Ren'Py - Completed - The Pilgrimage [v2.10] [Messman]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep seeing ch1 in all the downloads. Even in I have to pay for Ch2 I am looking forward to seeing this continue. Anyone know how to support this maker of this game? I am not very good at finding/trusting sources on the internet.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, I went into this game with no real expectations and I was blown away at every possible turn. Whenever I thought the game had nothing more to offer, it pulled a new mechanic, character, enemy, location, scene and so forth. This is what a lewd game should be, and anyone that wants to make one should really look into the effort that went into this.


    Scenes- From variety to characters, this game has a massive array of things for you to encounter. So many that most players will probably end up missing a good chunk of it without even noticing. Which may sound like a bad thing, but in this case it isn't. That's just how packed full of content this game is. You could see only half the content and still feel like you've seen more than most other games offer.

    Gameplay- Gameplay works well. You can dodge, fire, flee, seduce and dart to get around your enemies. This offers different ways of approaching combat, while also offering lewd scenes with the seduce and dart option. While you will sometimes get easily overpowered and lose, the game doesn't really punish you for losing. In a sense, losing is a reward since you'll get a scene. Sure, it adds to corruption, but corruption can be lowered with drinks at the bar when unlocked.

    Corruption- Losing battles adds to your corruption. At low corruption you'll be more disgusted by the things around you while at higher levels you'll lean into it.

    Corruption works pretty much how you expect it to with the added bonus of offering lewd scene variations depending on how high or low you're corruption is.

    Characters/story- The story is interesting and the characters around you all have a unique personality of their own. Some even add to the lewd scenes, giving you more women to enjoy.

    Cons?- Honestly, I can't really fault the game for anything. In my playthrough I didn't encounter any noticible bugs, except the enemy bugs ;), so I can't really speak on that aspect. As far as everything else goes, its done perfectly. Only other thing I would like is more battlefuck related stuff with other characters but that isn't a con, just a personal preference.

    Conclusion- Really strongly made game and one that I believe is pretty perfectly created. Even if you aren't a Mass Erect fan, I think you'll love it. It puts a lot of other games to shame. Hoping it continues soon.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent models, funny dialogue, and amazing size difference, monster, and cum inflation scenes.

    While still experiencing some bugs, it is still far from the finished product, but every update keeps adding more to look forward to, and there are many secrets I still havent found.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It was a great surprise to play this game in 2024, the animations are great and there are a huge amount of scenes, the scenarios have a good atmosphere and you get immersed in the events. I've been trying to get to the end of the game for months, but I get exhausted before. The only dissatisfaction is that all the FUTAS are passive.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games of its kind in history, you are an incredible creator! I never had an account on the site, but I had to create one and praise your incredible game! The mine games, the animations, freedom, various possibilities, characters.... I'll be honest, I've never played the Mass Effect franchise, but AFTER PLAYING YOUR GAME I'M REALLY WANTING TO PLAY, thank you!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the better games I've seen in ages. Smoothest animations I've seen for a Renpy game, along with such a massive amount of scenes all with sound effects. Has to easily be the best Renpy game I've ever played for sure. Excited for the future and wishing the dev the best in his work!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't do much review so consider details noobs
    This is one of the best game I liked for a long time. I usually don't play female protagonist but some games are awesome in that. Until now I liked mostly this two game
    1. pilgrimage and
    This two are my favourite man.(most fap one too).
    Consider this game 10/10 man
    I wouldn't have write this review if game wasn't worth it
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    very detailed game with many different animated scenes, actual developer that finishes and puts out constant content it is a rare thing to see someone actually working hard on their project nowadays... literally the GOAT can't wait for chapter 2.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Heard about this one quite some time ago, but skipped it because it looked kind of rough. However now that it's finished, I decided to give it a try and, well, it's indeed kind of rough.

    Some activities, like vent crawling, quickly become a chore.
    By the end of the game animations become smooth, but early ones are pretty stiff and the way models "connect" to each other still could use some work.
    Fighting things is pointless because it only takes resources and more time than simply running away and on top of that increases the frequency of future encounters to sap even more resources/time from you.
    Tali could talk a bit more during scenes, but that's very minor and situational.
    Also a kroxigor and skinks in ME setting kinda break the immersion, but that's my own problem.

    However the game generously compensates it with the amount of content, regularly tries to freshen up the gameplay and has an actual h-system with it's combo of clothing/lewdness/items situations instead of the usual "Pick a character for sex" VN stuff. Not to mention that Western gamedevs with the focus on such content are a rare kind.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty good but has issues.

    The story is good enough basically it is just watch tali have sex with mostly creatures, which is good enough for me because I like tali.

    The sex scenes have good animations they look pretty robotic but I didn´t mind I liked them.

    The text is a bit too small.

    The gameplay is the negative of this game. Combat isn´t that interesting and sometimes takes too long. The lewdness meter was very undercooked.
    And the scavengin felt very useless.

