
May 22, 2017

One of these days I should standardize my greetings for these posts. I feel like I'm supposed to have a catchphrase or something to start off my ramblings with. At this point I suppose it's a thing for me to come up with something different every time.
Thing is, I forget. So I have no idea if I've gone with a simple "Hi!" before. And no, I'm not going to check. That would be cheating. I am an honest Patreoneer, who absolutely do not have to double-check what number of updates I'm at every single time I make a new one.
Anyway, progress this week has been steady. Scene 7 and 8 are finished, didn't quite manage scene 9, but I've started on it. It's a spicy scene, which means some animations and a bit more work than other scenes. Ideally I finish that and scene 10 next week. Ideally.

Someone gave her flowers. Clearly handpicked wild ones too. Neat!
So both of these pics are from scene 8, which you might be able to tell is a pretty chill scene. Well, it starts out that way. It ends with a subtle pinch of spice. Oh, I love me some subtle spice.
In fact, I just changed the title to subtle spice. And now I realize it sounds like the sixth Spice Girl. I suppose she could be, since if she stayed true to her name no one would've ever noticed her. That's my head canon now.
You know what? You deserve another Saranhil pic.
There we are, there's that sunny disposition.
Right then, that's all from me.
Thank you very much for your support, and I wish you a grand o'l week!

This weeks post


May 22, 2017

It's a me! Gary!
Been a week alright. Not an alright week, but a week alright.
I wasn't really feeling scene 9, so I spent some time rewriting it. Once I started making it proper I realized that, yeah, I can't actually animate things underwater. I tried, but realized that I'm either going to spend a literal week or more learning, or I can just half-ass the scene and move on to more important ones.
I'd rather full-ass the bigger awesomer scenes. And I only have that much mojo to work with before it runs dry.
Reminds me of a quote I read the other day by Hemingway. It goes like this:
“I had learned already never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it.”
I rather like the contrast with this quote by Jack London:
“You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.”
The solution is clear. One has to locate this lazy spring and persuade it by way of club until it decides to cooperate. Beatings will continue until water quantities improve!
One of these days I'll figure out a way to show some spicy hidden stuff in a watery reflection. Maybe for the next episode.
Uhh, where was I? Right, the week. I did finish scene 9. I've also created the two minor characters that will show up for scene 10, so now I just have to make the scene. I'm going to try some depth of field stuff, see if I can make random people in the background a bit blurred.
It's a trick for having crowds of people showing in a scene, while not having to make them look high quality, thus hogging precious VRAM. Hopefully, that'll be a way to make scenes in public places feel a bit more alive.
A good magician shows you one hand while the other...
Anyway, that's about all I had to say. I have to find that stupid well if I am to manage writing more. And procure myself a club, can't forget that.
Thank you very much for your support, and I shall demand abundant waters in your mojo-spring this week.

this weeks update


Oct 28, 2020
I have to say, I never thought I would ever play an NTR game that feels ... wholesome? I mean, ok, the demoness wants to conquer the MC's harem but she only does this because she wants the MC for herself. A bit selfish but then again, she is a demon.

Good luck with the game, dev. I wish you all the best.


May 22, 2017

Heyo! Happy big fifty!
It seems we're closing in on one year since the first release. Now, I'm not really one to celebrate stuff, but I'll probably cook up a little special image or something.
Lately, I've been musing on humor. As far back as I can remember I've been trying to make people laugh. My earliest memory is from when I was... five? Couldn't have been older anyway.
There I was, walking alongside a friend. We were out on some field trip with the daycare, or something along those lines. Just a bunch of toddlers walking two by two in a line. We're chatting about whatever it is toddlers chat about. Suddenly my friend walks straight into a pole and falls on his butt. Everyone laughs.

