RPGM Completed The Mercenary's Adventure [v3.004] [Takamakuran]

4.50 star(s) 36 Votes


May 19, 2021
How do you start ng+ in this one? I have played it a while ago and stopped after the east islands part. I would like to play it again but in ng+. Is it a one time prompt that I missed or a specific location?
Have to finish the game and then you can start ng+.


Jun 7, 2017
Got as far as the second town, got tired on how grindy the gameplay was......realised I had missed the Dog, back tracked for miles only to discover a slime had eaten it and turned itself into a horrific looking boss. Started again because I'm not having a dead dog on my consciounce.....by god does having the Dog change the entire way the early game plays out! Why is the Dog so damn critical to the early game, yet hidden behind such an easy to miss event? The good boy changes everything, if it weren't for his inability to equip accessories I'd consider him beyond broken, but I'm guessing his usefulness tapers off later, but he absolutely carries the early game with that STR stat and his mad damage modifier on his skill.


New Member
Feb 11, 2018
Got as far as the second town, got tired on how grindy the gameplay was......realised I had missed the Dog, back tracked for miles only to discover a slime had eaten it and turned itself into a horrific looking boss. Started again because I'm not having a dead dog on my consciounce.....by god does having the Dog change the entire way the early game plays out! Why is the Dog so damn critical to the early game, yet hidden behind such an easy to miss event? The good boy changes everything, if it weren't for his inability to equip accessories I'd consider him beyond broken, but I'm guessing his usefulness tapers off later, but he absolutely carries the early game with that STR stat and his mad damage modifier on his skill.
do you know how to save the dog? I have not been able to continue knowing that he dies from slime (google translate)


Jun 7, 2017
do you know how to save the dog? I have not been able to continue knowing that he dies from slime (google translate)
1. When you first enter the Forest, you can see the dog fighting a slime, help the dog.
2. After you complete the slime hunt in the forest, go back to the village and get the demon as a party member
3. Return to the forest. Go to the top right area of the map, there's some trees you can walk through, keep going until you run into Dog again.
3. Go back to town and rest. If you don't have a Heal 10 item, grab one from the store.
4. Go back to the forest again, top left area this time and you will find Dog again. Heal him when prompted, and the MC will keep the Dog, causing him to join your party. You can do this before the Mountain quest (where you meet Goggles)

So long as you don't head towards the next city, you can recruit Dog any time. The moment you start heading south, the Dog's fate is sealed, so recruit him before then.


Active Member
May 11, 2020
Version 2.9 Extra Scenes
Walk through of original game(version 2.09) can be found on page 3

Devil Town- 1 Scene
-Demon Girl 7th Scene- Go to the inn in the town full of demons and you will get a scene if you sleep there

Golden Boy Quest - 5 Scenes
- Talk to him at the guild
- On the island run into monsters and you will automatically defeat them
- After defeating all of them you will get 2 scenes
- Blue Harpy Monster - Talk to her you will get the scene
- Red Snake Monster - Talk to her after getting the first scene
Demon Girl 8th Scene - Afterwards it will be night time, talk to demon girl and choose first option to get a scene, second option skips the scene entirely.
Island Day Time- Go to the beach and talk to backpack girl with a swimsuit
Island Day/Night Time- One of the tents will have the thief girl you can get her third scene from their.

After completing Golden Boy Quest - 2 additional scenes
1) Additional Samurai Scene
2)Additional Goggles Scene
3) Additional Priestess Scene
- Go to boat travel option after quest and click the second option from there you can choose who to invite
-Follow and interact with the person around the world til you get scene

*Secret Boss - Very difficult
-During Vacation Island, if you switch the island to night you can fight a secret boss
-Near the climbable cliffs there will be a light at night
-After interacting with it go the dragon statue and interact with it
-Once underground, go to the right and you will find a blue hallway leading up to a lizard fight
* I haven’t beaten this boss so I am unaware of what lies behind the fight

Female Alter Ego: can only choose 1 ending - 12 Scenes
8 Endings:
1) Inn Prostitute Route - You end up becoming a prostitute for an inn - 1 Scene

