Ren'Py - The Stallion [0.12] [Horny Saint]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    well i like the game overall, nice selection of models used, porno scenes can be a little repetitive. So that is a minor issue really, seems to be quite a bit of content there which is a plus.

    Now for the bad it is clear that English is not the first language of the developer as the spelling and grammar is utterly shocking, i mean surely you can use a spell checker or something before you decide to release it, why does it matter many may think they come to fap so what is the problem with spelling issues? To be honest if they were minor i would not say as much but there are so many they stand out a mile and it ruins the narrative at points because somethings you have to read a few times to understand what the text is trying to say. Finally i am a massive fan of pregnancy content in a game but this takes that a bit too far i mean every time you creampie a girl she gets pregnant there is no luck or random outcome its BOOOOM PREGNANT that is not realistic even for a game, maybe introduce some kind of random number generator or something so it a total unknown until afterwards, maybe a little graphic or something to indicate pregnancy has occurred or not (something like you see in other games maybe a good addition the dev could implement)

    Models ........................... 5/5
    Porno scenes ............... 3/5
    Gameplay ...................... 5/5
    Storyline ........................ 3/5
    Spelling ........................... -100/5
    Overall Rating .............. 3/5

    With a bit of post editing and checking for spelling errors and maybe mix up the porno scenes a bit this would be a 5 star game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Renpy real porn game present in this forum, a lot of contents no absurd grinding with a selection that go beyond the same, overused, scenes, if I can only made a suggestion, an improvement of the freeroaming part would be grate as the content on that point of view is quite repetitive.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly and realistically this is one of the best real porn games on this site. There’s SO much content, and almost every scenario is extremely hot. If you don’t like women cheating on their husbands/boyfriends with you (the MC) this game is definitely not for you. But if you like just absolutely railing a bunch of nymphomaniacs all horny for you and you alone, this is your game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Hire a proofreader. Seriously. If you can’t afford one, at least use something like ChatGPT. The English in this game pissed me off so many times I lost count. It’s not just the bad grammar—it’s the constant mistakes with pronouns like his/her/him that made the dialogue a complete mess. How am I supposed to enjoy the story when I can’t even figure out who’s talking or what’s happening? This level of sloppiness is unacceptable. Writing is the backbone of an AVN, and you’ve completely butchered it. Fix the damn writing before releasing something like this. Don’t waste players’ time with half-baked dialogue!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a generic kinetic/linear sandbox. You have to do task X to progress task Y and/or need stat A on value n.

    There are no choices that cause any branching and you just fuck everything you encounter - you cant even pass on any event.

    The UI is solid, but lacks comfort. You dont see day/time on every screen, only on the map. The guide is helpful, but needs way to many clicks, because you will use that always to see what to do next.

    If you like these kind of games you can add 1.5* I guess.

    Edit: typos
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very nice game. The dev has good taste with the models. A large selection of characters. A new and coherent story. And, most importantly, a very organized and helpful in-game walkthrough. Only hope for more regular updating.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Its hard to review. but Im having 5 stars of fun so I give 5 stars.

    Content is 5 stars as its STACKED with RL content.
    UI and amounts of clicks you need is 5 stars.
    Gameplay loop is nothing special but also not annoying.
    Story is fine.
    I also like the scenarios he draws, you feel good while playing.

    The converations are not great as his english is dog, I have 0 problems with this tho.

    Dont takes this game too seriously and you will have an amazing time with tons of content.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game. Very light hearted and doesn't take itself too seriously.

    General story is kind of interesting with the MC solving every problem a similar way... with his 'head'.

    Full of fap material if you like real porn. GREAT selection of stars
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Freundin aus Denken

    A lot of content, decent girls and 0 grind while still having a progression. The story and dialogue may be dogshit but if you arent looking for that I dont see a problem here.

    Furthermore there is a great diversity of girls here and some that I was pleasantly surprised to appear in a porn game. Maybe unren or check the credits first.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The only part of this game worthy of praise is the choice of models, the rest of it is a mess. Every quest is annoying, the dialogue gives me brainrot, the characters have the personality of cardboard cut-outs, the humour is absolute cringe, the plot doesn't make any sense, and a million other things.

    Simply put, absolutely not worth the download.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    OMG, what is this garbage!! Its named the Stallion, but the MC is like a cross breed of a pony and a donkey.
    Story starts with MC inheriting a lot of money and property from his dad, who had abandoned MC and his mom. And his first thought is that i dont want this money!!. Goes to the mansion a few times where the bitch step mom just berates him, but this guy just takes it. Like seriously he gets thrown out of his own house!!!
    I mean if you dont want to the money, at least standup for yourself. Take the money and donate all to charity to stick it up to that bitch.
    I mention this in many VN's on this site and will say again, what's with these dev's making spineless MC simulators. I am even more perplexed, as when you start the game, MC tells his backstory and in that during college, he was a stud, who spent all the time fucking a sorority house. So how does he go from that to a wimp who sleeps on the couch and gets thrown out of his own house.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Best real porn game in this site. Let's see why.

