Sorry. Yes I have my screen magnified to 125% because of my eyesight. Usually I can pan up or down but not this time.
Nice, glad it was avoidable, I'm taking notes to fix that. I'm new to all this website-making thing, so some stuff may not be the best for now, so, sorry for the inconvenience.
Exactly how old is your save? Mine worked but I didn't play 3 years ago
Lol, maybe it's so old that it's almost at the start of the game so there is nothing to break (yet) XDD.
*reads dialog* "one boy ten girls" "wouldn't trade it for the world" I see what you did there.
And poor Lori. I guess no one told her that plans don't survive contact with the enemy.
But the plan was screwed from the start. Like what would Bobby even do if he agreed to come back? anywho loved the update! Just wished it was longer.
Yay. An update AND a new website? That means I can go back to monitoring the website directly instead of waiting for you to update the links on the main page.
About the update: Started with a new splash screen. Didn't error out on my most recent save, +1. Not going to spoil it, but there is some more story development, and I didn't see any Engrish.
Thank you! yeah, it was a small update, this was half-done like 2 months ago and just before releasing it to supporters the
"Discord server incident" happened, having to move supporters from here to there, make new accounts, say sorry, do damage control... and then the
itchio incident... So I had to work on our own platform. I hope this website open the doors for future cool stuff, like events, polls, future projects etc.
Thanks for playing!
Make sure to get 10 Love Points with Lori for an extra special gallery entry!
Updated to 0.2.13!
- Some players were experiencing an error during dialogs were a special effect was applied to it (Kinetic Text Tags plugin)
- Minor errors.
- I just realized at the moment I was typing this that I forgot to update the game's icon on Android

I think I will just stop applying the version's number to the icon from now on and only change it between chapters (Only the "old ones" remember the chapter 1 and 2 android icons)