One of the best games on this site. The pacing, writing, characters, and MC are all top notch. The visuals aren't anything special but models are visually distinct and satisfy a lot of different flavors (give us more of the chubby girl pls).
Most girls have unique sexual tastes and character flaws that are explored in depth through the story and punishment system. I found myself really liking the vast majority of characters by the end despite their flaws because those flaws make sense given their lived experiences. Character's personalities are varied and likable even for characters that don't have routes yet.
This is a game where the porn and the plot are beautifully blended rather than having a non sexual plot (or barely a plot at all) with interspersed sex scenes like most other games. I actually think this is the main thing that separates the good from the great as the very best games usually have this X factor.
The MC is a blast to play as as well, he's totally insane but so is the setting so it's easy to suspend your disbelief and enjoy the ride.
Most girls have unique sexual tastes and character flaws that are explored in depth through the story and punishment system. I found myself really liking the vast majority of characters by the end despite their flaws because those flaws make sense given their lived experiences. Character's personalities are varied and likable even for characters that don't have routes yet.
This is a game where the porn and the plot are beautifully blended rather than having a non sexual plot (or barely a plot at all) with interspersed sex scenes like most other games. I actually think this is the main thing that separates the good from the great as the very best games usually have this X factor.
The MC is a blast to play as as well, he's totally insane but so is the setting so it's easy to suspend your disbelief and enjoy the ride.