It is found in the eoscript file. That value will be overridden in many normal plays but if it is working well enough for you then by all means go ahead. Once you clear 17% of content it unlocks invincible mode which will be far less buggy. My skippable timer version coming in the next week or so will have this almost all unlockables available in about half the completion %.
Why thank you! I was heavily considering an alternate engine more than ever before. However, I don't think it would be a port of any of my current titles.
I find it funny that you find my writing stellar. I think it is quite numerous but I cringe reading it myself haha. (Don't let me stop you from enjoying it

They are mostly on Easter/Christmas and most of them are triggered by being caught with Megan. Once you get about 5 endings it unlocks ending hints but I'm happy to give more info if you desire.
I'm so happy it is landing well for you! While I hope to have a skippable timer version out within the next week (it has already taken me over 10 hours of work...), the other issues would remain in this engine. Sadly a port of TOTS is very unlikely unless someone makes a standalone offline editor.
Sorry, I'm not technically savvy enough to know how to share them or even where it is being stored in the offline version.
That is odd. There was a time period were Milovana was down but that's probably not it. Try with different browsers/cookie settings and make sure you aren't using a vpn. It is possible there is a country restriction to Milovana but hopefully we can get you up and running soon.