Hello, a question how to unlock these events, I already played the game as far as it goes and it tells me that the ending will be in version 1.0
Like some CGs that I couldn't get when playing it, which are Clark home, jail back, jail fan1, jail fan2, jail neck and jail butt bars, as well as sex 3 in the office that I couldn't get

also with The Cartel has not been able to release the following poster strap and cartel strap 2. I only managed to get the ending of the boss of the cartel where he feeds her like his pet. When she arrived with AMBAL, the defeat hits our beautiful blonde hard in the window of the building. and an END appears humiliating her by turning her into a footstool
PS: I made a copy of the game and tried the cheat for the gallery if it worked but those events in the image I attached still do not appear unlocked or does anyone have a guide to the game?
Thank you very much for taking the time to read it
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