2) Church Route - You are sheltered by the church - No Scene

3) Pub Route - Work for the pub - No Scene

4) Happy Bandit Route - You sleep with the male bandit and mange to escape from him - 5 Scenes + 1 Universal Scene (4,5,6)

5) Happy Bandit Leader Route - You sleep with the bandit leader and manage to escape with some of the other slaves - 3 Scenes(Same As Ending 6) + 1 Universal Scene (4,5,6)

6 ) Bad Bandit Leader Route - You sleep with the bandit leader and you decide to stay with him. He then proceeds to torture you to death - 3 Scenes (Same as Ending 5) + 1 Universal Scene (4,5,6)

7)Good Aristocrat Route - You escape from the aristocrat and managed to be saved by your male counterpart and the thief girl - 2 Scenes (Same as Ending 8)

8) Bad Aristocrat Route - You get eaten by the black slime and you are killed while the other slave girl is forced to watch and also be consumed by the black slime-2 Scenes (Same as Ending 7)

Explanations to get each ending:
In order to start this you must first go the sorcery shop in the city. After getting an item use the item within the city and a cutscene will play. Afterwards go into the inn within the city play out that dialogue and then you can name your alter ego. From there you can get these endings.
* For Ending 7 you must talk to the thief girl before you transform into your alter-ego

Ending 1: Inn Prostitute Route
1) You must first get clothes, you can do this by going up to the church, talking to the pub owner, or talking to the male bandit and choosing the first option
2) Go to the inn and choose to work their(first option)
3) You will get some dialogue and then a scene will play

Ending 2: Church Route
1) You must first get clothes, you can do this by going up to the church, talking to the pub owner, or talking to the male bandit and choosing the first option
2) Then go the church and talk to the priest lady and choose to work their(first option)
3) Afterwards while playing as the male counterpart, you can find your female alter ego at the bottom left of the church in an area that is normally closed off.

Ending 3: Pub Route
1) You must first get clothes, you can do this by going up to the church, talking to the pub owner, or talking to the male bandit and choosing the first option
2) Then go the pub located in the city and ask to work their their (first option)
3) Afterwards while playing as the male counterpart, you can find your female alter ego at the pub in the city.

Ending 4: Happy Bandit Route
1) Talk to the bandit to the left of the stairs that lead to the sewer (unclothed)
2) After some dialogue you will be given an option choose to follow him (second option)
3) After some more dialogue you will be given another option, choose to have sex with him (first option)
4) Afterward talk to him once again, do not leave the area
5) Some dialogue will play, you will be led to the thief hideout where more dialogue will play and then once you leave you will be given a choice
6) Choose to stick with the bandit (first option) and you will be led to his house, and interacting will give you a scene
7) Afterwards you must interact with the three different places, the bath, the table and the kitchen, each will provide you with a scene
8) Afterward interact with the bed and you will get some dialogue to play and given a choice
9) Choose to wake up out of bed(first option), choosing the second option will merely skip the scene
10) Interact with the thief and after some dialogue another option will play choose to have sex with him(first option), second option will merely skip the scene
11) Your character will wake up in the middle of the night, some dialogue will play and you just escape through the window and follow the path
12) Upon escaping you will be met with some dialogue and then your free (the only ending I've been able to obtain after being free is ending 2)

Ending 5: Happy Bandit Leader Route
1) Talk to the bandit to the left of the stairs that lead to the sewer (unclothed)
2) After some dialogue you will be given an option choose to follow him (second option)
3) After some more dialogue you will be given another option, choose to have sex with him (first option)
4) Afterward talk to him once again, do not leave the area
5) Some dialogue will play, you will be led to the thief hideout where more dialogue will play and then once you leave you will be given a choice
6) Choose to stick with the bandit leader (second option) and you will be led to bandit house, while in there interact with him and it will skip to the next day
7) Leave the house and go the bandit leader house and talk to him
8) Go to the bandit leader house bed and interact with it 3 times, each time is a new scene
9)After interacting 3 times you will be given a choice, choose to escape(first option) and you will see a cutscene of you escaping with other slaves almost meeting your male counterpart.

