Yeah, I guess what I'm trying to say isn't "make it 50-50", but rather "don't bother making it 99-1".NTR or not, why would a corruption-based game put a large focus on vanilla content? It's just not even remotely the point of it, the crumb of vanilla is there simply to make the female lead's corruption not inevitable and thus a bit more meaningful narratively when it does happen. That's its only purpose because neither the author nor their target audience care about the alternative. You're just not the target audience for these types of games and that's okay.
Say a game has an even split of vanilla/non-vanilla content. That would just mean everyone with a clear preference for one or the other would not care about 50% of the game's content, as opposed to a whole group of people enjoying the entirety of it and fully getting their money's worth out of the thing.
Eventually you'll unlock an optional quest where you have to defend Geda's home (that's the friendly goblin) from a monster attack or something. After you clear that you get the option to visit their place a bunch of times for H-Events.Quick question: what's the fastest way to have the girl do "stuff" with others? (and particularly with goblins)
I'm running this game on linux using wine:
WINEPREFIX="$PWD/pfx" LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine Game.exe
But the game frame speed feels a lot higher than I expected. Is that normal?
I've fixed the problem myself! I just unchecked the Beta option when choosing the system locale which was previously ticked and worked fine for other games! Attached the picture for reference.How the heck did you guys get the game to start? I've had no issues with other JRPG Wolf RPG games before and I tried using the Locale Emulator and ran the game in Japanese, the same errors as other users has pointed out occurs. I also extracted the files in Japanese and my Windows locale has been set to Japanese for the past 5 years and last I checked was still Japanese.
Somebody please provide guidance.
View attachment 4538915
Finally, thanks manI've fixed the problem myself! I just unchecked the Beta option when choosing the system locale which was previously ticked and worked fine for other games! Attached the picture for reference.
View attachment 4539424
Took me about 4-ish hours to beat the game and collect all the h-scenes.How long is this game for a normal playthrough to one ending?
How do you do that, I don't have and don't even know mtools?Try open the game with mtools, its work fine.
I set the font for mtools simple font. And i think its because the font
No, battles are entirely optional actually. The scenes will start as she gets more horny (i think) and is willing to go further into each questShit, I can't get any scenes, should I lose battles?