Pixieblink Hey! Played your game now and since it seems that you appreciate constructive criticism i would give you my 2 cents
First and foremost you need to change the title to Chaper One or something. I was atleast irritated about the sudden cliffhanger while the thread states its completed.

Also, you need to make some dependencies atleast in the next part, since i had situation where MC talked about stuff which not happend till this point because apparently i did the scenes in the wrong order. On the other hand, the game is to linear. I mean, there are way to few choices and it didnt seem to matter that much.
And since its so linear, i dont get how i missed the teacher scene, which is shown in OP. Are the scenes even in the game?
As someone stated before me, pls do less dancing and much shorter in the next chapter. I skipped the vintage scenes at the notebook completely because it felt like i wouldnt gain much from them anyways.
The game, like the ones from Quantic Dream, felt more like an interactive movie than an actual game: You clicked on a location, got some text and with a lot of luck, a choice and than a lot of movies. For me, thats no fun at all.
Last but not least i have to say, the story is very interesting and you should definitely expand it and include more of the mystery around the father.