Just throwing my 2 cents out there.
This VN has potential, easy to see that the Dev's have put alot of time and passion into this project.
Visuals and backdrops are very good. very high quality.
Characters and their models are also very good.
overall story and background seems shaky and abit far fetched. But that doesn't mean to be fair, this is fiction after all. i also expect further chapters to expand upon this.
Grammar is well, mediocre. i ain't no grammar police and i ain't no english lit expert. but its noticeable in places.
again however not an issue in my book. i mean 90 percent of VNs have good to poor spelling and grammar, its part and parcel of the whole AVN genre... haha
For me the only downside, and i don't mean to demean or bad mouth this AVN; Is the dialogue/script, its not the worst i've seen, but its close. some parts i was truly lost and thinking what is happening.
the interactions and general conversations are unnatural and stiff.
I get the impression the dev's are not native english speakers and the script was put through google translate or something.
Other than this one issue i liked it, i truly hope all the best for the Dev's of this game, as stated it has potential.
I urge everyone to give it try, its a good one. and to support them, as can only get better and better. the issues i mentioned are also easy fixes, its not the first time several AVNs have remastered or rejigged earlier chapters etc...
Gets a Thumbs up from me.