
Active Member
Nov 24, 2019
I don't get it, You already have the quasi gore of cyber-guts, and you also have to mess with the organic brain? at that point just grow some balls and make all the characters flesh beings, hell I would go flesh to cyber to Necro if we follow some sort of narrative. anyway, looks cool I will check it out.
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Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
I don't get it, You already have the quasi gore of cyber-guts, and you also have to mess with the organic brain? at that point just grow some balls and make all the characters flesh beings, hell I would go flesh to cyber to Necro if we follow some sort of narrative. anyway, looks cool I will check it out.
isnt that the point tough of most girls turned into robots hentai that things that normally would kill them wont


Jun 12, 2017
Cybergirls and necrophilia... can they really match well together?
This could be worth an investigation... I hope... I'm probably wrong, but whatever :cool:
..... The gentleman has cummed on her cyernetic intestines. I am in shock and awe. Capture-shock.PNG
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Dec 4, 2021
This is a cute, weird game. It probably could use a Male Protagonist tag as well since you control Shuu a lot, and he seems to be the one making your choices.


Oct 4, 2018
Guro doesn't interest me much but I gave this a shot cause of the android stuff and I have to say this sucks.

Translation aside, the art is just plain lazy. Like she's an android in a guro story, why isn't her chest cavity open all 90% of the time? Wheres the "lets give her wacky/horror limbs" scene? And do you keep mixing all this organic shit with the android girl?
I don't have to play this to tell it's just guro but someone working on it censored it by making her a robot.
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Apr 19, 2020
Wtf with this stupid weak-minded people complaining on the game tag! why bother to comment "I don't like this because of a tag so not gonna play it" like they think that they comment is so important it will change people opinion of the game, lmao If you don't like it then go away leave, nobody is forcing your to play this let people that love the tags play and judge for themselves.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
All I'm reading in what you wrote is excuses and double-standards.

Y'do realize that there aren't any real people in this game, right? Or any other 2DCG game of this type?

Technically, by your logic, anyone getting off to oddly proportionate drawings that don't actually resemble people in a real sense have mental issues. The fuck's wrong with those people, fapping to some drawings with weird anatomy when they could at least find proper porn with real women in it? Right?


Now... if those people you're talking about were looking for, y'know, porn with actual people involving the subjects involved in this game... then yes, I'd absolutely agree that they have some serious issues. And don't pretend that such things don't exist. Scat porn absolutely exists, and as far as I know, it's not even particularly illegal, just extremely unsanitary. The gore stuff though is obviously illegal, but we all know that fucked up people exist...

Take your kink-shaming shite out. You're just another one of those people that wants to pretend to be morally superior just because they claim they don't like a more morally objectionable kink.

Hell, isn't kink-shaming against site rules? Isn't saying that people with certain kinks have mental issues a definitely clear form of kink-shaming?
All I'm reading in what you wrote is excuses and double-standards.

Y'do realize that there aren't any real people in this game, right? Or any other 2DCG game of this type?

Technically, by your logic, anyone getting off to oddly proportionate drawings that don't actually resemble people in a real sense have mental issues. The fuck's wrong with those people, fapping to some drawings with weird anatomy when they could at least find proper porn with real women in it? Right?


Now... if those people you're talking about were looking for, y'know, porn with actual people involving the subjects involved in this game... then yes, I'd absolutely agree that they have some serious issues. And don't pretend that such things don't exist. Scat porn absolutely exists, and as far as I know, it's not even particularly illegal, just extremely unsanitary. The gore stuff though is obviously illegal, but we all know that fucked up people exist...

Take your kink-shaming shite out. You're just another one of those people that wants to pretend to be morally superior just because they claim they don't like a more morally objectionable kink.

Hell, isn't kink-shaming against site rules? Isn't saying that people with certain kinks have mental issues a definitely clear form of kink-shaming?
An eroge pirate site is an interesting choice of trying to feel morally superior
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