RPGM - Completed - The Mercenary's Adventure [v3.004] [Takamakuran]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of v3.004 on 5/29/2022]

    Well, RPGM, we meet yet again.

    I just can't seem to get away from you. Granted, it's mostly my own fault. I wouldn't review games that didn't somehow catch my interest, and somehow it always seems to be your little engine on my "to play" list. Maybe I secretly like playing your deeply-aged, turn-based combat and exploring your highly derivative, soulless, prefabricated worlds? I just can't afford to admit to that, though; my sexual fetishes and addiction to porn have me worried enough as it is.

    Not that this is a bad offering. Far from it. The Mercenary's Adventure is actually a good game. The biggest issue plaguing your engine are the games designed as though they want to be made in another engine, or would rather exist as a CG set than a game, but Takamakuran knows how to make a good throwback to traditional, turn-based, SNES-era RPGs.

    It's all about forcing the player to make strategic decisions. Do you go into that cave off the main quest path, knowing you only have 3 revival items left? How many times can you use your weapon's item skill charges and still make it out of the zombie horde? Is this dungeon where you should use those highly coveted Full Restores, or should you save them for the final boss? It's hard to balance these games such that the player feels themselves walking a tightrope, but Takamakuran knows how to do it.

    To its credit, RPGM, you help make things rather laughably accessible, since you can save almost anywhere and just hit F12 for a reset when you need it, but that doesn't mean it's a breeze to actually get through the game. Honestly, this game will take you quite a few hours if you want to see all the content and reach a level where you can properly address the end boss, and there's plenty of hurdles (read:turn-based battles) that will waste your time if you don't figure out an optimal strategy for each of them. Yet, somehow, it never manages to feel terribly unfair -- the game is actually pretty well balanced and uses some tactful design choices to let the player know what they're in for. I actually had to look carefully at my options and try to intuit my combat results as being either sufficient or insufficient for further progress, which requires a degree of design nuance you just don't see in the typical RPGM game. These were hours playing a game well spent.

    To that end, we should talk a bit about what players will be staring at for those many hours. Despite the previews, the artwork is actually better than average, with some sequences even slightly animated or with some subtle object tweening or motion to convey certain events more dynamically. The artwork is also distinct in its sketchy, haphazard fashion, and it starts to come across more as a stylistic choice than a sign of incompetence. Oh, and there's an absolute metric shit-ton of that artwork in this game. No, really, it's honestly rather impressive in comparison to your usual offerings, RPGM.

    In addition to the absolute oodles of sexual content, there's also artwork for just about every living creature you fight or talk to (save some truly ignominious NPCs). Some of the monster designs are actually rather cool when they aren't downright terrifying body-horror... the Amalgamated Devil and the second Bandit Boss come to mind. Occasionally, there's even scenery or specific shot choices meant to convey moments that might not work with the typical top-down pixel art you usually provide us, and it works to convey the mood of the game's sequences well.

    Naturally, all this artwork means that there's tons of sex scenes as well. The developer has a kink for scenes with girls getting fucked into a drooling mess by impossible men with no refractory period, and... well... that's pretty much it. Sure, there's different flavors of 'fucked-silly' in each scene, but there's really no significant variations outside of the woman's basic appearance, some speaking habits, and which page of the Kama Sutra her scene falls into. No problem for me, I'm actually here for it, but players shouldn't be surprised if they were looking for a more specific kink.

    The story overall is a bit tired, not unlike you, RPGM, but it's characterization is at least entertaining. The writing/translation itself is actually okay, and I noticed very few spelling mistakes or egregious grammatical misadventures. The sex scenes are, admittedly, mostly filled with word soup, but at least you don't have to feel guilty putting the scenes on fast forward when you're just not quite into them. The best part of the writing is that it definitely services gameplay -- there's a couple encounters where your character is intentionally made to feel like a scrub, and the story itself acknowledges those moments in a good way.

