DUnno if anyone is willing to answer again and i dunno i wanna try this game, been a year now since i last ask this but to those who are playing it in your PC is the game still having such thing where it crashes your PC or doing weird shit or is it safe now to download and run?
i saw someone posted a new 1.10 version so is that also safe or is it better to just download the 1.08 version? thanks in advance
The awesome thing about games made with nwjs is how easily you can cheat using the developer tools or add custom scripts, which makes replayability a thing here (considering there is also the infinite nightmare level).
Here is a small tutorial how to do so, if someone wants to try:
In your game root directory (where the TunnelEscape.exe is) you will find a "package.json".
Remove in the json the "--disable-devtools" at the key "chromium-args".
Now if you run the game you can use F12 to open the Chrome developer console.
Switch to "Console" and now you can start to fiddle with the game variables and settings as you wish, if you know some javascript.
Typing in "$" you will see all the possible options you have.
in $gameParty._gold is your money value.
in $gameParty._weapons is a list of unlocked weapons (in $dataWeapons are all id's for all weapons, set the corresponding id to 1 to enable a weapon for example $gameParty._weapons[6] = 1; to enable the Submachine Gun).
in $gameActors._data[1] you have hp, sp, vp and exp stats to fiddle with
in $dataItems you can find the details to every item
in $gameParty._items are the items you have in your inventory right now
So for example $gameParty._items[36] is how many "Grenade Rounds" you have in your inventory.
$dataItems[36].name tells you this ID 36 is the "Grenade Round".