Catspeaker 81
Pretty please can you answer
I been wanting to ask, where do you get the inspiration from to com up with the writen part of a story?
Do you get just the picture of a scene and the words just come natural / spontaneously?
Or do you look for some references ?
In the case of the Lewdest House.... Before each chapter, DMF and I will often brainstorm what we think the Chapter's plot should revolve around. What the major theme should be for that particular girl with Lincoln. We try to think of a bunch of cool, romantic and sexy events and we write them down in a master document. We always know how the Chapter has to end.... Lincoln having sex with the girl.
With that in place, I sit down and I just start to write. Using the scene ideas, and the general themes we want for the Chapter.
Often as I'm writing, I end up getting new ideas, or changes to the plot based off of what I've written.
I'll write a couple scenes, then DMF will go back and read them and give me his opinion. Sometimes he'll ask for changes based on playing up, or toning down certain things. Sometimes he'll ask for changes based on Art.
An example is, originally Lincoln was going to feel Ronnie's Boobs inside the school somewhere... but DMF was kinda bored of drawing Ronnie and Lincoln in their normal clothes, and asked me to rewrite the scene taking place outside in winter... So he could draw Ronnie and Lincoln wearing their winter clothes.
I think the scene worked better that way. The idea that Lincoln and Ronnie were so hot from the lewd action, they didn't even notice the winter cold really let's you know how intense it was for both of them.
DMF will also sometimes come up with scenes he thinks should be in the story, write an outline and give it to me... and then I'll insert it, and spruce it up some.
But generally we establish the goals of the chapter, the theme (The race for Lynn, the play for Lucy, ******* for Lori/Ronnie, ***** for Luan, ******, for Lana/Lola) brainstorm some scene ideas we know should be there.... Then I sit down and start writing with the goal of incorporating the scene ideas and really making sure the master theme becomes apparent. Doing this I get more ideas, or different ideas and make changes, all approved by DMF, who then goes back reads the script and lets me know if he wants anything altered.
References come from all over life. I think of my own personal experiences ((I think of my wife when I write Lynn. Several of Lynn's lines are direct quotes she's said)), stories I've heard or read, accounts from others and stuff like that. I look stuff up if I don't know something.... Like I don't know a lot about Skateboarding so I did some very basic research on brands, slang, and stuff like that for Ronnie Anne's brief blurb on getting a Skateboard for Christmas and the gear for it.
The internet is your friend, if you want to write and you're not sure about something, look it up. You'll find details about it from somewhere, I promise you.
But at the very end of the day, it's just me trying to think of what would make the game more wholesome/romantic/sexy/humerous/fun and make a great story.