Toxic Attraction Literotica

Jun 30, 2024
Yes Smartman put a final copy of chapter 20 on the other Toxic Attraction thread. A lot more added content than the alpha insider released earlier this month
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Apr 1, 2024
Yea I see now this story is starting to get stupid the sex seen in 20 was the same from the first time chapter 7 until 20 17 thru 19 was the best to me but this story seem like it goin no where all this Jesse and her boss what they got to do wit any thing plus why would dan still stay there in the first place he can stay in a hotel or find a different job this story is stupid now
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Jun 30, 2024
I’m really glad Don added to the storyline at the end but….. I agree this story needs to end soon. Don repeats the same scenes and sexual dialogue between Lester and Sarah, but not advancing the storyline. Don should have revisited an unanswered question posed by Lester to Sarah at the end of Chapter 18. Does she love him or not? Either answer would have given Lester ample opportunity to exploit. Sarah is hyper aware and vocal about her sexuality and power she has over men so I’m expecting anal play, a leaked sex video from Dan’s laptop likely getting her canned, and a future gangbang or threesome scenario ( hopefully with no Byron or Jessie involved). I hope before Lester coaxes her to act out on their fantasies IRL, Lester get his wish by having Sarah get pregnant with their baby boy sooner than later. Don spent much time and detail with the breeding and pregnancy kink (especially the last three chapters).

I hope Don writes a happier end for Dan where Dan will meet a prettier and younger version of Sarah, but someone who is not a slut, loves his daughters and helps build up him up into a success. Then we get to experience Sarah’s jealousy and hormonal rage for losing her loving husband and family, a beautiful home and car, and her respectable position at work while being pregnant with Lester’s second child.


Apr 1, 2024
But honestly he need to end it sooner than later it's start to not make any since especially when Lester made a video and Dan came in then he said this a video he made after in Dan computer room after Dan had kicked him out this story is a dude I'm pretty sure some anal finna happin so he need to hurry up and end this don't need no more than 1 or too chapters
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Jun 30, 2024
I agree Stestall. Don definitely needs to quit circling the airport and land this plane before he is past the sell by date. Don has repeated dialogue between Lester and Sarah during their sexual encouters. It was taboo and great the first time around, but the second time not so much
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Jun 30, 2024
This alpha draft has definitely made me question where this story is heading and if it will ever end. Don did a great job on Despicable Liasions keeping it short and concise. I can see how the story progressed with Lester manipulating everything to get into Sarah’s panties. I could even see an accidental pregnancy happening between Lester and Sarah. Don wrote with such detail in Chapter 18-19 and even admitting in the forward he couldn’t wait to write this part of the story. Now after shooting his shot the storyline has become putting Sara into these outlandish scenarios while taking a wrecking ball to Dan‘s sex, work and home life. I don’t who advises Don, but in a short time he has drastically changed the couple from competent people to cardboard cut outs of themselves. Dan is now the blundering idiot and cuck and Sarah the slut and nymphomaniac. There was never a backstory showing a prior martial separation, Dan cheating on Sarah, no family issues, sexual trauma or abuse by authority figures. Sarah willingly loses control while being sober and clear minded. The couple never resolved what happened in Chapter 20, but Dan now accepts his life as a pawn (after physically threatening and throwing out Lester in the prior chapter) so Sarah can cheat and demean him in front of not only Lester, but a complete stranger. She flaunts and breaks their “rules” now for a third time. However she never suffers any consequences or guilty conscience on how this might affect everyone around her. I would like to see if Don has a revised reaction between Dan and Sarah at the end not just a sexual interlude or afterthought. Dan should wise up, grow a pair, punch Lester in the face and give Sarah an ultimatum which she will probably scoff
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Apr 1, 2024
That's what I mean this story don't make any since no more it was cool to see how Lester go the pussy but now it turning into some shit that seems like it will go on and on wit no end in sight
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Jun 30, 2024
That's what I mean this story don't make any since no more it was cool to see how Lester go the pussy but now it turning into some shit that seems like it will go on and on wit no end in sight
Stay the course Stestall
Don admitted on his Patreon page he was writing like maniac the last few hours to meet his release deadline for Chapter 21 alpha draft. And it shows with the story is all over the place like a person who forgot their term paper was due the night before. Don is pulling shock jock moves by pushing boundaries with Lester and Sarah. His well of creativity with the particular story is starting to dry up and he begins repeating the same tropes and dialogue. Hopefully Don and his editor make revisions to make this chapter flow better and add some context like chapter 20.
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Jun 30, 2024
Seems strangely quiet...usually we've had a hero get hold of and share the latest by now....
Yeah NEOhioDude I know some people has lost interest in Toxic Attraction due to the the direction Don has steered the story and how the story is moving at a glacial pace to milk the subscribe. I don’t blame them especially when trying to decide if the juice is worth the squeeze. Don’s latest set of stories also came out right before Labor Day weekend so hopefully the hero is maybe on vacation. Hopefully give it a few more days and see if a hero will answer our call. Have the “ticker tape” parade ready
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Jun 30, 2024
So what do y'all think about this chapter
I didn’t like the direction and ending of the storyline in Chapter 21. Don made several additions to Chapter 20 which I thought he would explore especially Lester cementing an exclusive relationship with Sarah. Don however want to introduce another minor character into the story to ruin that moment. The ending was disappointing as we didn’t see a response from Lester who walk off with his tail between his legs and Sarah going off the deep end and willing to give up everything to be a slut.