I know exactly what I have to do.
Once we start walking again, I take aim for the very next pole. Bam! I fall on my butt, I look around, my face beaming, awaiting the inevitably incoming laughter. Let it wash over me, let me bask in it! Instead all I see is scorn and annoyance. What had I done wrong?
And that's really the heart of learning, well, anything really. Trying and failing. As long as one keeps trying, then one will keep making those mistakes that you learn from. Once you've made every mistake in the book, and probably some that had yet to be written down. Once someone has had to begrudgingly write down your newly discovered mistakes. Once there are no more mistakes left to make. That's the point when you've become good at something.

Humor is really the one thing I'm confident about when it comes to storytelling. That's because I've been trying and failing at it for my entire life. At this point, a joke falling flat doesn't bother me. If anything it's an opportunity to crack another joke. Do note that the last bit only works in person, though. Can't exactly gauge which jokes land when someone reads a text way after it's been written.
To me, the core tenet is to never force humor. Never to force myself to be funny, because that simply never works for me. But when something funny pops into my head, I'll inevitably want to share it. Making this game is a fantastic outlet for that.
Because my subconscious is constantly working on coming up with jokes. Whether I want it to or not, really. It's been trained to do so. Maybe since that very time I walked into a pole and no one laughed.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "He's clearly trying to distract us from the fact that he didn't get much done this week by way of weaponized rambling"
Not this time!
In fact, this was a pretty good week. Scene 10 and 11 are both done. Well, scene 11 needs to be added into the game, but that's quick work. The renders are the hard part and that's done.
So, all in all, quite a nice and productive week. Now, I think you've read more than enough, so I'll end it here. I kind of forgot to talk about the renders... Ah, well. There's always next time.
Thank you very much for your support, and I hope you learn from every mistake you make this week!

This weeks update


May 22, 2017

Quack quack, motherfucker!
Ah, Midsummer Eve. When day-drinking is not only accepted, but encouraged. When froggy-dancing around a massive cock buried in the earth is not only accepted, but encouraged. When vomiting due to copious amount of alcohol is... Well, perhaps not accepted, and certainly not encouraged. But at least you won't be called an alcoholic for it.
That was yesterday.
Today is Midsummer Day. One out of two or three days of the year when just about everyone is hungover. If there had been a zombie outbreak today, no one would even notice. Hell, maybe there was one and I missed it.

See? This is why it was important that I spent a little bit of time to become an amateur photoshopper.
Last week I mentioned that we're approaching the one year anniversary for this little game and Patreon. I double-checked it and I released the game the 29th of June last year, so next week is the actual thing. I'll make a fancy little render for that.
This week has been all about scene 13, which is basically finished. I just need to actually put it in the game, which I'll either do later today or tomorrow. Had some trouble with making slightly longer looped animations, but they're fine now. Although one of them is 37 MB, which is a tad bit large.
At least, I think they're fine. I usually have to remake some of the animations once I see them in-game. Sometimes they don't quite loop, and it's often hard to tell in VLC. It's usually not much trouble, since I save the scenes like a responsible devman. Annoying and tedious, though? Absolutely.

The lighting is at a slightly odd angle, since it's coming out of the fireplace. It's a... stylistic choice? Yeah, let's go with that. Authentic lighting. Authenticity is what my brand is built on!
Scene 14, 15, and 16 are all going to be relatively simple scenes. So the big thing left is the spicy finale of scene 17.
Now, I'm not really comfortable putting down deadlines for myself, or to promise release dates or anything like that. I kind of hit a wall a while back due to a really shitty job, and I'm still not sure I can handle stress to any real extent. That said, I'd be very surprised if I didn't manage to finish and release the episode next month. Not a promise, but that's my prediction.
Now, I think the renders so far have been a little boring, so let's end on something spicier.

There we go. Spice.
Anyway, cool anniversary render next week! I wrote it again so that I won't forget.
Thank you so much for your support, and I wish you happy dancing around the cock!