    That's all there is to it, really. This is a competently made RPG with an ahegao addiction. It's sad to see how rare a good RPG is when it comes from you, RPGM, but at least this game proves that it's possible, and that you can be used for something other than just an artwork showcase. Good work, Takamakuran.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One the few games here, which deserves it's "monster girl" tag, because let's be real - a pair of cat ears ain't it.

    Unlike his previous works with weird gameplay and even weirder plot, this one has somewhat basic, but solid story and more or less traditional jrpg combat. So I'd say a good entry point for those who never played Takamakuran's games before.

    The art looks rough from screenshots, but you'll quickly get used to it and, boy, there is a lot of it and every scene has it's charm. I still wish there was more build up for scenes than "I'm in your house, this is a porn game, we'll bang ok?", though the game compensates it by sheer variety of characters. My only gripe is author's adamant aversion to anything except vaginal sex.

    Hopefully 200 sold copies for English version won't dissuade the author from translating next game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion it's hands down one of the best RPGM H-games out there.

    The story isn't all that taxing on your head, but even then there are some memorable events and characters along the way.

    There's plenty of H-scenes, a lot of them animated and in a pretty neat, rough, sketchy sorta artstyle reminiscent of Black Souls.

    The combat is just traditional RPG turn based battle but with emphasis on proper gear, buffs and debuffs(meaning team work)

    There isn't much to explore but there are some extra scenes to be found like for example in the samurai girl's residence or the cats scattered around the world map.

    In my opinion it's 10/10 and a go-to as far as RPGM games go. Takamakuran never fails to deliver.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    screw hero´s portraits - this grey blocky fella represents us.
    Evil a cutie.
    Pity, no scenes with the succubus on the last cave.
    Don´t know what the leather belt is for, the precious mineral and some other stuff you find - also, absolute NO idea how to fuck Googles.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Admittedly my expectations weren't really high but the art looked somewhat decent so I thought, "Why not?" Contrary to expectations, this game delivers.

    Story 7/10

    The plot is pretty linear. You start as nobody and encounter a demon/devil who curses you. You adventure to break the curse. While meeting people to break the curse you're targeted by the church and you get a quest to break an important statue in the church. You go to the church and discover that the church are the ones creating demons. The ol' humanity needs an enemy so we made the enemy trope. There's a branched ending depending on whether you spare or slay the sorcerers, but sparing will make the final fight harder.

    The main story aside there's a couple of smaller side plots with side characters.

    The plot with Goggles remains largely unexplained. She's a "hero", whatever that is, on an unexplained quest. You can fight a hidden boss for a marriage end with her.

    Small nitpick: I wish the characters were actually named, as opposed to being named by their characteristics or jobs.

    Gameplay 7/10

    Let's split this into two parts: Combat and exploration.

    Combat: The combat is quite well fleshed out. It's quite traditional to RPGM in that there's HP/SP/TP, ATK/DEF/MATK/MDEF/SPD, etc. But there's a lot of skills that are party buffs that interact with each other to make the combat interesting. There's also auto-combat for the lazy or the easy fights.

    Exploration: Again, the game is pretty linear. Once you get to the world map view you can start exploring for smaller gains, but they're mostly scene collection. However, the maps are quite well designed and enjoyable to traverse, even for a linear game.

    Lastly, I want to note that this game is quite buggy. The game literally crashes a couple of times an hour. It also lags sometimes (how does an RPGM game lag?) The last bug is that on a side quest chain thing, the ability to enter the world map disappears for some reason. You get it back by proceeding the side quest chain, but it's no doubt a bug.

    Art 8/10

    Honestly, the art is quite amazing. When I started I thought I'd criticize the game with "artist knows a single good pose and reskins the same pose again and again." But I was wrong.

    There are 40+ characters to sex in this game. They're all unique and the sex scenes are quite well done and extremely plentiful. The scenes are short but sweet and contain "motion," which I really liked.

    Similar to the naming choice, they made a choice to make the overview character models... quite blocky. Mobs are literally flashing circles (once you're in combat they have more normal models). It's a style choice, but again, I don't like it.

