
Jun 18, 2021
HELP. How to raise her sexual interest?
At first, it's pretty impossible. Wait for the second weekend, when you unlock "arcade market" or whatever it's called. There you can buy lewd manga that unlock "kinky talk" or av video that unlock "very kinky talk" that have less chance of success, but give you better result (don't need to buy both, you can only use one at a time anyway).
You can also spy at girl from workplace, and caugh her reading porn manga or watching porn video. If you were abstinent for some time (i think 1 day is enough), you can catch her masturbating, which is also give you a unlockable scene, and greatest interest out of 3 (+4 interest).
Also, every time you publish a new pose AV video, you can get a poster of it, which gives +5 interest. But it's one time deal for each pose.

"your next goal is to stabilize your life! make money and increase your possessions to over 5,00 yen"

How do i clear that cause i have bought multiple of the items (sex toys etc) and gone on the dates on the weekend and ive also tried having over 5k yen in the bank and doing the same but i dont seem to be meeting the req.

What am i missing?
It's definitely not 5k, way too low hurdle :D
If i remember correctly, in my game it says 50k, and even that didn't trigger scene instantly. You need to have it ready at friday, then she will ask to go somewhere with her at the start of saturday, when you usually choose where to go on a date. But now, when i actually said it myself (50k), i get the feeling that it's kinda way too much for start of the game, where you can only work part time... so not so sure anymore
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Jan 27, 2020
Any chance that the patch used in this could be used to translate Level 1's previous yuri/futa focused games?
Any one(s) in particular? If they used the same engine, maybe the tools I modified could be used by someone interested in that sort of thing.


Jan 18, 2019
Any one(s) in particular? If they used the same engine, maybe the tools I modified could be used by someone interested in that sort of thing.
. This game in particular features a fair variety of amount of yuri, monster, normal, and futanari content. I put up a separate thread in requests if this talk should be moved there.


Jan 27, 2020
. This game in particular features a fair variety of amount of yuri, monster, normal, and futanari content. I put up a separate thread in requests if this talk should be moved there.
From the trial, looks like probably the same engine. So sure, post a topic in the requests forum (preferably with a download for the latest version of the full game), and link that thread to me and I'll take a poke at it. I've got 349,770 characters of DeepL API credit left to burn through before the 15th, anyway.
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Jan 18, 2019
From the trial, looks like probably the same engine. So sure, post a topic in the requests forum (preferably with a download for the latest version of the full game), and link that thread to me and I'll take a poke at it. I've got 349,770 characters of DeepL API credit left to burn through before the 15th, anyway.
Okay I'll send all of this through by DM.


May 10, 2017
Finally watching 1000+ hours of anime pays off by giving me the power to listen past the MTL.
and understand like 20% more of this wholesome perversion
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Jun 18, 2021
By the way, question for those who already cleared the game
Would she ever permit unprotected sex without condoms, or is old skyrim trick with bucket over the head the only way? :D
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Sep 21, 2018
Very sweet game, a lot like 1room, i think i liked this even better. Hoping to see more like this in the future.
There is quite a few comparisons between this game and 1room, I like both, but I don't know which is best. 1room has a much more wholesome story, as nethier Oji-san or Yuu work in the sex industry. Oji-san is in a much darker place mentally than Ore-kun, so when Yuu shows up the contrast has a bigger healing impact. Oji-san only has sex with Yuu, Ore-kun engages in sexual activities with others. 1room's music is spot on, Runaway Girl and Me's much more varied but somehow doesn't do much with it. Special mention to the sex scene music in 1room, it's so good. Really sets the mood, puts Oji-san in a dark room with Yuu alone, pining for each other's touch. Sex scenes, so far as missionary and doggy (I'am not very far into Runaway Girl and Me), look better to me in 1room. Yuu is also a little more intractable with the mouse than Natsuho. For instants, you can grab Yuu's boob or butt to start up sex with her. I don't know if that opens up, with Natsuho, later on.

Natsuho is far less docile to Ore-kun than Yuu is to Oji-san. Yuu will spread for and give Oji-san her first on day one, though the player can dictate more when Oji-san jumps her. Natsuho's story has more ridged approach to having her first time with Ore-kun. Sex scene's systems and mechanics in Runaway Girl and Me are flat out better than 1room. I enjoy the animation, even if it is simple. The life sim is better too, I feel the struggle early on, questioning most purchases. Natsuho has short term moods as well as longer term stats, Natsuho and Ore-kun can get sick, they need to eat, Natsuho builds cooking skill which also effects her mood, Natsuho has a period which effects her mood and ability to work, Ore-kun has stamina along with a number of time he can ejaculate, etc. Yuu starts as a perfect cook, is always ready to take Oji-san's dick till he's drained, every night Oji-san can pound Yuu until his tapped out with no effects at work the next day, not that there is work based gameplay at all in 1room, Ore-kun has to spare stamina for work gameplay the next day. It's a different approach to the gameplay, but one with less life sim. Runaway Girl and Me also has a deeper story and more characters than 1room.

