Ren'Py - The Lewdest House [v0.2.21] [Cathornero Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Good visual, nice dialgues, good start for long stories. Great work, applodice for autor. I hope this project they won't abandon. I want to see a sequel or new part.
    Good visual, nice dialgues, good start for long stories. Great work, applodice for autor. I hope this project they won't abandon. I want to see a sequel or new part.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The Lewdest House is a rising star among the vast sprawl of dime-a-dozen adult Renpy VNs, which separates itself from its peers through two creators that have a vast love of both the source material and the source material's own roots. While maintaining the art style that the artist has known for, through its development the game's art has steadily improved to a point where it not only has its own identity but does so with a ton of cuteness, and character. The writer, utilizing his experience from his prior works, translates the characters into this medium in both a believable and sexy manner, while maintaining the levity and intimacy of the source material.

    As far as the variety is concerned, the breadth of character body-types and personalities ensures that there is something for everyone to like about the game. It would not surprise me if someone greatly enjoyed The Lewdest House without even having consumed the source material, due to them finding at least one character that matches their fetishes or turn-ons. As the author has stated an intent to diversify the content even further over the course of the game's development, I'm sure this aspect of the game will only improve with time. Choosing to follow the episodic format of the original show also permits entertaining interludes and breaks up the changes of focus that could otherwise distract other works with multiple love interests.

    The impetus to write this review, which lends itself to my belief that there will be further development, is the resilience of the development team. After having mobs of teenagers and normies sent to destroy their work, they withstood up-and-above what would kill other projects to not only reaffirm their support of their work, but tell the haters to pound sand. As of today, I only have the greatest expectations of the heights this game will reach by the time (however long it may be) it reaches its conclusion. 5/5.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    If there’s any western cartoon parody porn game your willing to put your faith in, this is the one.

    I was slightly familiar with The Loud House and its NSFW community prior to my discovery of this game, although I’ve only sporadically watched episodes from the first 3 seasons. That is to say, this game has plenty of references and nods to episodes, jokes and plot points from the tv show. Although every character of course has to adapt to the “18+ fangame” setting, they manage to do so without feeling completely out of character. The game is charming enough to make me appreciate the show even more than I did before.

    Make no mistake though, those who’ve never even heard of The Loud House, this is pretty much the best writing you’ll ever find in games like this. The game is not just funny, but clever, sweet and oh so dramatic. Each chapter focuses on a different sister in the spotlight and will have you legitamately invested in how it will play out. This is a game that cares about its story and how its massive incest-riddled, ntr-free harem would actually get built.

    Everybody who’s played the game has praised the writing, but the presentation deserves equal levels of respect. The tv show was conceived as an homage to western comic strips and the visual novel beautifully keeps up that aesthetic. This is not another parody that simply slaps poorly edited PNGs into Ren’Py with no changes to the default UI aestethic. Character sprites are highly expressive and dynamic, making you feel their emotions and movements in spite of the engine’s limitations. There’s also character mini-icons, dialogue options, stat popups, text boxes, quick menu options, a dynamic title screen and more. All uniquely in the series-faithful artstyle. By one guy. Hell, the bio alone shows the effort put into this game by 2 people is more than many visual novels that had dozens on their development team. This COMPLETELY OPTIONAL unnecessary part of the game has each important character given unique art, a unique stylized name and a description written in the point of view of the main character.

    The best example of the art and presentation mastery are the “comic page CGs” where a scene will play out with panels flying into position and overlaying the normal background and sprites, one by one in time with dialogue, each in the position and order they would be read in until the whole screen looks like a torn out comic book page.

    The actual free roam gameplay follows genre staples while avoiding the pitfalls that come with them. The stat points all come from different dialogue choices and not the same text box for 20 minutes. The game is simply designed without the need to grind to get more content. Regardless of what you do in your free time or what points you have, time will move forward and you will get all the girls. Even the free roam is secretly designed to make it difficult to more than 1 or 2 side stories. The choice is there to let you prioritize the sisters you’re more fond of.

    But of course, this is porn at the end of the day. The art and writing work together to make sure the degenerate naughtiness does anything but disappoint. Each sister has their own way of flirting and doing lewd acts that is both in character and sets them apart from the baker’s dozen of other girls in the game. The art is quite good and the naughty acts themselves have a variety that keeps the pursuit of each girl from being predictable or repetitive.

