Forget about my post. I solved... I have to reinstall winetricks because sha256sum mismatch errorCan someone help me? In some scenes, I can´t see the text. In the picture below, there are three boxes with missing text.
I using ubuntu 22.04, and playing on wine. Is a font missing or a dll?
View attachment 3354923
Do you have a list of the fixes?
It worked for me with the clowns on the 0.95 version, hadn't lost to any other group yet.View attachment 3357578
Does this work on Windows vertion? The buttons do not work on Android, it didn't work in 0.95.2 either.
Maybe another link? FIle from Mega Win deleted.
NOT AGAINMaybe another link? FIle from Mega Win deleted.
How do we use this cheat?for cheats version just paste this into \0.95\The Lewd Knight_Data
I also ran into this problem on Windows (can't click either choice; weirdly: could still play cards in the background). Ended up restarting the game.View attachment 3357578
Does this work on Windows version? The buttons do not work on Android, it didn't work in 0.95.2 either.