HTML - Transfigure [v0.60] [TangoTF]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    So, i'm kinda conflicted on this one.
    On one hand, it has some very interesting scenes. It is well written and the image choices are (most of the time) on point.
    On the other hand is kinda... janky gameplay-wise.
    It is a big serpentine game with some very specific choices to enter very specific paths. There are a huge amount of options, most of them are grayed out with a "maybe in the future?", so keep in mind the gameplay is you reading a novel, not you actually choosing anything.

    Sadly the developer has pretty much abandoned the html version to a 3d version that he can actually sell (understandable). As for myself, prefering the old style and loving Little Caprice, it is kinda sad.

    TL;DR: Good writing, bad game choices. Lots of things are grayed out, you need a walkthrough to actually find some routes because the entry point is really counterintuitive.
    Likes: BakaG
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I think it would be better without so many paths resulting in stories that are over in 5 minutes, or in screens that straight-up tell you to restart the game.

    It'd be better to remove the options for incomplete paths and add them back once they have some content.

    Other than that, it's an ok game. It follows the usual "I woke up being a girl and then -unwillingly *wink*- turned into a slut" premise that's been done a thousand times over, so you know what to expect.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply put - one of the best HTML games i've ever played. Well written, great dialogue and a ton of paths to explore. I'm partial to Evan. Hopin this game dev keeps putting out quality content. My only wish would be some sort of hint/walkthrough system to kinda let us know when we're hitting those branching moments.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy this game, I keep coming back to it. Incredibly varying branches, with plots going off in wildly different directions. Consistently well-written and interesting, whether it's a more grounded or absurd plot.

    The two big flaws are that a) there are lots of branches that suddenly come to a stop, or occasions where you are presented with a choice but one of them ends very quickly b) finding out which routes do have a lot of content, and working out how to get to them can be quite challenging. But overall the quality of the content is worth the occasional struggle.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I feel like I've played a different game than everyone else here.

    I kind of like the premise, even though it's a very common one, but I find the game and it's many hidden plots to be very confusing and unclear.

    First of all I can't even find the supposed plots, there are dead ends EVERYWHERE. 99% of the choices in the game don't exist yet. The only plot I found was the getting help from your friends one and it was still really, really short and just terrible. One creepy and gross friend is basically trying to force himself on you while also trying to convince the other even grosser friend to help him do it. There are a few good moments but they are far too few. I have no idea where some of the scenes posted here in the thread are in my game.

    Oh and then there was the bully route which was just boring AND it ended like straight away.

    How has this game been ongoing for 5 years??? There is like no content at all. I gave this game a go like a year ago and it was exactly the same. Far too many choices and dead ends.

    Ultimately the little story I got to experience was pretty bad, characters were gross and since it's an HTML game with porn pics, it's already fighting an uphill battle.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3727657

    When some people review a game, they rate different aspects of the game and then take an average
    While this is a fatal mistake
    Some games don't have animation, but they are masterpieces, some games don't have strong rendering, but they are still masterpieces, some games have very few sexy scenes, but they are still masterpieces, etc.
    This was an introduction to the review of this game:
    You can give 5 stars just because of the story and writing of this game! I have played many games, but I have never been so immersed in a game. When playing, all emotions are fully experienced. It is so good that you say enough! I will play the rest tomorrow! This masterpiece should not be finished early!

    Usually, when the volume of writing increases, the game turns into a boring game, but this game, every dialogue is great, you will never experience anything called boredom, you will enjoy every dialogue.

    Kudos to the creativity of the developer, the story is such that you can experience Hollywood characters in the best possible way!

    Apart from the story and writing, the matching of gifs and photos is at a very good level, unlike other html games, it is also very important that the developer has succeeded in it.

    Maybe in a parallel world, the developer of this game is a Hollywood director!

    Everything is great
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    (Played Version 0.56)

    This game offers a rich variety of possibilities. Lots of kinks you expect, and lot you dont. And so forth and so far..

    The reality is: It took me 5 minutes to read the whole PR what the game is all about and how many crazy things there will be possible.
    And another 5 mins to find the "game over" screen because I refuse to blow someones dick.
    Well... maybe the game that is wholehearted advertised, is somewhere in there. But I will never see it.

    I am honest, I am NOT the transgender guy. The game description on F95 and ingame provides me with hope that the whole Genderbender stuff can be overcome fast, and I find myself at a point where the game starts for me... with a male MC.
    But even this simple decision to the very beginning of the game teached me: I was wrong. The fact that the dev doesnt even think that someone would not choose to whore out, gives me an clear advice what the focus of this game will be.