    Overall, if you somehow couldn’t tell by the wall of text, I think this game is amazing. The few flaws (e.g lack of sound) stem from the games current ongoing status, though with an active developer I’m confident they’ll all be solved. This is what all western porn parody visual novels should strive be.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    EDIT: This is more for the community aspect. While the community it self is fine there is one person of higher authority in the discord prone to anger and insult and abuse of power. Due to this not affecting the game i will not change the rating. Just be aware if you join the discord. But rest assured i think the problem person might just be a little targetive towards me. That being the best case senerio. Other then that nothing has change since my original review.

    Update 2: its been a few days and some/enough progress has been made. Seems like my message has been received. But true change takes time. But hopefully these incidents will become less common and less aggressive. Only time will tell. Still be aware.

    Freaking AMAZING! One of the best games I played. Hand drawn art, perfect, engaging writing, and good game mechanics. I have no complaints. The dev DMF gives consistent updates and takes on criticism, suggestions, and bug reports quickly, responsibly, and with out complaints. On of, if not, the BEST game dev and artist I have come across. So good i felt like giving a rare review.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is pretty ok but nothing really special and cant say i got hooked on it, theres a few fun moments but thats about it.
    Main goal is for MC to get together with a girl at school which he has failed with for years, she then moves away and MC has to find a way to get to her, doing all that MC starts fucking the sisters and at one point proberly hes hole famiily except one.

    The story is also very kinetic and i would really consider this a kinetic novel and i guess they made it "sandbox" to avoid having to put that tag on, which is kinda weird since plenty of people like kinetic novels.

    So lets call it extremly linear, in the sandbox there arent any real option that matters, you cant turn down girls or change much doing the story, maybe if you dont have brave points but i bet it will only change a few dialogs but nothing story related, could be worng but i dont really care about it enough to test it all out.

    The only thing you do in sandbox is click a spot on a map of the house that takes you to the next step in the story with the one you choose, but it dosent mean a thing which order you click since the one you dont just show up the next day, so like i said earliere its all linear/kinetic.

    The art is why i give this 3 stars and now lower, its nice to see a diffrent type of art and it looks good.

    When it comes to the girls you really need to be into the extrem loli types, they are AA cups if that and looks and acts more like 8-12 year olds in every way, like one girl does tea parties and play a princess so you can deside what age you would put on that type of personalty.
    I do love smols and loli but within reason, this one was just a little over the top for my taste even if it is cartoonish/manga style, guessing thats also why this type of stuff is allowed on the site.

    As for being animated i would say thats a huge fail, theres only a single scene that is animated and everything else is picture to picture movements and some not even that, so game dosent really deserve having animated tag.

    Just like the LIs theres no choices for fetishes either, personaly im just not a anal fan and like games that gives you the choice but theres none in this one.

    Try it out if your ok with all of the above its not a bad game and art is good, but for me it just dident hit the mark.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    At least for me, the parody genre for H-Games has always had a bunch of misses with only a handful of hits. Games like Something Unlimited or FET are what gave me hope that parody games could be great. The one thing most of them tend to lack is passion and creativity while still having that respect for the original material. This game definitely has it.

    The writing is pretty solid
    The characters (While true to the original material) are well written and fleshed out to fit this type of narrative
    The scenes are ....... arguably the strongest part of the game considering the buildup and the payoff. What's even more impressive is the way it does this while still maintaining a cartoon style animation

    Overall, a damn good game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is utterly brilliant in too many ways to list, holy shit!
    Each and every step of it features an unrelenting amount of soul behind - balancing the canon of the original cartoon with excellent lewd content throughout.

    This also shines brightest in the artstyle, which doesn't trap itself on being identical to the OG (which, let's face it, is awful for porn!), but still maintains its charm with designs that stick the landing. Probably the best Loud House parody out there (unless that Odyssean fanfic we all know about is actually worth something... i'm not gonna be the one to find that out...)

    Simply legendary.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fun, simple and well done. I wish we could have more content but is worthy it. Try it out for yourself.

    Scenes are good, looking forward to more and to get to know more about the other characters
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 10/10 great story inspired by my favorite
    cartoon, great mc and lis