    But if you like mass effect, or just tali, or beastiality with aliens try it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily the strongest western eroge of the last few years. Finishing within a year is already unheard of, and yet Messman has managed to pack in so much interesting and varied content into a game with such a unique premise and setting that it just doesn't sound real.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    wonderful project, definitely worth checking. maybe model quality is not the best you can find on the site, but content is so creative that personally i will take this game over other typical modern VN
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game as I'm a big fan of mass effect and Tali. Sadly the execution here is horrible. Full of game breaking bugs and confusion as you are not sure if you have to do something to progress or if the game is just bugged. The sex animations are not that great either, certainly not a enough of a reward for all the frustrations you will encounter.

    I gave up during the vents section when I got the green toxin to clear out the biomass in the vents but the game would not give me the option to use it on the biomass. Basically I was stuck. Play this clunky buggy mess at your own risk and only with a walkthrough.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised by this one. From the previews, I didn't think I would love the art, but the animation quality was great and there really is so much content. After I thought I had completed the game, every bit of additional exploration uncovered another scene I had missed. And I've never even played Mass Effect.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    this game surprised me with the amount of content and the quality. I didn't expect this much variety and choices that you can make. the scenes and animations are well done. the minigames and puzzles are a little pain to do when you have only hand, but apart form that, overall would rate this one of better adult game I played. I hope that new content gets added as it became one my favourite, and thanks to Messman for making this game and continue updating it. I would definitely recommend to give it a try.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For me the game is a solid 5/5.
    It has a style of gameplay that I like and it's full of animated scenes with sound effects.
    The story is good enough to drive the game forward, while the gameplay is based mostly on exploration with a little grind.
    There are literally hundreds of possible defeat scenes with different monsters and aliens. I can't remember if I even seen a game with that amount of scenes.
    One big downside for me is that I'm not a huge fan of bestiality and especially insectoids.
    But I can mostly look beside it and image that it's me filling Tali's holes.
    And I must say that Tali's model is extreme hot and she has a really cute face.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I expected a lore heavy visual novel that would reuse the lore and characters from Mass Effect but it ends up being just the excuse to make a game about an alien humanoid chick getting fucked by other aliens and it's perfect
    Story : As said previously, an excuse to move forward the story but it's fine, just enough so you can get the character fucked in less than 10 minutes
    Gameplay : A visual novel with some interactive elements and lots of animations, very polished and solid, I didn't find any bugs
    Porn/Visuals : A good amount with lots of variations taking into account the 3 stages of corruption, some animations are more polished than others but REALLY hot nonetheless
    Overall, a very enjoyable short visual novel, I can't wait for the next part, huge props to the developer for such an steady development with constant releases

    Edit : Also,I'm a bit mad there are no multiple endings but since the dev has said it's for the benefit of the story after, then I won't hold it against him for now
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Animations are not the best quality but the game itself is good. Love the variety of events depending on the lewd level and the exploration. Some gameplay mechanics may be tedious and repetitive, but overall experience is fun to watch. Also appreciate keeping the popular characters out of main story and solely focusing on Tali and her adventures. Really good stuff, can't wait for part 2. (y)
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Prof Renzo

    Beautiful animations (especially the latest ones) , interesting story and interactive gameplay. The best game I played that was programmed in Ren'Py , and last but not least featuring the best girl from Mass Effect.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic lewd content. The scenarios Tali finds herself in are very tantalizing, and just when I think it can't get better, a new set of animations, positions, and creatures are revealed as Tali becomes even more lewd. Even the writing for her inner thoughts gets hotter over time as she loosens up and begins to enjoy herself.

    The story is simple enough to stay interesting without being needlessly complicated and the progression of events that lead Tali from one lewd scenario to the next are believable and still interesting throughout. The cast of characters are fun to interact with and learn about, and the changes to Tali over the course of the story have been great to witness.

    Animations are a little rough around the edges but also have a unique charm to them, and the content more than makes up for it. Genuinely some great sex scenes and the animations are good enough that they help more than they hurt. No real complaints.

    Audio could use some work however, once the final product is nearing completion. The sound effects used so far aren't my favourite to be honest. It's better than not having any sound at all but because the animation loops are short, the audio paired with it is choppy and doesn't sound the greatest in some scenes. The voices used are fine, but it's easy to tell which are AI and I would prefer a proper voice actress for the moans, gags, slurping, and other lewd sounds. I believe some VA's even have sound libraries that can be purchased for this exact scenario - for lewd audio that can be used in projects without the need to record custom content. Not a huge deal breaker, and having audio to begin with sets it apart from so many other games that have none at all, but could use some tweaks in the future.

    Overall it's a fantastic game that will continue to be on my radar. Can't wait to see what's next for this talented creator, whether it's more Mass Effect or a different franchise.