    First, the porn. It has a lot of it, and by a lot I mean a lot. There are something like 50 different female characters already each one with their own scenes, multiple scenes, a lot of grupal sex scenes. With long multiple videos. Specially creative are the cheating scenes (no NTR thought wich is welcome).

    Second, it has an engaging story with lots and lots of humor featuring pretty much everything from dating to politics, always with a sassy horny style covering every aspect of society.

    In terms of gameplay it's a sandbox, but it has a detailed in game walkthrough, so it's not really too complicate.

    Also, great supportive music.

    Only thing I don't like it's the question answers minigame who are not optative. I think they should be.

    I love it. It has every thing I personally want from a game. I hope to see where it goes.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    ok, so... there are several missing tags here. most aren't that important, but one is, not only because of how controversial it is in the F95 community but also because it's the main focus of the game: netori.

    the whole game is about stealing all the women for yourself, no matter whether they belong to someone currently or not. the MC cucks other people regularly. it's not optional. if that's not your thing at all, avoid.

    other than that, the game has:
    • implied impregnation (optional)
    • implied occult or supernatural (not optional)
    • political... satire? (not optional)
    hopefully you get the idea. the game isn't just about an MC good at sex or with tons of cash. it's about an MC who, because of implied supernatural forces (via an artifact?) and newly found tons of cash gets (and optionally impregnates, implied but not confirmed) all the girls he wants, displacing quite a few boyfriends, husbands and love interests along the way. he's not just the alpha male (dom), he's also the alpha who kicks around all the betas and potential rivals on a regular basis, sometimes because they're jerks and sometimes because the MC seems compelled to kick people around (because it's fun? an obsession?).

    is the English the best? nope. probably due to lack of proofreading, not lack of ability. is the plot the best? no... but it's not absent. I've seen worse. is the story the best? well, honestly the story is pretty great if you're in the mood for that sort of thing. there's definitely more to the story than what seems to be happening at face value in the very beginning of the game.

    add the rags to riches aspect and the insane amount of fap material in game, all in extreme maledom style and I really like the whole "king of the world with hidden unknown antagonists" vibe the game is giving off.

    is it for everyone? definitely not. but I like it, and am looking forward to see where it's going.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    An extremely fun, and different VN. Has a lot of laugh out loud humor, and also when it gets serious it's still laugh out loud funny, although sadly super problematic.

    It also includes a lot of footage of real people. THe fact that it has real people, and turn based combat was just too much to resist! Combat is pretty fun too!

    The best thing about this game, BY far is the fact that it doesn't make you grind. Almost every game I've played like this forces you to grind to build up stats and money. Instead it doesn't require you to build up all that much money, and the way that you earn it is both fast, effortless, and fun, and the way that you build up stats is by doing fun, short mini games, and you're rewarded with more funny dialogue.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    A html game needs to at least get one single thing right: the writing. And the writing in this game is simply terrible. The premise of a broke dude inheriting a huge sum of money isn't bad. Common, but not bad. It would potentially allow for pacing and unfolding story with interesting character developments and interesting plot. Fantastic for characters such as gold diggers or superficial people. However, none of this is utilized whatsoever. The plot is that the dude rejects his inheritance for the stupidest reasons (he didn't care for me, so why should I inherit all his wealth?!). And yet runs around and still gets laid 24/7 with no build-up, no good writing, no anything. You basically just skip time to a specific time slot, click on a required location to be, see some dumb low-iq sentence followed by a sex scene and then check your phone to see which time&location to be next, repeat over and over. It's lame and boring. And did I already mention the writing sucks ass? Oh, yes I did, seems like it penetrated into my review. I give 1 additional star because I found no bugs and the scenes are OK even when surrounded by nothing but useless drivel. Not worth my, or your time. v0.4
  16. 1.00 star(s)



    one of the real porn games that actually has good looking women in it instead of the 'usual suspects' , is just about this games only redeeming quality.

    then it all falls apart with sluggish gameplay and terrible writing.
    why have a prologue to provide character backstory and then completely disregard it when writing the MC's dialogue?

    you can raise stats and they will have zero effect except passing pointless stat checks that even the developer has no idea what they are (see in-game hint system that tells you you need one charisma point yet fails until you have 2 points). the stats system has zero reflection on the already inconsistent character of the MC which just makes it pointless.

    the hint system is just filled with inconsistencies that show the developer not only doesn't know their own left from their right, can't count (see above) and thinks noon is 4pm.
    to highlight, one quest requires you to go to a restaurant at the 'wee small hours of night'. with a time slot of 2am available, this would indeed fit the bill right? wrong. instead 10pm is the time slot you are looking for which is the wee small hours of a twelve year old with a 6pm curfew.

    a new time slot of 8pm suddenly appeared and i just gave up.
    my advice is look at the image files and save yourself the headache of reading through this mind-numbing mess
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The Stallion [v0.3] review

    What it is:
    Linear sandbox stat grinder real porn VN.