With an Older Girl has a completely unrealistically, super sugary sweet, deredere girl named Yuina, with very erotic huge boobs and a big butt. Those boobs put a strain on anything she wears. Dubbed the most unrealistic game, because she is VERY accommodating to MC, even going so far as to help MC get off, to help him relax. Though she wont him let go inside her until they are in a relationship, but when she does she doesn't mind having his child so will take internal ejaculations. At some point in the story Yuina leaves the MC for a time, she will wait forever for his call, at least 90 days, the longest I made her wait. Yuina approaches the marriage subject very openly and forces nothing about it, she can even be talked to for some voiced lines about different subjects to learn about her and her thoughts on something as simple as the pool, or her massive boobs. She'll pull out her boobs to help MC to relax and enjoy her figure while she pampers him. Almost motherly, as she actively, passively deredere's straight into MC's heart. All of Yuina's lines are voiced, everything. The interactivity of the sex scenes are weak, letting the sex go fast or slow, with moans and voiced lines being different, clothes as a whole on, half off, or completely off, with a variety of clothing sets and cosplay, and positions.

I bring that game up because both Natsuho and Yuina have more erotic bodies than Yuu, but somehow don't deliver eros like 1room does. Natsuho has her Mom's big boobs. Yuu is not small, but not like Natsuho and Yuina, neither compare to Yuina. I know it's not about boob size, never really is. What I don't know if it's the VC talent of Sakura Momoka (Nekopara series, Da Capo series, Evenicle 2, and many, many others), guitar and piano music, the POV angles (save the doggy style, that's aimed straight at Yuu's vagina), or the shear quality of the artwork, like how Oji-san's hand sinks into Yuu's butt when he grabs it, or whatever that makes 1room so erotic? I doubt it's not one thing, but the voice work when Yuu talks about her dripping, ecchi, 'primo JK pussy' when Oji-san takes her in the morning while she's cooking breakfast, also deserves special mention.

If you or anyone wanted to compare more games like this. While not an exhaustive list, there's in no particular order; Life with slave -Teaching Feeling-, Wet Summer Days, Imouto!? Life ~Monochrome~, Sister! Seikatsu -Fantasy-, !Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend, Maid Life, and the (oddly enough) untranslated Little Sister -Oshikake Dousei Seikatsu- (Little Sister -おしかけ同棲生活-).


Mar 27, 2020
Well here’s my attempt at something like a guide. Not a walkthrough since I haven’t actually tested what I’m putting down. There will be spoilers since new mechanics are unlocked as the plot progresses.

First week is the trickiest. You gotta make 24k to avoid being behind on money. Simply put you gotta succeed at work. Work progress scales linearly with hearts/stamina available so working slowly,normally, and quickly is no different except when work goes poorly or well.

Monday: Stamina is at 6 or 3 hearts, which is just enough hearts to complete the work. If you get unlucky with poor work then no bonus money, but the loss won’t be a problem. End of the day buy regular food for your runaway to cook. Successful cooking will increase your heart max by 1 upwards to 8 max, so you always want to cook good food.
Tuesday: Working normally with enough hearts should complete the day
Wednesday: Work normally
Thursday: Work normally
Friday: Work normally+quickly. most likely you will need a tonic so try buying one on Wednesday/Thursday.

If you make 24,000 this week you should be good to go.
Work may be slightly harder next week, but that won’t increase in difficulty anymore. Income for completing the work will increase so no need to worry about the small utility increase for 4k upping you to a weekly expense of 28k a week.

In my personal experience of the next weeks I can comfortably reach 28k by Thursday just buying regular food + sweets. Didn’t even have to work weekends.
Later work weeks with Runaway grumpy days, sex shop testing, and AV posting.

Monday: best day to work on AV’s due to low workload
Tuesday: possible period day so no sex, if no period just abstain anyways
Wednesday: possible period day
Thursday: Best day to go to sex shop to test toys, also a possible period day. Go to sweets shop at the end of the day there’s a special choco cake every Thursday for your runaway. Though you should be going every work day by now.
Friday: Best days to sex/film
Saturday: Best days to date/sex/film, throw in a date
Sunday: Decent day to date/sex/film, doing it a lot may put your hearts low for Monday, but workload is low anyways so it should be fine. Successful regular/luxury food on Monday morning will recoup most of the hearts

Save scumming trick:
1. You can save scum her cooking. Very useful for the luxury foods. Most useful in the early weeks when her cooking skill is low or when her mood is poor from sickness. Do note that save scumming WON’T work after the screen changes from the kitchen to the room as the result of the cooking will have been locked in by then(the dialogue that tells you + or - influence the mood will have on the cooking success).