This weeks update


May 22, 2017

Happy one year!
Look, this isn't what I was thinking of either when I said that I was going to make a fancy anniversary thing, but when inspiration strikes... Well, one's gotta go with the flow.
It could've used a banner or something, but I'm to sleepy to put in that amount of effort right now.
Good thing I don't have thirteen characters to put in there, that would've taken ages. And for the record, I definitely did not completely forget about this whole thing and make it last second. I would never. My brain is a steel trap.
Just the other day I had a doctor's appointment. I put an alert on my phone for the day before. That way I'll remember to put an alarm for the actual day. And once that alarm rings I'll start getting ready, and put another alarm down. I might forget that the first alarm ever rang otherwise. Steel. Trap.
Ruru's bedroom eyes.
It's actually been almost two years since I decided on making a game. My first attempt was... lame. I tried making something fairly vanilla, I've mentioned it before. I also had severe issues actually getting things done. Which, well, wasn't really a new issue to be fair.
I did finally figure out a method which consists of sticking to a routine of doing something everyday. Even if it's just a small amount, getting something done every day adds up. That, and ~200mg of caffeine per day. I tried to go higher for a while, but it totally ruined my sleep.
That doctor's appointment I mentioned was the first meeting to finally figure out if I have ADHD or not. I'm leaning more and more towards a yes. I always thought that the ability to make routines, no matter how difficult, was incompatible with ADHD. Turns out that the part of the brain in charge of routines does work fine for people with ADHD, it's just that the part of the brain that rewards you for building them is not.
It essentially means that you can build routines, and once they stick they work. Your brain just won't motivate you to work on them in the first place. No instant gratification, no feel good chemicals for you.
Unfortunately the waiting times for stuff like this are ridiculously long here, so getting a diagnosis or not is going to take a while. But it's a first step towards something. I hope.
Zavvy's hair doesn't have proper gravity, which means it's better to hide her fringe in shots like these.
Anyway, scene 14 is as good as done. Took a little longer than expected, since I had three minor characters to make for it. Maybe I'll have to make one or two more even lesser characters for a tiny montage thing at the end. Goal is to finish that and do all of scene 15 next week. Scene 15 is a small one, so it should be doable.
After that it's just a set-up scene for the following grand spice scene. I dare say only one recent movie is spicier than the scene I'm about to make... That's right, I'm talking about Dune 2. I think these two Dune movies is the first time I actually enjoyed a movie over the book. I found it hard to connect with the characters in that book. Really fucking cool setting though.
Fucking hell, lots of text this time around. Have another picture.
An orc in the forest. Perfectly camouflaged.
Right, about the poll we just did. Just about half of the votes are positive to Discord, so I'll be setting one up for sure. I've no clue how much there's to learn and do to set one up properly, but I'll start looking up stuff during the week. I'd prefer to get it up before the release. Not for any particular reason, I'll just procrastinate doing it if I don't put that as a goal.
Just like I procrastinated doing a poll for it for several months.
Ah, speaking of polls, I need to make one to determine who gets the big final spicy Dune scene for episode 6. That might show up next week. If my steel trap doesn't fail me.
Thank you very much for your support, both those of you who have been here for pretty much an entire year, and those of you who are newer. And, uh, the people in between, and uh, yeah. Thanks everyone!
I wish you all a Judas-free week. Here's to another year! Cheers!

update this week


May 22, 2017

Monday greetings!
It's time to pick which character is getting Ruru's undivided attention for the final scene of episode 6.
As of the upcoming release Saranhil will be quite far ahead progress-wise. In order to avoid her inevitable victory again, she won't be a part of the poll. Don't worry, she'll still get content next episode. Her popularity has transcended the need for polls.
I also omitted Donkey this time, he gets some action in episode 5 already. And I mean... He can't really be oblivious to a scene happening to himself. Unless one uses some convoluted plot device, I suppose. Like a body swap or something. Maybe Ruru will cook up a little something for him either way.
We're far enough into the game now where the scene is going to get very spicy. So, yeah, pick your favorite. Or, possibly, second favorite.




