Ren'Py - The Headmaster [v0.16.4.3] [Altos and Herdone]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site. The pacing, writing, characters, and MC are all top notch. The visuals aren't anything special but models are visually distinct and satisfy a lot of different flavors (give us more of the chubby girl pls).

    Most girls have unique sexual tastes and character flaws that are explored in depth through the story and punishment system. I found myself really liking the vast majority of characters by the end despite their flaws because those flaws make sense given their lived experiences. Character's personalities are varied and likable even for characters that don't have routes yet.

    This is a game where the porn and the plot are beautifully blended rather than having a non sexual plot (or barely a plot at all) with interspersed sex scenes like most other games. I actually think this is the main thing that separates the good from the great as the very best games usually have this X factor.

    The MC is a blast to play as as well, he's totally insane but so is the setting so it's easy to suspend your disbelief and enjoy the ride.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game.
    Cool story with some mysteries, clear characters with distinct personalities and goals. On a personal note - really loved the MC. I can't remember any other game where you play not as a bad guy, but as a misguided delusional person, who generally belives in his own deprave methods, and the game is not shying away from addressing this. Very cool concept, so well done developer on this one. Especially loved the moment with the big choice for the headmaster where you rethink your ideals before a big confronation - again, a great character moment. If only the updates were a little more often...
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Vincent Valentine

    I am one of the biggest fans of this game... At first, right from the beginning, I almost gave up. But what a mistake that would have been... It's been years since I felt such a strong connection to a video game, adult or not. I have reconciled with sandbox games that I had abandoned, but it's such a shame that several routes are closed, and the game is incomplete... Nevertheless, there are hours and days of gameplay, and every moment I played was incredibly enjoyable. Initially, what bothered me was the idea of causing harm, but... it's impressive how the MC justifies his actions. A true KIRA. It's very intelligent, well-written, and full of imagination. I believe the strongest point is precisely the storyline, the writing. It's very complex and deep; the story and dialogues can be read without ever feeling rushed. That's quite rare and worth noting, especially in this concept.

    How can I say this without spoilers... what's impressive, for example, is how it starts with a simple idea: spanking, punishment. And it creates female characters, each one different, with a unique approach to punishment. It's like each girl is an RPG character with her own stats and fighting style, giving her a distinct personality. The psychology of the characters is much more developed than it seems, and it reflects in the dialogues.

    The second strong point, yes, it's the girls. They are cute, and it's a shame that some routes are blocked, but for the open ones, it's perfection! They are endearing, and it's amazing how we consider them at the same time as the MC. The more time the MC spends with them (we'll get back to my favorite point), the more we become attached and fall in love with them. Despite the graphics not being top-notch, it's incredible how this game affected me when, at first glance, it may not seem outstanding. It's precisely the subtext and what lies behind the game that I found powerful. There are incredibly funny scenes, it's humorous, some parts are touching, and others are very exciting. In short, it's complete, and I'll have a hard time finding something better. The absolute best thing is the teasing. We don't get everything all at once in the relationship with the girls. There are stages, and we savor each one of them. The game is long; I spent a lot of time on it, and fortunately, because that's its charm: the immersion.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Very boring game.

    The gameplay is too grindy and the rewards aren´t good.

    The animations are just average.

    The story is boring.

    All the characters I just didn´t care about not about a single one, and the MC was very annoying with his "I do this because it´s good for this country" it would be better if he was just a pervert or something than this.

    The models are boring.

    I don´t think this game is really bad or anything but I was just always bored.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an absolute masterpiece! From the fantastic first scene that perfectly sets the tone, through the gradual increase in power and punishment, everything is just perfect. The plotlines move at a fine pace, and you're never stuck if you just read the descriptions given. 5/5!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I must admit, I did not expect to be particularly impressed by this game. But boy was I wrong. I was most impressed by the progression and growth you have with each student. Plus this game is weirdly smart. Each action or encounter with students feels calculated, thought out, and earned rather than just getting a mountain of pussy dumped on you all at once. And the game manages to do all of this without feeling padded or drawn out.

