For the love of all that's holy, unholy, or just plain crazy, can we please get an option to DISABLE the arrow-key minigame?
I fully appreciate that it's something you want Dev. I acknowledge that, and am not saying it's BAD for the game.
I AM however, saying that it's BAD for those players who don't have the manual dexterity or brain/eye/hand coordination and speed to accomplish the task!
The as-yet seen camping mini-game.
Whatever other mini-game that is yet to be discovered.
I can type quite well. I can do so accurately. But this game puts me right back in my typewriter class days (Yes, I'm that old.)
Give me a PARAGRAPH, and I'll do it nearly flawlessly. Give me gobbleydegook letters, arrows symbols or what have you, and my brain fritzes out trying to translate what the eyeballs see to what the hands must do.
I've already gone into the options to Disable the Reaction Event, but it still seems to be occurring. While some players may like the challenge of it, I've got enough hassles on my plate to deal with outside of games. At this point, it's no longer an interesting and fun story. It's a pain, and just not worth the hassle.