    Overall 7/10

    Good quality game that took about 10 hours to complete. Simple linear plot that isn't overly complex. Sex scenes are plentiful and beautifully drawn. Decent combat progression which isn't overtly grindy.

    The biggest complaints I have with h-games is the (lack of) interleaving of sex. This game delivers on that front. The sex is constantly presented throughout the game with little fanfare. The side character's sex scenes are more drawn out, but really, that was enjoyable in its own aspect.

    To improve the game I'd have liked the side-characters to be more developed with their own little side stories.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Another stellar game by Takamakuran. I'm pretty far in and its very good.
    So far its been less existential than previous games, and has more a classic jrpg vibe. Also, there are quite a few re-used assets from previous games. Still an amazing game, would recommend.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Though it's a good game it's lacking the weirdness that made the previous games special. The ero-fights are a nice throw back to New Project's fighting system and the collectible cats.

    Except for that it's really fun, engaging with nicely written characters and features more than one possible ending. The new game+ lets you keep levels and items (expect most quest items).
    Beware that there are missable scenes and whole party members so safe often and try around.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very epic ero-game. The battles are fun to play with all over the animations(it totally feels more life to it than other rpgm ero-games out there just completely standard every basic rpgm battle.)
    The h-scenes are overall didn't mind to me and I found it very erotic just like blacksouls with it's sequel, these art style has it's own charm
    Very cool story with the plot, it's a very linear story and you could enjoy it if you don't mind typical fantasy stories.
    My overall rating would be 8/10, very epic game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with a lot of content, many CG to unlock and an interesting story to be discovered, it also shows how the mechanics is improving the Takamakurnan developer in its games, allowing to have more interesting battles coming out of the heads of bosses that always made them epic.
  10. D
    5.00 star(s)


    what a great game, cool story and marvelous soundtrack. It was full of humor and funny moments. Great sex scenes! It can be very grindy at a lot of moments, but still spent few hours to complete, 10 hours for me, and i am sure i did not do everything, lots of women did not get the MC's dick, must replay it. Anyway. Played the other games from this creator and this is now my favorite.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Since lot of people already review this, I keep it simple.

    Brought to you by Takamakuran, the same people that created New Game! and MYR. Another masterpiece of porn RPG done right.

    Combat is significantly harder, but more fun to play. Especially on the end game stage, where you need to grind out your party level because the dungeon become extra hard to make up for new party member joining in.

    If you want to collect H-scene/make it easier, a guide/walkthrough maybe necessary. It's not to complicated, but some stuff are really well hidden or hard to find. Try using the JP walkthrough translated from DeepL for more detailed guide.

    As expected of Takamakuran, this creator rough, but detailed and hot drawing are all fap worthy. All of it are oppai paradise. Although some of it might not be your fetish, but it's so well drawn, you fap to it anyway.

    The story are simple but interesting. I'm not gonna spoil you, so go play it since the prologue are barely there.

    My conclusion : Recommended to anyone that wanted some good RPG, story and fap material all at the same time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, amazing art. Seriously, buy it to support the creator. It's probably takamakuran's most straightforward game in that it doesn't have too confusing of a story or as much eldritch horror, there are less different endings and they're easier to get, and the world is more compact than his previous two games (which you should also buy. If you like this game, especially the art, you'll like those.) There's a fair amount of secrets to find, whether it be better gear or new scenes. Play it, love it, buy it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Takamakuran’s back and armed with a whole slew of improvements on the art and game design front, but those looking for a plot as fresh and memorable as his previous work "A New Game" might find themselves a little disappointed. Still, "The Mercenary’s Adventure" is plenty engaging on its own and has more than enough depth to keep you interested.

    SOUND - 4/5
    There really isn’t much to say here. Music has never been the focus of these kinds of games, and while there aren’t really any innovations regarding sound design, the songs selected fit the ambiance and atmosphere of each map and do their part to contribute to the overall experience. You’ve got spooky music for spooky areas, lively songs to fit city life, and somber choir music for the cathedral. It’s standard RPGMaker fare.