    And what’s even weirder, is that I genuinely felt like the students were better off and growing as people because of the questionable acts of the headmaster. And it’s not just the students. You also help your fellow co-workers become more confident and ultimately better teachers. Which is good for the students.

    Perhaps the most underrated feature had to be one of my favorites. The ability to approach a situation as either a “bad guy” or “good guy” but still get to perform some sweet domination! At one point in the game you get to have a moment of self-reflection and ask yourself, are you a good guy or a bad guy. I thought this tied in really nicely with the growth that the other characters were experiencing too.

    Thanks for the game, it was a blast to experience.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the absolute best games here. Consistently good writing, humourous throughout, probably aimed more at the British audience but i'm sure people from elsewhere will appreciate the jokes. The latest update was focused on a character that I had little interest in (Maxine), but by the end of the update she became one of my faves, a sure sign of good writing. The amount of content here is breathtaking, download and give it a try, i'm pretty sure you won't regret it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the bet porn games i've played, haven't really experienced anything as good, 10/10

    Love the graphics and sex scenes, really cant complain about anything the game has to offer, maybe its a little long but i honestly enjoy the story around it instead of just skipping it like other games.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A great corruption game, with outstanding humor. Good story pacing, and progression. MUCH to do. One of my favorite adult games without question. There have been some excellent holiday specials, too. Highly recommended.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games on here, literally my only gripe is that it feels like updates for this game take ages to come out. I hope in the future things start to become more efficient, so this game can get the recognition it deserves.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, this game is something... Really interesting. I haven't thought what I'm into spanking before playing The Headmaster. But the game leads you into this with quite slight manner. So after 5-6 hours I found myself enjoying spanking naughty gals.

    The whole story with new educational process is kinda absolute nonsense... At first sight. But when you're starting to enjoy it. Yeah, the plot is well-written, so you can believe in this whole situation.

    Girls are cute, even the bitches like Cassandra and Ada. Story contains enough drama, enough comedy, enough girl's problems, which you should solve... With spanking. And last Maxine's event... That was exciting. And thrilling.

    Although, this game has some flaws too. Development started in far 2019, so the beginning of the game might look kinda outdated for 2023. Another my complaint is about some quests from chapter 1. They dead-ended on placeholders and it seems kinda... Weird.

    In conclusion I can say what I enjoy this game. 5 stars.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I remember playing the game with some interest a while ago. I was interested in the (although generic) premise of the game and the concept was simple but thought out and the game made a pretty good first impression (graphics, UI, writing etc.)

    Catching up with the game now however was a pretty big disappointment. Not only does the game seem to update at a very low rate, I was also bored pretty much the whole time.
    Honestly, the game should be named "Mansplaining: the Game", because that is pretty much what is happening 50% of the time. I was ready to scream at my screen each time the MC started one of his tedious and boring ramblings about his insane teaching methods with the confidence of a guy who had just found a cure for cancer.

    The other 50% are grind. ;) Ok, not entirely.
    There's lots of spanking, ok characters and writing, but nothing really outstanding. The tedious gameplay and grind with not nearly enough payoff is probably the most obvious flaw.

    I guess if you are into the whole student/teacher setting and spanking the game is worth a look, but I don't really recommend it.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game.
    It's amazing what they've done with Honey Select models. All of the girls are appealing and varied.

    Two biggest drawbacks

    -Repetitiveness, yeah it's an issue. The after school spanking always felt like a chore. Maybe introduce more dialogue when they are getting spanked. Something is missing in that regard.

    -Lack of consistent content for all girls. The game focuses way too much on certain characters. It just feels a bit flat. Also running into "this is the end of the content" happened within 30 minutes in some areas. It doesn't feel good in games when this happens.

    Other than these two things. It's a damn great game if you have a spanking fetish. I hope more updates flow thick and fast. Teacher/student stuff is some of the best content and this game does it well.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I generally don't care about restarting a game when I see some more updates were added, generally if possible just continue from last progress made. Here it was different somehow. After waiting some months for some more updates to come I decided to give it another go from the beginning and didn't regret it.
    I generally point this in games that made it well, even though the models used are generally japanese ones, there is a nice variation in body types, several games just make ginormous boobs and butt and that's it, here some of the stories are with models with smaller bodies, while still having the voluptuous ones to interact as well.

