DNLLLL Hey, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against you or your tool, quite the opposite, seeing it made me smile

But what I meant was that I wanted to include the forced nudity mode in the EX version of the game for some time already. Also, it's not that full nudity is impossible to add, but it wouldn't make sense as a whole to be included "casually". When you make a mod about something absurd, like going around the city fully naked, players won't care about it making no sense, because it's just a bonus mod. But if I wanted to do it in the base game, then people would go "WTF?!", and that's why I would need to also implement multiple features alongside it, like NPCs reacting to Jane being fully naked, create new events just for this occasion etc., so it all makes sense to be in the game. In other words - really a lot of work. And thanks a lot, but I'm not gonna include such mods together with my releases

And if you want more people to see it, you should report the thread that there's another tool, like you can already see cracks and such on the bottom of OP. Cheers!
Nordmire Yeah, coz as explained many times, game is a 32 bit .apk, and will be updated to 64 bit next year.