    ART/VISUALS - 5/5
    Arguably one of the most important aspects of a game (especially an eroge), Takamakuran’s signature style is a breath of fresh air in a market saturated with sameface or just flat-out ugly 3D models. At first glance it’s easily written off as a MSPaint mess, but closer examination reveals the thought and skill that’s gone into his work. It’s more than just serviceable; the sexual content itself may be fairly vanilla (insofar as rough, passionate sex can be vanilla, there's definitely no dead fish to be seen here), but the poses are dynamic, the scenes are hot, and the girls have distinct visuals. You’ve got a few monster girls, too--the typical kemonomimi (though they’ve got more in common with Felicia from Darkstalkers than Nekopara), some spicy zombie girls for the brave, a fish chick with fins for ears and a whole slew of cute humans...or at least, people that look like humans. But that’s spoiler territory! In short, there’s a lot of content. If you’ve ever thought “man, I really wish I could fuck this cute chick even if she’s not a part of the main story,” then Takamakuran is your new gospel. From waitresses to shopkeepers to nuns and wild monstergirls, there’s certainly no lack of erotic content. It should be noted that pretty much every single erotic scene has a part 2 to it that you can see on your second interaction, so don’t be afraid to revisit scenes or come back to access others once the story has advanced!
    Environment and map creation will be elaborated upon in gameplay.

    It’s actually a pretty by-the-books fantasy adventure story. No isekai gimmick here, it’s just you and the succubus you fucked into a puddle setting out on a journey to break the truly terrible curse she’s set on you; either bang 1000 people to break it, fuck once a day to stay alive, or die from being too horny. Yes, truly unfortunate.
    Thankfully, you have a winged assistant to help you out, and plenty of cute girls to bang meet along the way. Thus the story begins, and you leave for the city to figure out a way to avoid contracting 50 different types of STDs.
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    Overall, the writing is pretty solid. There’s a few loose ends and some minor plotholes I have a few questions for (nothing that would deserve a total retcon, though), but it’s an engaging read and overall put together quite well. The True Ending is very satisfying, and there’s even a bit of stuff left to do after you finish the main story.

    GAMEPLAY - 4/5
    It’s greatly improved from his previous games. It’s still turn-based, sure, and it’s pretty typical as far as RPGs go, but it’s not as easily cheesed and requires some actual thinking. Even if you were to use Cheat Engine and max out your level, I’d be confident in saying that there’s still a pretty significant chance of dying if you get overconfident. The only real downside is that enemy difficulty is kind of artificial; increased stats, some bosses have multiattacks, and that’s about it outside a few swarm gimmicks, whereas you’re given the full gamut of stat buffs/debuffs, charge attacks, and protective abilities. On the upside, that means I don’t have to tear my hair out over wasting valuable cash on antidotes or status clears that I’ll never use (looking at you, Pokemon!).
    There’s a lot of quality of life improvements over his previous games, such as autosaving after battle (which is a godsend since the game has the unfortunate tendency to randomly crash), a more easily navigated world map, and a few rebalances to the system (you can actually control what your teammates do now! Thank fucking god, if I had to pray to RNG that my support would provide heals I’d have to shoot myself). There’s definitely a little bit more grinding that you have to do compared to “A New Game” or “MY]R,” but thankfully most of your stat improvements come from weapons and equipment. Accessories provide relatively minor bonuses and are dropped from enemies. Levels are mostly used to unlock skills and small stat boosts.
    The gallery system also includes pretty much everyone now, instead of just “only the important people” like in his previous game. So that’s a lot more convenient.
    I have a few complaints regarding map design, though. Some of the rooms are a nightmare to navigate, which admittedly is probably the point considering they're mazes, but it's still a bit frustrating. "The Mercenary's Adventure" has a significant improvement over the snail-slow walking pace of the overworld map in "A New Game," though, so it's not all bad.