    The game, mainly the punishments get a bit to get used to it, and it would highly benefit from repeating H interactions in the later stages. For example Potts teacher is sees to want to be with the headmaster but for now its interactions end when her story line ends as well which is a shame. When you advance and need to start watiting for specific week days and specific hours, give us this possible interactions with girls that have no more content so we don't have to start skipping days in a row.

    Finally the interactions are more than just select the scene, there are small variations, there could be more interaction in scenes but it would be more my taste than anything else. I will wait some more time and count on returning later for sure to this game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Grind got to be too much. Still no sex and it's been years of playing different releases. I think Rachel is the closest to letting me fuck her but after awhile I just didnt care any more cause the game got boring.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4970401

    The best games I've played have always taken the risk of ruining arousal for the sake of comedy and it is never unappreciated. This is one of those games. The protagonist's logical madness, impeccable comic timing and the various surreal situations had me giggling and laughing several times. Technically the game is quite polished, especially for a WIP, so no complaints there. Not too grindy and lots of content to uncover.

    I hope this games sees a 1.0 release, but even if it sadly is abandoned at some point it will still be worth playing.

    (y) - Comedy award. Funniest game I've played in a long time.
    (y) - One of the better lezdom games for those who appreciate that semi-rare genre, despite the male protagonist. Could reach even greater heights as it is updated.
    (y) - Best use of Maurice Ravel's Bolero in an adult game, possibly any game ever.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Started this game forever ago thinking yeah this is GOOD! It's funny and hot! Then as time went on and nothing happened it's turned to more annoyance as updates with 5-10 minutes of content come out after months. AT this point I can't remember when the last time anything actually happened or progressed in the story. TLDR Good game, but just wait until it's done to try it or the update schedule will kill your enjoyment of it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.13.2

    I'm not usually into games where the focus is on things like punishment and domination, but this is done in a way that was palatable for me. I went in expecting to dislike it but ended up having some fun in the end. At the same time, I was never able to fully get invested like some others might.

    There's definitely some porn logic to establish things, but I appreciate that it tries to take itself seriously in some ways as well. Porn games that actually try to be games are always nice too. Managing grades and discipline never felt annoying, and it's satisfyingly to gather up influence to be able to pass new rules. The sandbox is very small and easy to navigate. The renders fall on the average side, but given that this started in 2019 I don't think they hold up too badly. The rest of the game is put together well enough to make up for it. Having the choice between being more good or evil is appreciated.

    I found the girls to be a bit of a mixed bag. Some I really like, some I wanted to like but they had a relatively small amount of screen time, and there were a few I didn't care for or just barely existed as well. If I'm being honest, I also found a lot of the character designs to be a bit boring. To be fair though, there's only so much you can do with schoolgirls that have an enforced school uniform policy.

    I think my biggest issue is that a lot of girls aren't really explored as characters outside of the classroom, causing them to suffer a bit. The setting makes that a bit hard to do, but one of the things I really liked about the game was the little side events that actually did do that. The DnD group and the water fights as examples. I wish there were more of those, as they do a lot to build up the girls' characters.

    On the opposite side of the coin, I really dislike the whole aspect of having to take pictures of the girls and sending those photos/videos to the "owners." Not my thing and I found it coming up a lot.

    While I don't think anything in this game is outstanding, I had fun with it as a good time killer and will probably return in the future.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    A great game with a little too long between updates.

    Yes, the premise isn't very plausible, but the game does a great job making sense within the premise.

    The girls are interesting and surprisingly three dimensional for this kind of game.

    I'd probably give this five stars if it hadn't been so long since there was any progress with Lucy!! :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Comedy king 100, strong soundtrack and music even though you can play without it just fine, strong character building without requiring attachment, gorgeous characters (it's an underrated aspect a lot of games don't pull off imho), really fun story, awesome punishment mechanic, ambiguous yet expressive mc. Fun game, even for a vanilla npc like me.