    The reason why I refuse to give this game just one star:
    I am not part of the Genderbender/Transgender/Bi/Gay Club. But If you are, you probatly will have fun with this game. I am just not the focus group.
    Even if I have a hard time to believe that People from the LGBTQ Community like to play a male MC that want to be a male, is imprisoned in a girl and full of fear about it.
    But it is not on me to judge.
    As I stated before: If you are like me, and expect a fast option to play a male mind in a male body, the game is currently gameover after 5 minutes.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This is for v.0.55

    This game might as well be named, "Railroad Simulator" since there's 100 different endings, but you never get to feel like you have any agency or free will in any of the storylines.
    If you choose to try to go to the hospital, your next significant choice is to either suck a high school friend's dick, or start completely over because the option to refuse isn't implemented...and this is at the very beginning of the game, so it's a very clear indicator that you don't really get any choice but to be a slut that nobody listens to.
    Like, I have had stress dreams that had a similar feel to them because having that little control over what happens is truly terrifying but also completely ridiculous.

    On the plus side, all of the pics, gifs, and videos are in an easily browsable folder so you can enjoy all of the curated content without having to groan your way through the game to enjoy it.

    Maybe if it was a sandbox game where it actually feels like your choices matter I would be willing to rate it higher, but as it is, it's just a glorified VN.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    First potential sexual encounter. Choose: "Fuck no. I'm not sucking your dick."

    GAME OVER. Thanks for playing!


    I mean, for a game that started in 2018, you'd figure there'd be another option there by now rather than "well, I'm suddenly a female. Oh well. Guess I'll immediately turn into a huge slut for the first person who coerces me now."
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating this based on the potential VN/story considering this is v0.52 Beta.
    + I do love the models picked
    + Static images, short video loops...pretty hot!
    -- too many abrupt story ends; as mentioned the first logical choice is to go to the hospital but story ends.
    > I expect there to be a lot of story endings considering this is in beta
    + I didn't have high expectations for an HTML game, but the user interface, the Save/Load, ability to rollback (using the back button) all work great...all the basics are here.
    + There is a lot of text reading because this is really an erotic story and less about the images and videos.

    Worth coming back in a future release.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Little your dream

    This is a good game. There are options for many choices of endings. Here are the Pros of the game:
    - Convenient and intuitive interface
    - GIFs, Pictures, Videos do not strain when reading the text
    - The text itself is written well and the scenario for the development of the characters' dialogues is thought out
    - You can enable cheats, but they are not really needed here
    Here are the Cons:
    -The main character in the game the PLAYER will never say NO, so that there is no sex with him and make him CLEAN.
    - There are a lot of options where there is no continuation of the story, they are simply closed and are constantly being developed
    - Why go to school after the transformation if it is logical to go to the hospital and find out how what happened, why, etc.
    At this point, the story simply ends at the very beginning of the game.
    The story is good, but it takes a lot of time to devote to dialogue and player choices.
    It is better to prescribe dialogs for other characters in the game. They look very damp and ridiculous.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Best html game on this website you can find. Plays like a visual novel so you don't have to grind any stats. Your decisions have impact and you get a multitude of them.

    There are dozens of branches, while most of them aren't "finished" by the time of the review, considering the fact that it lacks the completed label, I think we can forgive that.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    For me this is the best game on this website. The branches make sense and there is something for everyone if you like the mentioned tags. it gives many routes to explore and very many hours of figuring out the road to go. If i could give some criticism, there are many routes still unfinished and many routes steamroll you one way. This i belive will be fixed in time.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This advertises that it will be an unwelcome transformation and that the MC will retain the male mentality, but this MC is more than willing to cock out...

    It leads you to believe that there will be inherit physical weakness in the newfound gender but this doesn't play out with men overpowering or inability to get out of bad situations, rather this is displayed in inability to do simple physical tasks...

    I was expecting to be able to control the MC as being not into the transformation and still maintaining female sexual preference while dealing with unwanted advances and risque situations and this gets it half right. The MC isn't into the transformation but he is DTF dudes.

    None of this is a complaint against "sissification" or those types of fetishes... and I'm not against male on male homosexuality in these... it's just that is not what is being offered here in the description.

    Most of the content is incomplete, especially the routes that avoid dick.

    This starts off great. The transformation is taken seriously and the inner emotions are explored well. But the moment he... she puts on her first pair of jeans after the transformation and you're presented with the first real choice of the game, to go school (in your new body) or to the hospital... it's all downhill after that. The reasonable choice here is to go to the hospital... it really is... but that is game over.