    ENJOYMENT - 6/5
    It’s a Takamakuran game, I’ve loved them all so far and this one is no different. A pleasant cast of characters, a solid story, and more girls than you can shake a stick at. I beat my meat a ton, as per usual with his games, and will most likely revisit it to do the same thing all over again. There’s a ton of little secrets to be found for people willing to explore, and I’m glad to be part of this excellent community. Play his games; you won’t regret it.
    Except for maybe “MY]R,” I seriously DO FUCKING NOT recommend playing that one without understanding how to trigger the endings, or else you’ll break your heart.

    OVERALL - 8.5/10
    Has improvements over previous games but suffers from a bit of a weaker story as well; at least, compared to Takamakuran’s other works. Compared to most JP shovelware this thing may as well be a goldmine--the art isn’t just unique, it’s exciting. Overall, despite its fairly minor flaws, it’s a damn good time and heartily recommended.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    His games keep getting better. The story is a bit simpler this time around, but still tries to subvert the standard trope of "all demons and monsters = bad", with mc having a bit more personality this time around . The main improvement for me was in art department, most of the scenes now have "full spread" CGs with lots of poses. Lots of unique and creepy looking monsters too, lovingly hand drawn (which is pretty rare for RPGmaker).
    Other than art, there are some quality of life improvements over past games, like fast travel , autosave , in-menu gallery, strategically placed travelling merchant and rest points, and as always, some secret spots for gold and better gear for those who like to explore maps.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    scam man sidorovich

    Welcome back to coomer reviews today were going to talk about mercenarys adventure
    What is this game your a faceless man named merc no your faceless your skin is gray and you have no facial fetures and your given quests by people to do simple stuff to compex things like trying to get rid of curse
    Story its actually quite good and had some though put into starts off killing slimes watch a sexy inn lady with nice curves walk past you in a night gown to seeing a skimpy girl in the woods only for it to be a demon then beating said then demons then said demkn curses you into a contract then tie up said demon then said demon said to lift the curse have sex with 1000 times or find someone to break the curse then faceless merc rapes said demon then the next day said demon goes withmerc sknce their bounded together then said demon dose quest with merc. (Ok no more said) the demon girl you can rename is basicaly a succubus so one night shes uses her powers to make the inn keeper have sex with merc and at this point my ears were orgasming how THE SOUND DESIGN EVERY SINGLE CREAK OF THE BED WAS HERD YOU COULD PRACTICALLY IMAGINE IT THE SOUND DESIGN IN THIS GAMES GOOD AS FRICK THE MUSIC IS FRESH AND NOT REPETITIVE THERE'S BARELY ANY STOCK SOUNDS At ALL THE SOUNDS ARE CUSTOM MADE AND THE ART STYLE FOR EVERYTHING HAS A SKETCHED APPEARANCE And the h scenes are in between women you know and demon succubus were succubus demon girl makes women fall for merc the tall faceless man as he takes odd jobs and makss his way to the city tring to find someone to break his curse with this demon bitch were it goes from killing small little monsters to killing devils bandits and mean lizards were zt the end SPOILER WANKER SPOILERS OK

    At the end after fighting sorrcors sent by god killing devils seduicing everywomen in the land fucking a plant monater and breaking the curse getting cale a dunce because you didnt want to rape a women to losing the best short lived friend to a jewish golem monster ( yes there is an npc calling its jewish golem monster in the adventurer guilds) and meeting one of the devils who sent you to a devil village to break the curse to then fighting the church because they took people and made them into monsters that terrorize people to then killing the guardians of a statue that make every single prayer go threw to god then breaking the curse only for it to be a lie and the demon girl SAID something about demon coomtracks after that you can start a new game + or explore the world by urself overall this game had me laughing with good jokes placed around the immersive music and sound design the art style the new monsters and almost no stock rpgm assets this is a good game play its fun but its hard as nails you better get grinding overall game play time 6 hours maybe 7 i want more games made by this guyGetting called a tard for not raping I wish i took more screenshots of this good ass game Plant girls
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the premises the developer and everything. One of the best developer out there. He do and deliver. Most of his game have massive plot and lore, his artstyle is rough but feel real and alive. Sometimes it feels like you're the mc.