Wolf RPG - Completed - The Imperial Gatekeeper [v1.75] [Tengsten]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A great base game that is inspired by the Papers Please game. The art is great and detailed with both male and female characters, but its sadly censored, and the gameplay is enjoyable . A lot of fantastic modders are adding stuff for that extra sauce including extra characters and clothes plus new mechanics for plenty more hours of gameplay.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    ID Check Sim

    I've only played the game w/ the translation mod - with it, the majority of the English is well translated (conversations great, some of the options still machine translated). Story surprisingly decent for a game focused on gameplay. Starts out a little slow, but worth it after the first couple towns. Lewd scenes are not that spectacular, but because this game has such a unique concept (similar to Papers Please), it's worth a playthrough.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    There are so few games on this site that could really be described as a 'game'. Most games are really visual novels or point and click adventures.

    This is a GAME. It requires logic and speed. You are playing a guard who has to choose which people to let through city gates..and of course 50% (or more) of these people are women and throughout the game, you will be able to increasingly question and molest these women to find out if they're good to go...

    The porn is good. There's enough variety in the people going through the gate for a fantastic playthrough. The quality of the art is good, the strength would be in the variety of poses and clothed/unclothed states allowed. You won't be disappointed.

    The story keeps the gameplay and porn going quite well..it's purposely simplistic and bare bones because the highlight is the gameplay and molesting women of course.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not for everyone, but for those, who liked similar to this kind of game, where you are cheking PAPERS and PLEASEd by doing it, at the boarder chekpoint.
    Sexual content here is the most thing I wanted, and realisation of it is 9/10 (could be a little bit better, judging by game picture, where you probably could be tell people just to lift up, but not to take off clothes). So perverts would be pleased.
    Plot is simple, but ok.
    Controls is great and easy.
    Graphics is very cute.
    Overall it is a great game for fan of this kind of game and I can recommend it, but it might be boring for all other people
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It really is Papers, Please but with porn, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe have a sequel but you can choose to also play as a female MC? Now here's the part where I try to get to the 200 character requirement: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so fun, not as fun as papers please but the concept is well done, on the erotic side it was awesome too, it was nice to add the gay content, a thing I didn't like that much, even though is not a problem, was the backstory of the blue haired girl, everithing else was on point.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Papers Please is the last game i would think would serve as inspiration for a porn games but hey it works great, gameplay is easy but fun, the art and chara design are nothing great but the immorality of taking advantage of you position is what make this hot.

    Would love to see others games taking this concept farther, but still a cool game with a good amount of fun to have !
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually a fun game with an interesting story. Plus, y'know, you can fuck dudes and gals which is always a plus for me. Too bad the uncensor mod is by someone who won't open the dudes :(

    Still, lots of fun and definitely recommended.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    realy good game i lik the concept and the gameplay is enjoyable as wel hope for a second version of this game maybe with pregnacy in it that would make the game allot more fun in my opinion and maybe a more wide cast of characters and places as well all in all this is one of the best games i have played so far.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    the best damn H game. The art is usually good but some of the angles are pretty bad. The game play and the music are so damn good. This is case of the whole being better then its individual parts. I find myself going back to this game over and over again whenever I am dissatisfied(which is often) with the majority of H games out there. Most games have awful CG with descent game play or an ungodly amount of filler (innocent witches). This game balances all those aspects perfectly. Wish the ass shots of the city thots where better though.
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    This is how you do it. This is how you make a hentai game.

    Elephant in the room: this game is heavily influenced (basically stole the idea) by the game "Papers Please". So it's not as original as you'd think. But dayum, the execution is nearly perfect.

    Short summary: You're a solider who guards the border. People who want to cross the border come with papers into your examination tent. By themself. Well, you get the gist.

    Gameplay 5/5

    Quite enjoyable gameplay. The pacing is not too fast not too slow. The difficulty is average, but once you get used to it, it's actually rather low. The best part is that this game mixes hentai and gameplay. Games that can do that well are few and far in between and this game NAILS it.

    Hentai 4/5

    Most of the hentai is randomly generated. There are a couple of scenes, but they're very few. Personally I really like the art style, nothing to write home about, but still pleasing to the eye.

    Overall 9/10

    All game devs need to take notes. This is a great idea that was executed near perfectly. There are very few things I would change in this game.

    Definitely going to keep an eye out for Tengsten in the future.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the art style, some may think its not "top quality" thats not really true. it is , its just a different art style.

    the game play is really easy to learn, it does add a little to mechanics after enough time. but it doesn't let you get there at your own pace...

    this is a repetitive experience. and not in the fun way. its like actual work but you can stop when you feel like it.

    i'd rather just get the art and skip the game. its amusing temporarily until you've done the same thing enough times to get bored.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I think the game is pretty average. It's short, annoyingly repetitive, and has too few hentai scenes. Game mechanics are nice but very grindy. The translation is good , the story okay. I guess it's ok for a few hours but don't expect too much!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, after playing Papers, please! this one is a peace of cake. And tell you what, a delicious one! Everything is just right in this parody game - the scenes, dialogue (PLEASE use the patch with translation fix! it's magnificent and its creator is godsent!), the atmosphere! And quite simple as well. Haven't had that much fun in a while!
  15. I
    5.00 star(s)


    Papers please mixed with hentai, It works really well and i do wish the game was larger. As it is now you'll probably be done with it quicker than most other hentai games but as it stands it's unique and interesting. Worth checking out.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a rather short but nice game. Gatekeeper game mechanics are nice and sometimes you find yourself doing your job very seriously. The art is nice, the story is nice, nothing complex, but complete. i finished the game around 7-8 hours and it was a time well spent.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just like a version 2 of Papers, please, with an added twist. You can choose to play the role of an upright, or corrupt gatekeeper (the corrupt gameplay is of course more rewarding). Brilliant graphics and addictive gameplay. The English and censorship can be slightly offputting but can be fixed with mods. Definitely 5 stars.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Not too long game with good translation, decent art and good animations. It has certain level of customization and it's quite solid at its fantasy (power-tripping immigration officer). It has a gameplay (Papers Please basically) that while it's not brilliant it's refreshing after many VN/RPG/Trainer adult games, and while it's repetitive it doesn't feel mind-numbing.

    While playing other games, having a body type preference (in my case, smaller boobs) feels a bit like a disadvantage: you have to go through content that doesn't do anything for you and sometimes your boner is killed, or you can't play with half the roster of girls, etc. In this game, it's an advantage: not groping/fucking the characters that you don't care for actually gives you more money and time to do the characters that work for you.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, sure it borrows a lot, but man does it improve on the formula.
    Gameplay is very enjoyable, the lewd content while rather tame is still of very high quality, and variety.
    Stories also fairly enjoyable.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Its really good. basically its papers please with a ero conotation.
    the only downside to me its the slowdown of the UI in certain events and the story mode could be longer. in its current state is casual game and a pretty good one.