    Art 10/10 great art faithful to show

    Content 9/10 not there yet but dev seems to
    be trying so A for effort

    Lis 10/10 great lis especially the goth sister
    Game is wholesome as fuck

    Update time 10/10 dev updates per month so great

    Thanks for this game and I hope you finish it
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished it so far, and I love it!! The story's great, the art is awesome, and already looking forward to the next update!! The quality of this is just great! I'm hoping to see more interaction with the rest of the sisters, but can't get over how good the story is while focusing on one at a time!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is firing on all cylinders and raised the bar of what a visual novel should be. An incredible art style that is elevated by the rock solid writing. Truly in just 2 chapters, the dev has captured a vision and I can't wait to see what's next.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Only 2 chapters in and already can confidently say this is fucking bars. The art is very beautiful and original, and the story is pretty great, amd when you get to the end of Chapter 2 it goes insane. I am ecstatically awaiting for the continuation of this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, good writing, hot scenes. Games has it all, its just missing content. What is does have is very good. I am eagerly waiting more. Id say it worth playing now, but for those who like lots of content id keep this one your watch list and come back in a few months.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    There are not enough good games with their own art style, I haven’t watched the series itself, but at first glance at the art and characters I liked it, as well as the story, I will follow the game, I hope the author doesn’t abandon it, that would be sad
    Some people write that they don’t like the proportions of the characters, I didn’t really like it at first either, but you quickly get used to it and it seems sexy xdd
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has sandbox tag, but you get to make virtually no choices. This game needs virtual novel tag, as that is what it is. As someone who is here to jerk off and not read a book, this was incredibly disappointing. The art is unique though, so I gave it 2 stars.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First and foremost I love the writing, it's just stellar. The art is also great, I really love the UI and the start menu. Every time I log in I go straight to this thread and check for an update, I really hope this doesn't get abandoned like every other game, it has so much potential and is so great already. I don't even like the loud house or whatever the shows called, the game is just that good lol, maybe I'll have to start watching it. Really though, I adore the writing in this game, it's the only erotic game i've played where i've never wanted to just spam through the dialogue at some point, always kept me engaged and interested. Please continue making this game!!
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    pretty good first impression of the game. has a good foundation, mixed cast of characters from petite to older. i see where its intending to go, and it looks good!

    i will however say, atm its really short. a few sex scenes, but good ones too. it has the sandbox tag, but doesnt reflect that in the gameplay, as everything is essentially linear, with no room to progress how you wish to. the game has a beginning, middle and end. once the chapter is finished, youre booted to the menu, and cannot roam around and explore the scenes like a sandbox game usually does. so this is more a linear vn with sandbox elements, but its not a sandbox game.

    however, animations are present, some are better than others, the weakest animations of the lot arent bad, but there not great either. however there are some good ones in there. theres lolita, and older content, however its still very much in development so still waiting to see that fledged out. interesting concept, story didnt really capture me to want to sit through all the dialogue. And that means something, as there are H games i do listen to everything and read it all to engage with the story. but i felt i was more interested in the scenes rather than what it had to say.

    interesting cast of characters
    Loli content for those who like it
    incest and embracing it fully rather than (landlady etc)
    more than just vaginal sex! gg ( needs to explore anal more)
    different setting to other games ive played

    sandbox elements, but not a sandbox game. more just a VN with sandbox elements at SPECIFIC TIMES.
    Not enough anal and ass scenes, tho there is one ass eating and anal scene, being an ass lover, this is a bad start for how little there is, but good for the fact there is some this soon.

    no repeatable scenes (besides night time visit from older sister) (there is plans to implement it)

    the fact the game boots me to the main menu, and i cant explore all the sets and scenes, and characters. hence why its a linear vn, as sandboxes just allow you to roam. this game gives you sets to interact with characters at most, then it goes back to a VN style again.

    animation quality is inconsistent. the spanking scene on the bed was good quality, with the cheeks rolling and such. some of the other animations earlier in didnt match the same quality, and felt almost static at times.

    summary: seems like it could be a good game, providing it actually embraces being sandbox fully, or sticks to its hybrid between the two. the characters although varied, can be abit more diverse. but pros and cons aside, it looks promising. but theres too little to give it a proper review and score. and im confused on what kind of game its trying to be. so once more time has passed, and more content has dropped, ill be sure to update my review to reflect the experience. but i will say, support the dev, play the game. IT IS A GOOD EXPERIENCE!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This one is pretty good, the art style is s healthy mix of the original design and the devs interpretation. The story has been fun so far, and even this early there's enough for a quick replay or two. Can't wait for more content.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely love the art style of this game, it really shows the love being put into it. There's lots of potential for this game but it's still in the early stages with only a few sex scenes here and there but they're pretty good regardless. The story is shaping out to be pretty good doesn't feel like filler to get to sex scenes. I'd highly recommend following this game until it's completion.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Still a work in progress, but what it currently has is a great story and amazing art! Everything from the mini-comics to the jokes are a great time reading through! If I could go back and play it again for the first time I would, but I'll probably wait until another day of content comes out.