This is a high quality piece of work that merits it's high rating, I can't believe it's a renpy game. Dating feels right, the progression/grind feels adequate, the writing feels alive, the sexual content is quality and the LIs are sexy and true to their inspiration. I give four stars for that.
However, the only thing that keeps me from giving all five stars, is my personal desire for more taboo fetish content that is not and will not(?) be included such as: NTR/NTS/NTI, semen addiction, exhibitionism, blackmail, cum fetish, breeding, free use, CNC, etc.
now if you're not interested in these more taboo fetishes as a more vanilla kind of feller, this can be your five star game. and even if it's not mine, I'm still sticking around because god damn a man can dream for The Fetish Fulfillment Center to deliver one day!