    Way too much focus on the mystery and not enough focus on character development for so early in the story... and frankly it seems like the mystery should be paramount which ruins the entire reason for coming to this for titillation... the sex distracts from what you would arguably be doing in this situation, trying to figure it out... but the sex is the fundamental main reason anyone would open this in the first place.

    This conundrum forces the user to shy away from immersive choices and make the choices that are clearly most lewd but also least likely.

    I liked the UI, I liked the imagery that was chosen... and I really loved the premise in the description. It's just not that. It's an incredibly wasted opportunity to make this character allow sexual behavior that he would otherwise avoid at all costs. It's arguing that with newfound female skin, clearly the mental side is now going to crave cock.

    I don't think that's how sexuality works.


    I had a divine intervention that brought me back to this... I went farther into different "branches" and there is more variety than I gave it credit for.

    But the real problem is that the variety comes from choices that do not indicate what variety you're getting.

    If you "investigate with Drew..." you're going down a homoerotic path with him...

    If you "investigate with Evan..." you're going to practically get raped by Evan... and still be cool with him...

    If you "investigate alone..." you end up mind controlled to do things for your professor that you clearly don't want to do and yet you still keep working with the guy and acting like you didn't just jack him off...

    If you tell Drew not to act like your boyfriend, it means you're going to get raped by a concert goer... which isn't bad in this... it highlights the vulnerbility of the new body... but, then the MC agrees to play along as this rapist's fake boyfriend.

    All of these paths are unique and independent from each other meaning that NPCs might throw a party in one path but not another... a concert might be a big deal in one path but not another... this sounds like more diversity but on replays it just highlights the overall disconnection everything has.

    Choosing one route or another should influence what the MC does... but the rest of the world should continue on the same path it would have if the MC picked another choice. This doesn't do that. Going with one character to play a video game means that soccer game from the other route with the other characters, never happened. It's a small thing but it does highlight the inconsistency of the world.

    This isn't terrible and at times it does get emotion and mentality right. The real problem is you don't have a choice of when that mentality changes... it argues that you do... that all the "paths are covered"... but how you go down those paths is hit-and-miss trial and error. An innocuous choice locks you into a route and into a mentality around that route that you had no idea was coming based on the choice you made.

    This needs a lot of work... mainly in the clarity department... "what does this choice really do?" and in the character defining choices "do I really want to let my friend jack off to me?" "Do I really want to make out with my sister's boyfriend?" "Do I really want to act like my rapist's boyfriend?"

    The short of it is, you don't have agency in this. You choose your path without knowing it and you never have a chance to deny BS once you're on that path.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    The 1★ Dude

    Good amount of content, a interesting story and a lot good videos and images.

    BUT and thats why I gave just 3 / 5 stars, there are also just too many unfinished routes to have fun with the game. The good you have enough save places to savegame every route.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    If anything, my main advice about playing this game is to save, save a lot. Not to try and "cheat" the game, but because in this game a single choice can mean you're playing a completely different story now.
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    This game is not for those who only want a single play through, but it is instead for those who like a diverse story and cast where anything can happen that will whisk you off course. I was one of the former before playing this game and at first I didn't really care for it due to how short and rapid the first storyline I went down was. But then I went down another rabbit hole, then another, then another, and another, one more for good measure...

    I found that I couldn't get enough. I wanted to know all of the other outcomes of different stories. Some were longer than others, some more sexual than others, some more crazy than others, and then I made special saves at the end of all the unfinished stories that I caught up to with the current content.

    I got totally lost into this game and well... fuck it, who needs sleep... just one more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a terrific and engaging game. Decisions trees feel well thought out, unique and never feel tacked on. There is often a variety of decisions within a tree, so it usually doesn't feel like a 1-way trip, however , some decisions remain unfinished. Lots of content and the story is interesting without getting over the top. Characters are well written and not over-simplistic . I would love to keep seeing more content for this game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    honestly the best html game ive ever played , i hope tango will finish this game cause it has potential to be the best. A little text heavy but its good its makes us want more of the story, and for thoses who dont like to read dont worry there is also a lot of images and gifs ;)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very well written and has alot of well placed pictures/videos. The story is also very well made making the main character reactions more logical and not just jumping right into sex and other stuff.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Transfigure is one of those rare game with actual thought put into it. i have been following this game for months now and it is amazing. the story telling is top notch. normally when i play html games i skip over the writing and just look at the pictures but this game is able to hold my attention. i would like to thank TangoTf for the amazing game he has created. And i hope this game continues on for years to come.