19 votes total · 11 days left

Poll seems to be settled with our pyro dwarf getting some extra time with our favorite demon. Who would you guys have voted for if you could vote?


Active Member
Oct 24, 2022
Poll seems to be settled with our pyro dwarf getting some extra time with our favorite demon. Who would you guys have voted for if you could vote?
I voted for Sveida right away, felt it was the right option at the time, now granted if Saranhil's mother was an option then I would have picked that right away or the MC's mother but both of these are too early in storywise and would not make make sense for them to be an option so Sveida it is.
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New Member
Dec 4, 2017
Poll seems to be settled with our pyro dwarf getting some extra time with our favorite demon. Who would you guys have voted for if you could vote?
I would have voted for Zavnessos, that dress was hot and Ruru can teach her how to seduce a man :sneaky:
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May 22, 2017

It's ya boi Gary. Coming at ya with anotha-
Nah, that's enough of that.
Scene 14 took way longer than I thought, so I only finished that Thursday. Then I made scene 15 in two days, so I somehow did what I planned this week anyway. Yeah, I don't know either. I mean, it is a much shorter scene so it's not that weird, but the disparity shouldn't be that big. Oh well.
Now there's only a short scene 16, followed by the biggly spicy scene. So, not much left. That said, the final scene will take time. It's pretty long, there's animations, and I want to put a lot of effort into making it really good. So, still no real idea of how long it's going to take. More than a week for sure.
Saranhil's dungeoneering outfit makes a brief return.
Well, more than a week if I don't enter productivity godmode again. Wish I could control when that happens.
Sveida has a big lead in the poll. I think she's gotten the most character development out of the four of them, so that makes sense. Still, didn't anticipate a blowout. I just so happen to have a render that perfectly showcases both Jhan-jhan's and Sveida's reactions to the votes.
Someone's getting this shoved up where the sun doesn't shine.
I feel like I sometimes get a little too personal in these posts. At the same time I really hate editing and censoring myself. I think it just is what it is. You get me raw. Straight from the tap. Pretend this a third metaphor.
Oh. Discord. Right. I'm totally working on that. Didn't forget about it until this very moment. Haha. That would be silly... I'll have more brain power to allocate to that now that I'm not annoyed about how long scene 14 is taking me. Let's say two units of brain power? No, I don't know how much that is either. It just sounded adequate.
Anyway, that's about it for me this week. Wait, shit. I didn't come up with a title yet. Uh... Productivity godmode? No, that seems misleading. Straight from the tap? Yeah, I like that. Isn't there some people claiming frogs are turning gay from the water? Gay from the tap is a pretty funny line. If I was gay and made a podcast I would definitely use that name. Where was I? Oh, that's right, I was ending the update.
Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you manage to avoid Jhan'draga's wrath this week. Unless you're the one person who voted for her, in that case you're safe.