2. You can save scum any dialogue option with her that has a percentage under it. Used for naughty talk options to increase her sexual interest(after buying the required books at the arcade date). Most useful in the morning talk before you go to work. As it will give one additional time to work. Useful when you anticipate needing extra time to drink stamina restoring drinks or when you plan on working on your personal AV since that depends on work time rather than stamina.

Spending efficiency tip:
Ordering condoms online in a 20 pack is the cheapest way to buy condoms. Cold medicine and Tonics online are also bought in bulk compared to singles at shops. After a little while in plot you unlock the sex shop and they sell tonics cheaper than in convinience stores and supermarkets but at equal price per unit as online.

Sex toys tip:
No need to buy massage wand until her body develops to stage 2. At stage 1 it increases blue bar, so it’s “useless”. You can’t use sex toys in general while using your penis, so spending wise no need to get them till later. If anything the egg is most versatile as in some positions you can use the egg during penetration.

Luxury foods tip:
When cooked successfully on the morning of a work day it gives an additional work action great for Friday morning assuming you don’t fail the cooking(see Save scumming).

Sweets shop tip:
Buying sweets after work will improve her mood. A better mood is a higher chance to successfully cook, successfully cooking is stamina restoration, keeping your 8 heart stamina limit, more trust, and good mood.

Supplements and Cold Medicine tip:
Once you start getting comfortable having sex, you’ll get sick more. Buy the supplements and cold medicine online earlier before you seggs a lot over weekends.

Bathroom seggs tip:
If you plan on invading the bathroom. You should bathe first, then her. You get stamina restoration from bathing first.


Mar 21, 2020
Fuck, this shit is so so much much better than i initially anticipated. It has really decent story and characters. H scenes are fapable too


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
Grind, grind, grind. Every sexual encounter decreases the girl's shame (or increases her humiliation fetish, depends how you interpret this), so you have to revisit sex scenes again and again. Also, her body parts sensitivities raise too with each stimulation, so a caress (or ass-slap) that was initially not pleasurable at all will be catapulting her into sub-space with time. It is entirely possible to make her cum multiple times from spankings alone, or nipple pinches, or gentle kisses, if you're a disgusting, dirty perv who gets off on putting lips on other people's lips. Just give yourself time, praise the food she's learning to cook, talk to her a lot and take out for a walk on weekends. And fuck her like a pro. You know, treat like a woman basically. Too bad the game doesn't give you an affection bonus for buying her tampons when she's on a period. Or that the MC cannot cook himself - the way to a woman's heart (-shaped butt) is through her stomach too.
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Jun 18, 2021
You must reach chap 2, if you want sex without condoms. or use blindfold.
Blindfold is exactly what i meant by "skyrim bucket trick" :D
And yeah, ofcourse i reached chapter 2, but she was still against it. Despite trust number over 500 and over 200 interest. I already noticed that she won't notice condom absense with blindfold (strangely enough, she will still notice unfamiliar instrument, despite you not even using it yet), but i wanted to do it "legit", not even mentioning i wasn't sure how she will take that sudden news and pregnancy. After i met with gameover on day 7, after refusing "sex from desperation", i wasn't sure whether unwanted pregnance can get you a sudden game over as well. Especially when it's not 1 or 2 days, and in case of game over - setback would be huge.
Anyway, i strated to drift from my point. Long story short, i used the blindfold, story is sweet and everything is ok. But after the end, now i'm curious what exactly i need to do for her acknowledge it without using blindfold. I don't think it's from her trust stat, mine was too huge. Sex interest probably isn't it either. So is it about your current position in a "main quest line"? Or maybe you need to max one of her actual sex skills to lvl 4 or something?


New Member
Oct 4, 2018
Blindfold is exactly what i meant by "skyrim bucket trick" :D
And yeah, ofcourse i reached chapter 2, but she was still against it. Despite trust number over 500 and over 200 interest. I already noticed that she won't notice condom absense with blindfold (strangely enough, she will still notice unfamiliar instrument, despite you not even using it yet), but i wanted to do it "legit", not even mentioning i wasn't sure how she will take that sudden news and pregnancy. After i met with gameover on day 7, after refusing "sex from desperation", i wasn't sure whether unwanted pregnance can get you a sudden game over as well. Especially when it's not 1 or 2 days, and in case of game over - setback would be huge.
Anyway, i strated to drift from my point. Long story short, i used the blindfold, story is sweet and everything is ok. But after the end, now i'm curious what exactly i need to do for her acknowledge it without using blindfold. I don't think it's from her trust stat, mine was too huge. Sex interest probably isn't it either. So is it about your current position in a "main quest line"? Or maybe you need to max one of her actual sex skills to lvl 4 or something?
Well in my case i just straight up impregnant her and then she doesnt give a fuq bout being cream anymore. She also doesnt get sick because no more period so it´s kinda a buff if u knock her up
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