Others - Completed - The Story of a Lonely Girl in a Dark Room: Love or Hurt [v2024-10-21] [Shirokuma-ya]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    There are some minor or lazy screens, but overall good enough and also quite fast to get all CGs.

    I'd be better of course if there could be more animations and a smooth transition between them, appreciated the 3 modes she has depending on their path.

    Surely something that it's worth its time and requires nothing more than 15 minutes, you can even skip text if you just want to unlock all CGs.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Really the best way to view the game is as a gallery viewer. It doesn't really have enough story or freedom to be a carnival and does not really make much sense. The free form wasn't that good and the CG's were ok. Did not enjoy.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Game: The Story of a Lonely Girl in a Dark Room: Love or Hurt [v2024-10-21]

    A mediocre short visual novel. I did not enjoy my time

    Game Play: 2/5

    A visual novel with a touching minigame. The game engine feels like it is struggling to keep up, so even this basic gameplay feels bad.

    Story: /5

    Not great. Short basic story with a mean spirited premiss. There is the illusion of choice in the game route, but there really isn't

    Art: 3/5

    Has decent pixel art cgs and animations. Not super detailed, but still nice

    Sound: 3/5

    Has good sound effects for the h scenes

    Linux Compatibility: 3/5

    Runs okay under wine with minor configuration. Feels laggy, but I think that's normal for the engine.

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  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Every now and then I would see games like this floating around, go in with absolutely zero expectation that they would be good, which then proceed to entirely meet those expectations.

    Basically what Im trying to say is that this game isnt very good.

    The premise is this. Youre just some random student from a school that has been appointed by your teacher to get a fellow student back to class. Somehow the teacher's concern doesnt then lead her to call up social services but whatever. You then visit the girl, sex ensues and yeah the story pretty much just reach the climax then and there. In other words, the game is done in about 10 minutes, 9 minutes of which is spent eyeballing a pink meter rising.

    Sex gameplay is just choose what you want. There's zero complexity anywhere, and its barely functional. There is VA but seriously, if thats the turn on then youre better off sticking to pornhub.

    As for artwork, I dont want to disrespect the effort but if you told me this was made by an AI I wouldnt be gasping, let's put it that way. Its decent enough I suppose.

    In Conclusion...

    Well, I guess the greatest sin this game commits is being the pretentious skeletal remains of an actual H game. Its in between a purgatory of a no story-all action H game and a good story with limited H scenes. I just dont understand how someone can piecemeal a 10 minute story, complete with unbelieavably saccharine good ending, put two sex scenes in between and think that's good enough. That's the occupation of a hack, not someone with any level of passion.

    Games like bottle biosphere and teaching feeling have more than proven that its entirely possible to have a slow burner with limited H scenes, and be among some of the best H games made. Something to ponder about when playing this game, because god knows that's more effort than it takes to finish it.