Ren'Py - The Fall of Galadriel [v0.9.3] [Megacock]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is quite good but suffers mainly from poor guidance on progression.

    The game could be improved by removing a few stages with low progression from a few quests. Most notably when Galadriel puts up posters. Events could also be expanded a bit with more lewd content. At the same time, the text about the meta plot could be reduced.

    The art is good but some scenes should be revisited and improved. I don't mind at all that the art is AI.

    The music and sound effects is OK but change would improve the game a lot.

    More side-characters would be great. Both for Galadriel and the queen.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's... not a bad game. It is unabashedly full of AI art. I'm not one of those people who hate a thing just because it's AI and if YOU are, don't bother with this one. But what I don't like is that most people who use AI art are bad at making games. Amateurs trying their hand, and I respect that but it doesn't make their games better.

    This game. Well, it's not bad. Sometimes it feels aimless and meandering. Like the pieces don't fit together very neatly. Sometimes a button will have text slightly off center in a way that just feels a bit cheap. But usually not. Some clickable things highlight as you scroll over them, some don't and you just have to randomly click around to figure out what you're supposed to do. The sound is usually pretty decent. The game feels... fine.

    It was clearly inspired by Akabur and the trainer games. Mostly Witch Trainer. But it isn't as clean or well executed. There are times that the production value in the game actually has some good quality, and it feels like a well made game. Then you move to a different screen and it feels very amateurish again. Very hit and miss.

    Overall... I mean... there are better options, but it feels like, for all the shortcuts taken with AI and whatnot, someone did still put in real effort to make something here. It isn't one of those quick asset flip AI porn games. But it isn't a star either. If you like the AI art and setting and you can look past the sometimes clunky gameplay, it's not bad.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This looks great, what do i expect:
    -Sauron's Victories, evil must take over the city.
    -More corruption, humiliation or blackmail to increase the submissiveness.
    -Slutty clothes, sexy lingerie and toys for Galadriel
    -Playing with toys
    -New dirty potions and spells e.g. ass expansion, voyeurism and mind control.
    -Sex scenes, vaginal and anal penetration should become more hardcore over time, not forgetting the mouth. :devilish:
    -Monsters like orcs, trolls and ogres must appear in the game.
    -More locations in and out of town.
    -Content with other women like elves, queen and maid should be expanded.
    -More times buff Gollum :D
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Not really my thing to write a review but i thought there was an unfair amount of 1 stars for whats actually a good trainer game.

    There's a decent amount of content as of writing, maybe 3 hours of gameplay or so.

    The "world screen art", which is most of what you'll be looking at is really good. Really attractive characters and a good setting. Some of the event art is a bit hit and miss but over all good. Fairly sure there's AI art but it doesnt bother me as long as it looks good and its consistent, which it is.

    Promising game and what's there as of 0.8 is good. One to keep an eye on.
    Likes: Rolo
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Jaeger Deflated

    I love a good trainer game with corruption, and this hits it. The avatars could be a bit more varied when talking, but other than that, not too much grind and a great premise and solid execution. My favorite part is the way laws actually do have some effects, add branching storylines from them and more corruption and this will be a 5/5!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great, absolutely great. One of the best ever.
    Excellent, thanks for this masterpiece.
    I loved Akabur, and I love IW, but Fall of Galadriel will be much better impo.
    Better in character design and world building, excellent humerous and charming writing and lovely art.

    1. Game Play: 5/5 – like it should be

    2. Story/Plot: 5/5 – excellent, addicting, cannot wait to continue. Most important thing impo, would give at least 6/5 if possible

    3. Sound: 5/5 – ok, not of much importance for me

    4: Art: 5/5 – almost perfect. For me its not the question of “AI / not AI”, its only about “do I like it”. If there is used some AI help, it merges excellently into the whole graphic design.

    5. UI: 5/5 perfect impo. Dev promised to reduce some redundant clicking (this would be the only critic for this game from my side).

    6. Overall impression: 5/5 (or even a bit more, like 5.5/5). Clearly exceeds other 5 star games (in my personal view).

    Conclusion: Surely one of the Top 10 or 15 in my last 10 years.
    Which means, one rare highlight in life.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    YES. I just started playing and already know this is gonna be good. Before Rings of Power Galadriel didn't have an interesting personality. But now she definitely needs the Hermione Treatment. Just have to pass the puzzle of how to change the language to English ( unless you speak Russian )
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Extremely Horrible game.
    The Point and click in this game supposed to be simple, but the mind of the dev is outdated big time.
    - The grinds, which is completely fine to me - IF - it wasn't for the game were too greedy on the hints.
    - You can only check the status in your room ( there is no shortcut to your room ). So at some point the items that you grinded so much to increase girl's affection will do nothing when you use them, there is no indication on this so you going to stumble a lots.
    - Brew potions ... it's not complicated but it's bad enough so I don't want to type much more.
    That is just 33% of the cons in the game, grind isn't a problem unless your minigames are so stupid, your hints are just a memo to track the main story and NOT the progress of a character.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    looks promissing
    i guess it would be cool in future to have more caracters and more h-scenes, maybe more outfits on different themes
    some flat chest character would be cool
    and mb some more anal sex scenes)
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Where do I even start with this game?