    Allright you guys, I see some dunces complaining about the writing here and let me just tell you that they are so very wrong. You see, the mistake they did was taking things seriously and then of course the humor flew right over their heads.

    This game is absolutely not perfect, but what's wrong with it is most definitely not the writing.

    So as an advice to you, dear reader: Don't take this game too seriously. Instead, just relax and enjoy the sublime humor commenting on the many absurdities of our modern society. And of course the dirty sex being shoved in your face every other minute.

    This is a porn comedy, simple as that. And as a porn comedy it does a great job! The humor is rather dry and sarcastic.
    I guess sometimes you need to be a native English speaker or it may pass over your head a little. I'd describe the type of humor as British kind of dry intellectual humor. It's mostly a commentary on relationships, dating, feminism, litterature and working in an office.
    To me, it's fucking fantastic and a nice break from the rest of the goofy kind of slapstick comedy that's so common among porn comedies. But your mileage may vary, it probably isn't for everyone.

    Ok so far it sounds like this game would be a 5/5 right? Well it's not.

    This game is guilty of all four of the Popabear's four deadly sins of game design:
    1. Linear sandbox.
    2. Fetch quests.
    3. Skip time to advance.
    4. No meaningful choices.

    This atrocious game design really baffles me because the rest of the game is rather intelligent.

    Sure, there's some random sex scenes and "reward pictures" you can get by exploring, but most of the world is completely empty and exploring it isn't fun.
    There's just nothing interesting happening outside of the main storylines. Location X will only have a quest trigger there if you've advanced through the main storyline to the point where the quest log tells you to go there. There's really no point in going anywhere unless the quest log tells you to.
    The game isn't 100 % linear, you can do some sub-quests like the stat grind in a different order, but in the end it doesn't matter because the story will play out the same.
    Most of the time I'm just going through the quest log in a linear fashion, going to location X, speaking to Character A, who sends me to buy item B at location Y and then returning again. I'm just following instructions, nothing else.
    It's just dumb and pointless. I'd much rather have enjoyed this by just clicking left mouse through all of it instead.
    There are choices, but these are of the "guess which combo of these 3-option answers will win this minigame?"-variety. The only consequence for getting it wrong is being forced to do it again tomorrow, or maybe you'll miss a sex scene.
    And at the end of the sex scenes there's often a cum outside/inside option, but if you pick the one that doesn't happen in the recorded porn scene, you'll just get a still image from the scene showing nothing in particular. While the other choice shows the rest of the recorded scene. This really makes me wonder why the choice is there in the first place.
    And then lastly, sleep to progress. To advance the story, sometimes you're waiting for a phone call you didn't know you were going to get, and to get it you'll need to go to bed so that the person can call you the next morning. Just, why?

    So all in all, it's a great porn comedy with some rather annoying hoops to jump through. I still recommend it though, especially if you like some smart dry humor and competent writing in your porn games.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the deal. If you want a good game to jerk it to and prefer smaller breasted woman over fake tit bimbos you're going to love this game. If you are looking for a well done game, good story line or big titted bimbos you should probably go somewhere else.

    The story is not great. The game has some minor issues and frustrations in how it's done. This is true for almost all "real porn" games.

    With that said it's to me one of the better real porn games out there. Hot scenes and lots of them the story being good enough to string them along for me.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Man, I hate to do this but this game is pretty bad, mostly due to the writing. The whole premise is that you're literally the most worthless man on the earth. A family-less, friendless, money-less, skill-less, sorry ass son of a bitch. BUT WAIT. NO. YOU WERE THE BASTARD CHILD OF THE WEALTHIEST MAN EVER. AND HE DIED AND MADE YOU HIS HEIR. Now you get to inherit all his money and assets, and make his bitchy widow your sla... ah, what's that? You... don't do that? Okay, there must have been some clause or something in the w... What? The main character just... declines? For literally no fucking reason?...............................................

    Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't have the ability to suspend my disbelief that much. It makes no goddamn sense and every dialog sequence in the game is built on this. And you might say, MAYBE it's just a bs way to introduce the story and MC quickly accepts the money after brief hesitation? That could be somewhat logical right??? Psh, maybe that's the case, but it sure doesn't seem like it. After clicking around for a couple in game days while MC repeatedly monologued about not wanting anything to do with billions of dollars, I had to close this game up. The writing has turned this game into a video/image gallery with a grind.

    And, I said I hate to do this, and that's because it's not all bad (although there is some other minor bad stuff), there are some decent and good pieces to this game too, but they're just overwhelmingly buried in the most massive pile of shit you can imagine courtesy of this ridiculous plot. I just can't overlook it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I just want to say that this game definately deserves five stars. The game I really enjoyed to play. Everything is really great. Idea, Arts, Gameplay are very good. I wish that development of this project will continue.