Ending 6: Bad Bandit Leader Route
1) Talk to the bandit to the left of the stairs that lead to the sewer (unclothed)
2) After some dialogue you will be given an option choose to follow him (second option)
3) After some more dialogue you will be given another option, choose to have sex with him (first option)
4) Afterward talk to him once again, do not leave the area
5) Some dialogue will play, you will be led to the thief hideout where more dialogue will play and then once you leave you will be given a choice
6) Choose to stick with the bandit leader (second option) and you will be led to bandit house, while in there interact with him and it will skip to the next day
7) Leave the house and go the bandit leader house and talk to him
8) Go to the bandit leader house bed and interact with it 3 times, each time is a new scene
9)After interacting 3 times you will be given a choice, choose to not escape(second option), you will see a cutscene of the bandit leader torturing you to death.

Ending 7: Happy Aristocrat route
1) Before staring the alter-ego stuff, make sure to talk to the thief lady
2) Talk to the bandit to the left of the stairs that lead to the sewer (unclothed)
3) After some dialogue you will be given an option choose to follow him (second option)
4) After some more dialogue you will be given another option, choose not to have sex with him(second option)
5) Afterward talk to him once again, do not leave the area
6) Some dialogue will play, you will be led to the thief hideout where more dialogue will play and then you will be locked in a cell
7) Go upstairs and interact with the jail door and then go back down and interact with the question mark
8) You will see some dialogue, and then a cutscene of you staring at the room
9) Then go back upstairs and some dialogue will play and then interact with the bed once more
10) You will be led to the aristocrat house, and after some dialogue where you will be introduced to slave girl, you will be given a scene
11) Leave the room and some scene of you exploring the house will play
12) Interact with the circle next to the bed and a scene will play
13) Afterward some dialogue will play and you will leave the house with the slave girl
14) Outside the mansion as you are about to get attacked by two me, you spot your male counterpart who then saves you.

Ending 8: Bad Aristocrat Route
1) Talk to the bandit to the left of the stairs that lead to the sewer (unclothed)
2) After some dialogue you will be given an option choose to follow him (second option)
3) After some more dialogue you will be given another option, choose not to have sex with him(second option)
4) Afterward talk to him once again, do not leave the area
5) Some dialogue will play, you will be led to the thief hideout where more dialogue will play and then you will be locked in a cell
6) Go upstairs and interact with the jail door and then go back down and interact with the question mark
7) You will see some dialogue, and then a cutscene of you staring at the room
8) Then go back upstairs and some dialogue will play and then interact with the bed once more
9) You will be led to the aristocrat house, and after some dialogue where you will be introduced to slave girl, you will be given a scene
10) Leave the room and some scene of you exploring the house will play
11) Interact with the circle next to the bed and a scene will play
12) Afterward some dialogue will play and you will leave the house with the slave girl
13) Outside the mansion as you are about to get attacked by two me, and you run away
14) Outside the mansion the door is locked so you decide to sneak through the sewer
15) You will see a scene of the black slime killing your female counterpart while the slave is forced to watch
* Note that the black slime intro will slightly change, without ending 8 the intro will consist of random black slimes forming together, after obtaining ending 8 the black slime will be formed by the slime surrounding the slave girl
*Note even if you kill the black slime before doing this ending, the black slime will still kill your female counterpart

Save Files
Save 23 - Unlocked Aristocrat Bad Ending and Killed Black Slime Combined With Slave Girl
Save 24 - Killed Normal Black Slime ( Didn't do any feminization or island quests)
Some of descripted Ending are far off from what actually happened.

Gonna Add the Sewer Demon and Vampire ending now, so It will be total of 10 FEMC Ending there.
Vampire End :
*I think you need to let go the Thief girl from Bandit Fort for this. (Of course after you beat her by saving the Travel Merchant)
And make sure you have meet the Vampire 1st and didn't kill him.
1) Talk to a bandit(Hoodlum) near sewer area.
2) Choose "Follow Hoodlum"
3) Choose "None"
4) After dialogue finished, move to the right and choose "Run Away"
5) Go to the "City" and head to the near Southeast Wooden door house. Cutscenes will be played
6) Open the door, and the scene will be played.
Proceed as story told. Or more specific:
Go to the terrace and speak with a vampire. After that, eat the food on the white table of your room.
And then, the good ol' Hot Vampire movie ending will be played.