    It's funny how many rings of power haters like this game because it makes that show look downright canon by comparison. The entire basis of the plot is what if Sauron corrupts Numenor, he already did that in canon and succeeded. Tar-Miriel the queen of Numenor captures Sauron, he is imprisoned in Numenor and he basically corrupts Kor Phaerzon and has him launch a coup d'etat. Sauron corrupts Nuemnor so bad that the entire place is just thrown back into the sea with Elendeil et al being among the survivors. Gandalf wasn't a factor in the second age, dude just wasn't, even if you're going by Rings of Power canon, the man was some bearded homeless dude wandering around with a harfoot. If I corrupt Galadriel I Sauron will win the war....what?

    So we open the game at Mount Doom, where for some reason Galadriel is there and Sam is on a mobility scooter? The entire opening is just weird, confusing and unintuitive. I don't know what the hell is going on or what the point of all of this is.

    Are we supposed to sabotage the relationship between Galadriel and the nameless Queen? If so how? They seem to damn well hate each other and be prised to rip each other apart without Sauron having to do damn near anything. The only goal we seem to have is to gather intelligence to give to the armies of Mordor, which y'know how do we get intelligence? only way I can find is by making potions and apparently I need to save that shit so I can make the queen and Galadriel into sluts for... some reason.

    So this guy seems to like Akabur but utterly misses the point of his trainer games. Jasmine trainer and Hermione trainer both have you training the girls involved for a reason.

    There is intelligence, so I don't know what the point of this is, we have a treasury full of money that we can do absolutely nothing with, but it's important we grow it for some reason? Getting intelligence is a massive pain in the ass because all you can do to make it is make potions and you can only collect potion ingredients once a day. The fact that Gollum steals a love potion from you is annoying as hell, that took time and effort to make you annoying goblin and it could have netted me a pretty penny. I could have at least gotten a sex scene out of it with Gollum and the maid, but nope, nothing, not even a damn nipple.

    Then there's what I would charitably call the humour, maybe I just have too high standards but I have found exactly nothing in this game funny. Sam on a mobility scooter adds nothing to the plot seeing as this entire game is set in the second age. I know it's a gag, but if he's so fat why did they agree to send him with Frodo? Frodo went on a perilous journey that a fat man on a mobility scooter wouldn't be able to keep up with. Also, does this mean that they have electricity or is this scooter magic? Why is the Pallantir in the Kitchen?! The entire exchange of sorry not telling anyone that someone claiming to be the dark lord shtick is annoying as hell.

    TLDR: this is a bad game, as an adaption of LOTR content it completely misses the mark. Ignoring that it's just not a fun game, maybe my complaints will be addressed in future updates but as it stands, I would advies not playing.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, the game would be promising if not for how buggy it is right now. There's too much bug, and they corrupt saves... also, the trigger aren't set properly so the scene happens in the wrong order.
    I could interact with the magic ball before the first conversation with galadriel in HQ that would lead to it. Gollum got big and tryed to rape the maid which seems drunk... well, i didn't have the time to give the maid the wine that would get them drunk since gollum took it to get big.

    Also, right now, there's a huge issue with story introduction. It's hard to understand what is happening in the volcano. It's hard to understand the first conversation with the queen. On top of that, the story throw to your face even more mysteries which don't make sense.

    And i guess the game is happening in the same timeline as ring of power? Well, would be nice to tell us somewhere.
    So we play Sauron (WTF the intro told us it's a nazgul, and suddenly it's Sauron who is throwed back in time?) who is transformed into gandalf and we are supposed to do what of this? Am no tolkien sucker but am pretty sure Sauron can transform by himself anyway. So he have the ring, but the ring power have disapear. Also Sauron have no powers. Yeah Sauron power and the ring power aren't the same thing you know. And he take uppon himself to infiltrate numenor government as gandalf. The gandalf from lotr. Which isn't a thing at this point in the serial and a position that you don't bother elaborate by any mean.

    So here comes the gameplay, which seems to be some kind of gestion of numenor realm in order to make it weak so that the mordor prevail? Yeah am asking cause it's not told anywhere. Well, since gandalf position is a given and that we casually have the queen of numenor and galadriel alone in the same room with sauron, he could pretty much kill them and win the war this way. I mean, no reason is given to take the long way out. And since we, as gandalf, are catapulted as the trusted advisor and administrator of numenor's realm, i don't see how hard it could be to simply rally the mordor army and march the city at once since we are the one deciding if the city is defended or not.

    Still have no idea who is this human queen though.

    Well the story is a mess, it's actually even worse than the serial, which honestly is a challenge by itself. I mean, it is AI generated too right? Cause it doesn't make sense at all. Any proofreader would have pointed out so.
    There is a thing in writting that is called characterization, a parody ain't the original thing so you still need to characterize. There is a thing that is called contextualization too. And they are not avoidable for a story to make sense. Maybe they are complicated words, it simply mean that you need to express who a character is and what the fuck he does there.

    Overrall it's just poor. Muscle up your game dude.
    I feel bad writting all this, i'll keep an eye in case you do smtg about it, but right now it's not recommendable for anyone.