this weeks update


Jul 15, 2023

Happy one year!
Look, this isn't what I was thinking of either when I said that I was going to make a fancy anniversary thing, but when inspiration strikes... Well, one's gotta go with the flow.
It could've used a banner or something, but I'm to sleepy to put in that amount of effort right now.
Good thing I don't have thirteen characters to put in there, that would've taken ages. And for the record, I definitely did not completely forget about this whole thing and make it last second. I would never. My brain is a steel trap.
Just the other day I had a doctor's appointment. I put an alert on my phone for the day before. That way I'll remember to put an alarm for the actual day. And once that alarm rings I'll start getting ready, and put another alarm down. I might forget that the first alarm ever rang otherwise. Steel. Trap.
Ruru's bedroom eyes.
It's actually been almost two years since I decided on making a game. My first attempt was... lame. I tried making something fairly vanilla, I've mentioned it before. I also had severe issues actually getting things done. Which, well, wasn't really a new issue to be fair.
I did finally figure out a method which consists of sticking to a routine of doing something everyday. Even if it's just a small amount, getting something done every day adds up. That, and ~200mg of caffeine per day. I tried to go higher for a while, but it totally ruined my sleep.
That doctor's appointment I mentioned was the first meeting to finally figure out if I have ADHD or not. I'm leaning more and more towards a yes. I always thought that the ability to make routines, no matter how difficult, was incompatible with ADHD. Turns out that the part of the brain in charge of routines does work fine for people with ADHD, it's just that the part of the brain that rewards you for building them is not.
It essentially means that you can build routines, and once they stick they work. Your brain just won't motivate you to work on them in the first place. No instant gratification, no feel good chemicals for you.
Unfortunately the waiting times for stuff like this are ridiculously long here, so getting a diagnosis or not is going to take a while. But it's a first step towards something. I hope.
Zavvy's hair doesn't have proper gravity, which means it's better to hide her fringe in shots like these.
Anyway, scene 14 is as good as done. Took a little longer than expected, since I had three minor characters to make for it. Maybe I'll have to make one or two more even lesser characters for a tiny montage thing at the end. Goal is to finish that and do all of scene 15 next week. Scene 15 is a small one, so it should be doable.
After that it's just a set-up scene for the following grand spice scene. I dare say only one recent movie is spicier than the scene I'm about to make... That's right, I'm talking about Dune 2. I think these two Dune movies is the first time I actually enjoyed a movie over the book. I found it hard to connect with the characters in that book. Really fucking cool setting though.
Fucking hell, lots of text this time around. Have another picture.
An orc in the forest. Perfectly camouflaged.
Right, about the poll we just did. Just about half of the votes are positive to Discord, so I'll be setting one up for sure. I've no clue how much there's to learn and do to set one up properly, but I'll start looking up stuff during the week. I'd prefer to get it up before the release. Not for any particular reason, I'll just procrastinate doing it if I don't put that as a goal.
Just like I procrastinated doing a poll for it for several months.
Ah, speaking of polls, I need to make one to determine who gets the big final spicy Dune scene for episode 6. That might show up next week. If my steel trap doesn't fail me.
Thank you very much for your support, both those of you who have been here for pretty much an entire year, and those of you who are newer. And, uh, the people in between, and uh, yeah. Thanks everyone!
I wish you all a Judas-free week. Here's to another year! Cheers!

update this week
Is the first pic the last supper reference?


May 22, 2017

Ahoy there, landlubbers!
I've begun working on the final scene! It's going well so far. I think I should manage to finish it next week. Maybe. After that I'll need to do a final proper playthrough and spellcheck and stuff, but we're getting pretty damn close to release.
Oh, I also changed the name of the replays to 'Scene Gallery'. I then had to unlock all of the scenes again for some reason. I'm not sure if it's my persistent save file that was messed up or if renaming the gallery was the culprit, but there is a chance you may have to replay the game in order to unlock scenes again.
I'll go ahead and apologize beforehand if that's the case. Sorry. You can go back here and re-read the apology if that does turn out to be the case.

What's that in Ruru's hand, you ask? Well...
I've probably been overthinking stuff regarding setting up a Discord channel. It seems better to just put it up and then deal with things as they come, rather than look up every scrap of information possible and try to put up a million safeguards. Like, what's the point of having those if there's barely any traffic anyway?
So, I'll probably take a day next week to set up some small things, mostly rules and a little FAQ thing. Expect there to be a link in next week's update.