Sewer Devil End:
This one require you to not kill the Sewer Devil when you're tasked to knvestigated the sewer (Choose "Wait and see.." when you encounter him in Sewer).
Also might require you to meet him in "Brook" area and help him fight off the Lizard. Happen when you can access the World Map for a the 1st time. (after talking to the wizard oldman on his shop in City)
1) Talk to Hoodlum near sewer area
2) Choose "Fine/Follow Hoodlum"
3) Choose "Ask about Money", and H scene will be played (H scenes choice doesn't matter)
4) After the scene, follow the Hoodlum (go to the top and speak to him)
5) Choose "Don't" when the choice appear
6) Inside his house, talk to him to sleep. After that, leave the house.
7) Go inside the middle yellow building, and talk to the Thug (sitting Red Guy)
8) Explore the area, talk to everyone and choose the 1st option which trigger H scenes. Also go inside the right most building too.
9) After a that go inside the yellow building, and head to the Northeast to sleep on the bed.
10) After woke up, go outside. And open the middle brown building with a door.
11) Talk to the Thug to trigger Sprite H scene.
12) After that, Event happened. Go outside by choosing "Leave"
13) After that, Choose "Take me with you..."
Proceed to his house, and then the Beauty & Beast ending played.

Right, just making a little easier guide to find for future patrons. By quoting the ending list and add a missing one on it.

Ah, right. Most important one.
If you see this pic, stand on that spot and press confirm (z key) to pick up these Accesory.

If you can't :
*Go to the "Woods". Walk to the west of the area and you will see there is a empty spot inside the group if trees on top north. Look for the most left empty spot. Get in from a west side of the empty spot and interact on top direction inside it. You will get "Detector" there.
*Go to the "Forest 1". Find the Wooden bridge located on north of the area. On the left of the bridge, you will see a small grass that you can step on, stand on the middle part and press confirm button (z key) to get the Accesory

The "Detector" is a key item that reveal a hidden secrets on area with blinking light (Money, item, etc).
And "Say NO to Grind" is Accesory that double the gained EXP to the one who equip it.
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Active Member
May 11, 2020

I browsed the "Battlers" folder just now. There is few that I have never encountered before. (p3000, p3064, p3092, p3101, p3102, p3105)
Anyone ever encounter them?


New Member
Oct 31, 2020
Guys, How to kill Amalgamated Devil? It is Devil but he killed Poti( forgot his name). Devil's hp doesn't go down


New Member
Jun 24, 2021
Has there been any talk about a game after this? I went back and completed New Project and MYr, so I'm just waiting on the next game.
Dec 27, 2021
Hi I'm at the final boss. Main character is level 48 and the others are between 45-47. I have to fight the three sorcerers at the same time and it's just unbereable it seems. Do I have to grind more? I think I've done and seen pretty much everything except the black slim stuff and I got this dialogue with the blacksmith who says that he could make something with the amazing ore but I have to bring him some special weapon or whatever. I got two weird swords dropped from the bunny lady but that's it


May 12, 2018
Hi I'm at the final boss. Main character is level 48 and the others are between 45-47. I have to fight the three sorcerers at the same time and it's just unbereable it seems. Do I have to grind more? I think I've done and seen pretty much everything except the black slim stuff and I got this dialogue with the blacksmith who says that he could make something with the amazing ore but I have to bring him some special weapon or whatever. I got two weird swords dropped from the bunny lady but that's it
I'd recommend grind up to 50+ lvl to unlock all elemental infusions first.
The thing is max charge + all elemental infusion merge into even more powerful buff. And this buff + super smash can deal 20k+ dmg. With this you can beat the boss with only 2 such shots.
4.50 star(s) 36 Votes