Just a suggestion. Characters that got 'dom'/'love' by player choice should somehow have affected the story otherwise it would be meaningless to have that much of a choice throughout the story. I know it's already Act2 but I still believe there are things that can be improved, for example, Anna speaks to you in a different tone if Nick is 'doming' her. Gina shows remorse/regret dialog and opens up herself knowing Nick 'loves' her.
I play many games that offer a lot of choices yet they don't affect the story, sometimes I question why bother. there's only one ending anyway.
I agree, but maybe not with a solution. I can do that sometimes, but consistently doing it through the game is super hard and time-consuming. But my plan was, and is, if I don't come up with something better, to make a last, or one of the last chapters, completely different depending on all your choices. Basically, I will make three different chapters for one chapert, plus an ending. And of course, there are scenes only for some stats.
Niiice welcome back blacktoad, its been a long time. I have some spicy suggestion if you want, how about adding a lesbian couple who has a secret affair from each other with the MC. Its going to be a fun and interesting concept. The MC is having affairs with both butch and the femme couple. You can throw in some sexy tight latex or lingerie suit for both of them. Anyway its good to see you, I hope I can donate to you when all my urgent things have been solved. You are the only developer with an exquisite taste for cinema and gaming. I have high hopes for your success, and I wish to see you thrive, become more famous each day, and make big money.
Hey, thank you for your kind words

About lesbian couples, I have planned something close to that idea, not sure exactly. But I think there will be some kind of love triangle with Nick, Raven, and Raven's ex who will appear in the next update.