I didn't know that the princess route was continued, what a nice surprise that was, I definitely felt that it was necessary to see more of this route, now that I'm up to date I quite like the addition of Lily, she's like a Kate without being a drunk, thief and liar, the meme does the same but better.
As for the union council votes, it bothers me a little that someone is screwing me over and I don't know who, I inevitably have to do everything so that the votes go in favor of Sarah and get all the power.
I wonder if with the whole alternate world thing there will be a part in the story where the 3 main Sarahs meet, it would be crazy if they fought together to prevent the destruction of the world.
Another thing that makes me wonder is if we will see familiar faces in this new princess arc, perhaps acquaintances from other routes will appear with the legions of Mythar.