner316

First of all, I'm glad that you're enjoying the game. Regarding the speed of development, I think it's best for me to be transparent to help you understand why the development of the game seems to be slow - it's legitimate to be interested about the work of developers, especially when there are examples of Patreon projects that get frozen in time for months. Some reasons are structural, and there are a couple of short term obstacles as well.

Compared to other genres such as visual novels, a game based around emergent gameplay is always going to deliver scripted content at a much slower pace. While a pure visual novel only has to deal with the script, the art, and perhaps some switchs and counters depending on the player's decision and take them to different routes or endings, emergent gameplay games require building systems of code that grow in complexity exponentially, so I've had to dedicate the vast majority of my time to coding. There are players who enjoy the replayability of these types of games enough to make a playthrough every few weeks, while others will feel that they've had enough with a few playthroughs, or even decide that they only want to make one, and so decide to wait until the game is finished. All of these preferences are legitimate, just like there are players who prefer completely text-based projects with no replayability that deliver more text in the same amount of time, and players who are fine with supporting a 3D comic that progresses extremely slowly because there's a lot of work put into the renders.

If you want to quantify my work, making a quick copy-paste of all the original source code tells me that I currently have 47866 lines of code (will be a little smaller in the version you'll find in GitHub or even your html file, since I'm working on version 0.3.4). Using Twine's functionality to turn all passages into a text file returns me 16891 lines, which includes titles of passages and lines of in-passage scripts that you won't read while you're playing.

Regarding the short term obstacles: I'm currently going through health difficulties that difficult my work. At two occasions, I've been unable to work for weeks at a time - in both cases I've explained the situation on Patreon and suspended subscription payments, even if the time during which I couldn't work didn't reach the four weeks. While I'm not comfortable discussing about it in public forums, I think proper explanations were owed to people who are financially supporting my work.

The other reason why development is currently going slow is because I'm in the process of recruiting someone who will work on creating animations for the game (hopefully) long term. This includes learning about legal, administrative and tax procedures (already done), getting a lawyer who will write a proper contract with all relevant clauses regarding remote work (currently on it, this requires a lawyer because regulations regarding remote work on my country are kind of a work in progress with the start of the lockdowns), the recruitment process itself, teaching the artist everything relevant to their work and whatever coding required to properly fit the animations in the sex/battle scenes. This doesn't completely stop my work on the game, but it delays it.

I hope you appreciate the transparency.
yeah dont get me wrong i absolutely appreciate the amount of content and, possibly the most, thought theres put into your game. And its mostly bug free, so theres nothing really i can fault you on. In fact id say youre on the brink of creating a very unique, high quality porn game. Im just sick of people fake developing their games for as fuckin long as possible. Probably shouldnt take that out on you, sorry. I joined your patreon because I do think you have an original and unique idea that can become something special, if it didnt already. Sorry about your health issues, hope you feel better soon.


Game Developer
Mar 16, 2020
Im just sick of people fake developing their games for as fuckin long as possible.
I know, that's why I'm suspending payments whenever I can't work at the pace I should, to maintain the trust in that I'm not trying to milk the Patreon. I appreciate your understanding.

So aiishen are undead? I thought they were aether elementals or something among those lines.
Nope, I was just joking that they could be mistaken for specters ;)


Active Member
Dec 11, 2016
also valtan is a dick, you spend time talking a character up enough to have sex, valtan joins and initiate sex just before you can, sometimes instantly and stealing effort, this gets old quick
You can actually do the same to her if you decide to follow her around until she starts interacting with someone and mostly passively participate in the conversations until she gets the other character to be in an intimate state.
4.00 star(s) 28 Votes