At least one of them is ready for a good knight's sleep.
These renders are all from the penultimate scene, I quite like the somewhat darker lighting. With all the light being somewhat orange tinted it makes for a cozy feel. It is a bit tough to make it look good when all the characters have such different skin colors.
There are ways to work around that by using small character only spotlights and similar tricks, which I sometimes do. But sometimes you just have to go "Good enough" and call it a day. There's a spicy scene waiting for me to work on it after all!
Oh, and there might be another poll during the week. I've been thinking that having some characters change their clothing to reflect Ruru's influence on them could be interesting. The poll will first off be to gauge interest in the idea. If it passes muster, we'll have more polls to determine choose outfits.
That's all for today, next week we'll have some teasers for the final scene.
Thank you so much for your support, and I hope you have a fabulous week.

this weeks update exciting! final stretch cant wait to see what ruu ruu does to these ladies


Jan 31, 2018
I've never been the biggest fan of NTR and I still don't enjoy it when a male character does it, but as it turns out i do like it when a futa does the NTR. It might be related to the fact that I'd give up all my earthly and immaterial possessions to become a futa tho.

Anywho, NTR involving futas isn't a common trope and I'm glad there are good games like this one fulfilling that niche
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Sir Gary Bummer

Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
Alrighty, ladies, gentlemen, and, uh, what's an honorary thingy for futas? Gentlefutas? Futaladies? Whichever one you prefer.

Episode 5 is out on Patreon for Pointy Ear Enthusiasts and above, so if you would like to play right now, that's the place! If you don't mind waiting, public release is in two weeks.

I've finally gotten around to making a channel as well. There isn't exactly much there yet, but it exists. I suppose I should add it to the game page and my signature as well.

I got some feedback a little while back regarding the game page here, so I'm going to rewrite it and change around the pictures a bit. If you read this like an hour or more after I've posted it I should've already done so, and I would greatly appreciate any feedback on it.
I seem to recall that I promised not to add renders from parts of the game that are not yet public... Let's just pretend I never said that, alright? Or you can just think of me as a big stinky liar, either is fine.

Maybe I'll get around to making a new banner in the coming weeks as well. Maybe...

Anyway, that's all for now.

Wait, hold on, I never answered this.
Is the first pic the last supper reference?
Yes! And let me upload it just so that this post has a pretty picture.

Alright, that's all for now.



Jul 15, 2023
Alrighty, ladies, gentlemen, and, uh, what's an honorary thingy for futas? Gentlefutas? Futaladies? Whichever one you prefer.

Episode 5 is out on Patreon for Pointy Ear Enthusiasts and above, so if you would like to play right now, that's the place! If you don't mind waiting, public release is in two weeks.

I've finally gotten around to making a channel as well. There isn't exactly much there yet, but it exists. I suppose I should add it to the game page and my signature as well.

I got some feedback a little while back regarding the game page here, so I'm going to rewrite it and change around the pictures a bit. If you read this like an hour or more after I've posted it I should've already done so, and I would greatly appreciate any feedback on it.
I seem to recall that I promised not to add renders from parts of the game that are not yet public... Let's just pretend I never said that, alright? Or you can just think of me as a big stinky liar, either is fine.

Maybe I'll get around to making a new banner in the coming weeks as well. Maybe...

Anyway, that's all for now.

Wait, hold on, I never answered this.

Yes! And let me upload it just so that this post has a pretty picture.
View attachment 3862727

Alright, that's all for now.

Ruru should know that according to dining etiquette it is prohibited to touch food with your hands
  • Haha
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Sir Gary Bummer

Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
can someone tell me a summary till Ep4?
Up until episode 4?

MC dies -> Reincarnates -> Wants bigger dick -> Dick-embiggening too expensive -> Decides to form team in arena too make dough -> Team also doubles as a budding harem -> Arena bouts not making enough money -> So they gear up to go to a dungeon in ep4

That leaves out all of the... well... everything interesting in the entire game, I guess. But yeah, that's basically the plot up until then.
Trying to summarize all the characters and what they're up to is a bit bigger of a task then I'm up for at the moment. Basically, the demonic futa maid (Ruru) is trying to screw everyone, and get MC to screw her. That's the most important bit.
4.70 star(s) 36 Votes