Can someone PLEASE update the walkthrough

There is enough content in comments but need to be compiled
from the end of .02
1. use screwdriver on bathroom door
2. now you should be able to interact with mom and sister in bathroom. i'm not sure on the exact numbers, but 50 with sister should open up the blowjob options. this is a bit of rng. if she blows you and you cum on her face, you can kiss her for an additional +5 to relationship. the max cap as far as i know is 90.
3. with mom in the bathroom from around where you left off in .02 (should be around 135 i think) you should be able to jump in with her in the shower. feel her up, and you can also thigh fuck her. at 160+ you can fuck her. if you cum in her, the game says it's -50 off relationship, but in actuality, it's -150! also around 160 you can do butt stuff and then jerk off on her. max cap for her is 205. nightly you should get a handjob from your mother if you're lacking in points.
4. when you catch mom at lounge chair there's new event if you're 135+. if she wakes up she will jerk you a little and then blow you. sister will catch you. the other variation if you make it all the way to fingering her, the same scene occurs except her panties are shifted to the side, sister still catches you guys in the act.
5. you will need to talk to mom while drinking coffee in the dining room to trigger a dialogue about the sister. after this you will need to go to the pool to do a sister dialogue. no further game development with this though.
6. you should talk to your mother in the living room at least once, she'll talk about your birth origin. go to the pharmacist and build points with her. when you buy items its +5 to relationship. keep chatting her up and eventually she'll tell you about when she has a coffee break at 14h. at around 35ish when you enter the pharmacy you should be able to encounter an event where you sneak up on her. you'll feel her up at little bit. at around 50ish she'll show you her garter belt. also if you've done the mother dialogue in the living room she'll bring up her past about working in a hospital and a friend who can help you out with your origin. wait a day and she'll tell you it's actually your new neighbor. this will get you a +5 with your neighbor but no new content.
7. at 14+ go to the pharmacy and chat with her. she'll offer you coffee in the break room. this is a +5 event. don't bother talking about anal she won't tell you anything because it hasn't been developed yet, and she'll take away -10 points. soft cap for her is about 90 as well, but you can raise more if you buy more. make sure to buy condoms
8. if your relationship is about 160ish with mom you can now fuck her on the couch if you have condoms. just do the normal event up until you eat her out and an option should pop out. don't be discouraged if she says no because there's no penalty, and if she does say no it's because your relationship wasn't high enough. if you run out of condoms, if you have lower than $50 you can go steal from your mom to eventually buy more goods.
9. at night time if you go to the pool area and wait until 0h or 1h you can usually meet your sister there. no new content though
10. on the weekend (yes, there's no more every day school!) you can see your mom in lingerie drinking coffee.
that's all i've found so far. there's supposedly something more for the sister as i haven't seen the end of game version on the pool dialogue or living room dialogue but i'm completely stumped. if i find out i'll post it.