First impressions after the game. I purposely didn't touch this game until after it was finished to get a full impression of it.
What can I say? Sandbox in the classic expression. If the word "sandbox" scares you, then don't touch it. Despite the built-in cheat system, and the excellent third-party cheat mod, getting through this game is a non-trivial task, getting softlosked at some point is the easiest thing to do. I strongly recommend not to touch the parameters of the girls, painlessly you can only replenish the stock of money, and the most basic items (but only after you first bought them) - condoms, suntan gel. But don't touch the pills! It can cause problems. Partially help can help the walkthrough, but it is not ideal, I for example, could not achieve the passage of some episodes, although it did not prevent the passage of the entire game, softlock was not. But keep this in mind.
I liked the gameplay in general, despite some excessive grind. The game requires decent resources in terms of components, without a discrete graphics card owners of old laptops or mid-level laptops can not do without. At times the game slows down noticeably (especially when changing locations), although I played on a desktop 2022, quite top-notch in its time.
Now, point by point.
Gameplay - 4/5
Storyline - 4/5
Graphics (especially in terms of models) - 2/5
It should be noted that in Sims-4 the models will be better than in this game.
For the first time I encountered brakes in the game on Unity, i.e. problems with insufficient balance at the program level - for this I remove one point from the total score. Before 3d games did not create brakes for me.
On the merits - I personally enjoyed the game, I spent about 120-130 hours on it (taking into account the fact that it had to start from scratch three times, because of softlocks). That is, if you count in real time - about 2.5 - 3 weeks, I do not only play games

If you don't pay attention to the ugly looking characters - it's OK. But you have to take into account that I'm evaluating from the point of view of a sandbox lover. Will I return to this game in the future? No, definitely not. The game will be deleted from my HDD. There are much better alternatives worthy of keeping in my collection.
All in all, my total score is 3 out of 5. A mid-range game, not a masterpiece, but not complete garbage either.