You kept your promise alright

First of all thank you sooo sooo much for this amazing feedback and the insight you provided. It makes me so happy to see that you put this much thought into my story

I'm to blame for not being clear about the fact that this trial month of the MC is the prologue and can be considered a glimpse/demo of what the story/game can become. I know it is too fast and rushed on the depiction but please take into account that I'm also trying to fund my education through something I and many others can enjoy as well as keeping up with academic deadlines

Thus I had to skim and rush the scenes to offer a shell of a project which, if cultivated, will offer so much more, both content and story-wise. I might be able to implement a collections option for the phone mechanic at least providing a direct transition for a scene but that will probably not happen until the game is a bit more fleshed out.
There is the mechanic of collecting points which will be more functional after the prologue ends and the actual plot/game begins. There will be options to interact with multiple characters per day, with limitations of course. Additionally for some characters interacting with other characters might result in locking their "true" content. There will be stages of devotion, and points will be implemented in a way that the player not only will gain an affinity towards the character, but will be able to explore different types of submission for the character based on their dialogue with them.
Now onto the spoiler part