But to be honest, any game, if desired, can safely have support after the end of game development.
We can say that the development of the game is over and I am doing a new project.
We can say that the development of the main story is over and this is the end of the game, and continue to quietly support the game with updates

Add side content.

About 5 minutes of content and an hour of grind? My God, this is a stupid crutch for developers that works and that's it.
Why do gameplay or something else, we do a grind and that's it.
As for the money, well, everything is simple here.
As long as people don't ignore or boycott such things right away, then this laugh will work.
Indeed, this is quite true.
Don't really have much more to add.
Dear forum members and everyone interested in the game,
I’ve noticed the same individuals repeatedly coming here with every update to express how bad everything is. May I ask why you keep returning to share your negative feedback? If you didn’t like the game, perhaps you could voice your opinion once and simply stop visiting this forum thread.
This is especially directed at Feyschek (who calls himself a developer), who consistently shows up with each update to claim that my motives are purely selfish and nothing more. Please, stop cluttering this thread with your messages. It’s unpleasant for me to come here and constantly see chaos and all the nonsense being poured out
Because I fool myself into thinking this will actually have a decent update, with content fleshing out and improving the story of the main characters...
Instead it's the teacher (an LI) getting railed by another dude.
Very "Sigma", much "Chad".
And content for side characters, or introducing new characters.
Also... you answer the question yourself "Feedback"... negative feedback still shows they care or have an amount of personal investment and a desire that one update they can instead leave positive feedback.
If they didn't care at all, they'd never have posted.
Not to be confused with those that just hate and offer nothing constructive or alternate ways to improve, or simply complaining without explaining the issue they have.
I'm the latter but actually explain the issue. (hence why I move into negative feedback) I see potential being wasted, which is why I bother to type a comment.
Personally when I see a dumpster-fire with no possibility of becoming something decent or worth the effort of playing, I click the ignore button.
Being completely honest, having an LI being railed by another dude as their introduction makes me want to. Had that been in the first release I would've just put this game on ignore and moved along.
Only reason I don't (besides the fact it wasn't the first release) is because it's some side whore I don't give two shits about and would never play that content anyway.
I'm invested in the main characters... slightly, I'm borderline clicking ignore because I'm that close to finding it not worth the energy expenditure to give fuck.
My peers would give me plenty of shit for being naive and stupid for doing so though, since that almost never happens, and always gets worse not better... yet here I am.
If you tell me to fuck off tho, I'll view this as yet another a failed attempt at a decent harem game and do so.
I'm only here for the possibility it improves into being a decent harem game.